5.5 Exercises
1. Dragging a square
Write the code for the following applet. It displays a square
that can be dragged.
2. Adding a check box
The scratchpad applet of the section on canvases is extended below with facilities to
choose the color. The original code consists of two parts: for the
applet and for the
Make the necessary additions to the
code to obtain a similar extension.
3. AWT Version of encryption and decryption
In an exercise of chapter 4, the goal was to encrypt and decrypt
message. Make an AWT version which consists of an applet with
textfields for the encrypted and decrypted message. It should
look like:
4. Wall paper applet
Using geometric shapes, we can make a wall paper. The goal is to write
an applet that uses the Shape classes to draw on the screen. The
shapes are positioned at random, but may be dragged to an other position.
Also shapes may be deleted.