4. Overview of models and model equations

4.2 Oscillations

The topic of oscillations is important in physics education. This is not only true because of the numerous applications, but also because oscillations and waves, in addition to particles, form the foundation of modern physics. Oscillations is also a topic where modelling comes in handy because many of its applications are explored via mathematical models. Below are some examples of dynamic models on oscillatory behaviour1 belonging to the subdomain Information Transfer in the physics syllabus on Waves,2,3 with corresponding files for the Coach 7 modelling environment.4

  1. A mass hanging on a spring attached to a fixed suspension point is set into vibration. A harmonic motion is the result when the resultant force on the mass \(m\) is proportional to the deviation \(u\) from equilibrium: $$ F_{\rm res}= - C\cdot u $$ The proportionality constant \( C \) is called the spring constant. The harmonic motion as a result of this force law has a period of vibration \( T= 2 \pi \sqrt{m/C}\).

    Formulas in Binas:

    $$\begin{array}{l}F_{\rm s}= C\cdot u \\ u(t)= A \sin \left( \frac{2\pi}{T} \cdot t\right) \end{array}$$

    Difference equations:

    $$\begin{array}{l}\Delta v= (F_{\rm res}/m)\cdot \Delta t \\ \Delta u= v\cdot \Delta t \end{array}$$

    Text-based model

    \(\begin{array}{l} F_{\rm res}= - C \cdot u \\ a=F_{\rm res}/m \\ v=v + a \cdot dt \\u = u + v\cdot dt\\ t=t+ dt \end{array}\)

    Graphical model
