A great number of real-life systems,
important for industrial applications and academic research, involve
interactions amongst a range of physical
phenomena (e.g. viscous, turbulent, thermal, chemical, mechanical,
electromagnetic or plasma processes). In some systems the time and length scales of processes studied differ by orders of
magnitude. Numerical simulation of these
multi-physics and multi-scale problems requires the development of
sophisticated models and methods for their integration, as well as efficient numerical
algorithms and advanced computational techniques based on appropriate
software/hardware technologies.
Because of the heavy computational demands
of such simulations one needs proficient utilization of high-performance
parallel distributed systems, such as efficient resource management. The
complexity of modelling and data description, the large number and wide range
of parameters under investigation, as well as the necessity to control and
steer the simulation processes, motivate the development of problem solving
environments, user interfaces and code integration schemas.
The workshop aims to bring together
computational physicists, numerical specialists and computational scientists to
push forward this challenging multi-disciplinary research field. |