1. Modelling in science and technology


Modeling is a form of explanation
that is characteristic – even defining – of science

R.N. Gierre

In general, modelling is describing (mathematically) a situation in reality for the purpose of solving a problem or question in that situation. Modelling is both a way of working and a way of thinking. It includes an iterative process that demands creativity and inventiveness and in which mathematical, scientific and technical knowledge is applied to describe new situations. This includes determining a strategy, analysing or getting to the bottom of the problem, choosing variables, setting up connections, and deploying mathematical and computational tools.

The approach depends on the objective, the question, or the problem to be solved.2 The objective may be a better understanding of the problem situation itself, but also the development of new conceptual knowledge. Modern computer technology and advanced digital applications play a central role in complex problems.


Fig 1.1 Three categories of activities that characterise modelling

The figure gives an impression of the activities that are important in modelling.3 On the left-hand side are activities related to empirical research, such as collecting data that are used in the model and/or can be used to assess the modelling results. On the right-hand side are conceptual activities that must lead to the development of a model, including creative thinking and formulating hypotheses to be tested. The modelling process is from this point of view almost synonymous with the process of ‘doing research’.

Modelling has a long tradition in physics, but in recent years model-based research is more and more applied in other fields. Models such as climate and weather models, statistical models and ecological models have a big impact on our society.

The focus in this web-based guide is on modelling in physics.

Modelling is not just a tool for validating and applying theories. In science and technology, modelling is more and more a way of thinking for the purpose of creative development of theories. Actually, any scientific theory is a model of reality.