
June 23-25, 2008
Krakow, Poland
News! |
Instructions for the Speakers:
The total time of one presentation is 20 minutes, including 5 minutes for questions.
All speakers should submit their presentations to the session chair not later than at the beginning of the coffee/lunch break before the session (on a USB memory stick or CD).
If you want to use your personal notebook please test the compatibility and resolution issues as soon as possible, but not later than during the coffee break before the session.
Please let us know if for some reason you can not come and give your talk or if the presenting person will be different from that listed in your personal paper management webpage.
Useful information and links:
Book your room as soon as possible if you have not done so. Only few rooms are left.
Follow instructions here.
Book your flight: Expedia usually gives fair prices.
Conference venue: Qubus hotel in Krakow, Poland. Location of Qubus hotel in Krakow.
Introduction |
Simulation of multiphysics and multiscale systems poses a grand challenge to computational science, with vast applications in chemical engineering, plasma physics, material science, biophysics, aerospace and automotive sectors. Most of the real-life systems involve interactions amongst a wide range of physical phenomena. In addition to that, the time and length scales of the individual processes involved often differ by orders of magnitude. Numerical simulation of these multiphysics and multiscale problems requires development of sophisticated models and methods for their integration, as well as efficient numerical algorithms and advanced computational techniques.
This workshop aims to bring together computational physicists, numerical specialists and computational scientists to push forward this challenging multidisciplinary research field, and to foster cross-fertilization between all fields of applications. |
Topics |
Specific topics include (but are not limited to):
- Modeling of multiphysics and/or multiscale systems. Of particular interest are: Monte Carlo methods, particle-based methods, mesoscopic models such as cellular-automata, lattice gas and lattice-Boltzmann methods, computational fluid dynamics and computational solid mechanics;
- Multiphysics and/or multiscale modeling of biological or biomedical systems. This includes computational models of tissue- and organo-genesis, tumor growth, blood vessels formation and interaction with the hosting tissue, biochemical transport and signaling, biomedical simulations for surgical planning, etc.
- Novel approaches to combine different models and scales in one problem solution;
- Challenging applications in industry and academia, e.g. time-dependent 3D systems, multiphase flows, fluid-structure interaction, etc.;
- Advanced numerical methods for solving multiphysics multiscale problems;
- Problem solving environments for simulation of multiphysics multiscale systems.
Papers |
We cordially invite you to submit a paper presenting the results of original research or innovative practical application in the area of modeling and simulation of multiphysics and multiscale systems.
Papers of 4 to 10 pages, written in English and complying with the LNCS format, should be submitted electronically through the ICCS submission engine.
While submiting please don't forget to select the workshop (last field): SIMULATION OF MULTIPHYSICS MULTISCALE SYSTEMS; and send us a note to SMMS at science.uva.nl
All papers will be peer reviewed. Accepted papers will be published by
Springer in the conference
proceedings in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series.
The proceedings will be available at the conference. |
At least one author of an accepted paper must
at the conference site and present the paper at the workshop.
A selected number of (extended) papers will be invited to the special issue of the
International Journal for
Multiscale Computational Engineering. |
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Important dates |
Short abstract (1 page): | December 12, 2007 | |
At least one author of an accepted paper MUST register and pay registration fee before March 30, 2008 to ensure publication of the paper in the conference proceedings |
Full paper submission: | January 10, 2008 |
Notification of acceptance: | March 1, 2008 |
Camera-ready papers: | March 15, 2008 |
Early registration: | March 1 till March 30, 2008 |
Conference: | June 23-25, 2008 | |
Other information |
For information on
conference venue
, accommodation, registration, etc. please refer to the
conference site or directly ask
ICCS organizers.
Program Committee |
Joerg Bernsdorf, NEC Europe Ltd, Germany
Bruce Boghosian, Tufts University, USA
Bastien Chopard, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Alfonso Caiazzo, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Vince Ervin, Clemson University, USA
Sergey Gimelshein, University of Southern California, USA
Yuriy Gorbachev, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia
Martin van der Hoef, University Twente, The Netherlands
Alfons Hoekstra, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jaap Kaandorp, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Chris Kleijn, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Hector M. Klie, University of Texas, USA
Manfred Krafczyk, Technical University Braunschweig, Germany
Valeria Krzhizhanovskaya, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Antonio Lagana, University of Perugia, Italy
Jonas Latt, Tufts University, USA
Hyesuk Lee, Clemson University, USA
James Liu, Colorado State University, USA
John Michopoulos, US Naval Research Laboratory, USA
Tinsley Oden, The University of Texas at Austin, USA
Francois Rogier, ONERA-CERT, France
Francois-Xavier Roux, ONERA, France
Peter Sloot, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Ruud van der Sman, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
Dominik Szczerba, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, Switzerland
Tao Tang, The Hong Kong Baptist University
Ali Turan, The University of Manchester, UK
Jordi Villa i Freixa, IMIM-UPF, Spain
Alexander Zhmakin, SoftImpact Ltd, Russia |
Workshop Organizers |
Chairs: |
Valeria Krzhizhanovskaya and Alfons Hoekstra
University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
E-mail: SMMS@science.uva.nl |
Vice-chairs: |
Bastien Chopard, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Yuriy Gorbachev, St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University, Russia
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