Publications by André Heck
Feldman G., Vreeswijk M., Colijn, A.P., Brouwer, N. & Heck, A. (2025). Teaching a quantum physics class using a student-centered
collaborative learning approach at the university level.
Uylings, P. & Heck, A. (2024). A new accessible approach to planetary flattening.
Accepted for publication |
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Kaufman, R, & Heck, A. (2025) Seeing vs Measuring. Physics Teacher.
Kaufman, R, & Heck, A. (2025) Seeing the Light. Physics Teacher.
Heck, A. & Kaufman, R. (2025). To be or not to be on earth, that is the question. Physics Teacher.
Heck, A., van Baarsen, S., Heinzel, J., Mooldijk, A. & van Veen, N. (2025) Splashing physics of springboard diving. Physics Education60(2) 025004. (Open Access)
Kinnear, G., Jones, I., Sangwin, C., Alarfaj, M., Davies, B., Fearn, S., Foster, C., Heck, A., Henderson, K., Hunt, T., Iannone, P., Kontorovich, I., Larson, N., Lowe, T., Meyer, J.C., O'Shea, A., Rowlett, P., Sikurajapathi, I., & Wong, T. (2024). A collaboratively-derived research agenda for e-assessment in university mathematics. International Journal of Research in Undergraduate Mathematics Education, 10(1). 201-231. (Open Access)
Heck, A., Schut, M., Wijk, van M., Meijer, T., & Brouwer, N. (2023). E-Assessment of Mathematics and Statistics in Biomedical Sciences. In Hummel, S., Donner, M.-T., & Sheehan, B. (Eds.), Student Assessment in Digital and Hybrid Learning Environments. Springer Verlag. (Open Access)
Schut, A., Schut, P., & Heck, A. (2023). Kissing the cheeks of Huygens. Physics Education, 58(4), 045006. (Open Access)
Heck, A., Jordens, H., & Uylings, P. (2023. Time is suspect!. Physics Education, 58(3), 035022. (Open Access)
Heck, A. (2022). Beeldrectificatie van digitale foto's. In: NWD 2022 handouts and presentaties. Presentatie slides en OpenCV handout plus Python bestanden
Heck, A. & Uylings, P. (2022). Gliding for Olympic success. Physics Education, 57(3), 035011. (Open Access)
Heck, A. & Uylings, P. (2022). Galilei van zijn troon gevallen? NVOX, 47(2), 32-34.
Heck, A. & Uylings, P. (2022). Glijden naar olympisch succes. NVOX, 47(1), 46-48.
Heck, A. & Uylings, P. (2021). Beter Fierljeppen. NVOX, 46(10), 6-9.
Heck, A. & Másilko, P. (2021). Creating Teaching Units for Student Inquiry. In Gómez-Chacón et al. Inquiry in University Mathematics Teaching and Learning (Chapter 6).
Heck, A., Schut, M., & Brouwer, N. (2021). Design and Implementation of an Inquiry-Based Mathematics Module for First-Year Students in Biomedical Sciences. In Gómez-Chacón et al. Inquiry in University Mathematics Teaching and Learning (Chapter 12).
Heck, A. & Uylings, P. (2020). Fierljeppen: Pole vaulting for distance. Physics Education, 55(4), 045007. (Open Access)
Heck, A. & Uylings, P. (2020). A Lagrangian approach to bungee jumping. Physics Education, 55(2), 025009. (Open Access)
Heck, A., Uylings, P., & Van Weert, C. (1919) A Guide on Models and Modelling for
Physics Teachers. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1287, 012041. (Open Access)
Heck, A. (2019). In Action with Action Potentials. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1286, 012054. (Open Access)
Van Buuren, O., & Heck, A, (2019). Computer Modelling in Physics Education:
Dealing with Complexity. In: E. McLoughlin & P. van Kampen (eds.) Concepts, Strategies and Models to Enhance Physics Teaching and Learning (pp. 87-99), Springer, Cham.
Heck, A. & Van Buuren, O. (2019). Students' Understanding of Algebraic Concepts.
In: In: G. Pospiech, M. Michelini & B.S. Eylon (eds.) Mathematics in Physics Education (pp. 53-74). Springer International Publishing, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-04626-2, ISBN 978-3-030-04627-9 (eBook).
Van Buuren, O., & Heck, A. (2019). Learning to Use Formulas and Variables for
Constructing Computer Models in Lower Secondary Physics Education.
In: G. Pospiech, M. Michelini & B.S. Eylon (eds.) Mathematics in Physics Education (pp. 175-194). Springer International Publishing, Cham. ISBN 978-3-030-04626-2, ISBN 978-3-030-04627-9 (eBook).
Heck, A. (2019). Een andere dimensie van GeoGebra. In Handouts, presentaties en foto's 2019, NWD 2020 (pp. 1-36). Utrecht, the Netherlands.
Van Weert, C., et al (2018) A guide on models and modelling. Online available:
Van Weert, C., et al (2018) Handreiking Modelleren. Online beschikbaar:
Heck, A. & Van Buuren (2017). Ramp it up and down. Physics Education, 52(1), 015014.
Bhesh Raj Mainali & André Heck (2017).
Comparison of traditional instruction on reflection and rotation in a Nepalese community school with an ICT-rich, student-centered, investigative approach. International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 15(3), 487-507
André Heck (2016).
Using SOWISO to realize interactive mathematical document for learning, practicing, and assessing mathematics. MSOR Connections, 15(2), 6-16.
Brouwer, N., Heck, A. & Smit, G (2016).
Proctoring to improve teaching practice. MSOR Connections, 15(2), 25-33.
Online available
Onne van Buuren, André Heck & Ton Ellermeijer (2016).
Roles and Forms of Assessment of Modelling in Secondary Physics Education in School Practice.
In L.-J. Thoms & R. Girwidz (Eds.), Selected Papers from the 20th International Conference on Multimedia
in Physics Teaching and Learning (pp. 189-196). European Physical Society. ISBN: 978-2-914771-95-5.
Onne van Buuren, André Heck & Ton Ellermeijer (2016).
Understanding of Relation Structures of Graphical Models by Lower Secondary Students.
Research in Science Education, 46(5), 633-666.
André Heck & Natasa Brouwer (2015).
Digital assessment-driven examples-based mathematics for computer science students.
In N. Amado & S. Carreira (eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Technology in
Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT12) (pp. 403-411), University of Algarve, Faro, Portugal.
ISBN 978-989-8472-68-7; Available at
André Heck & Ton Ellermeijer (2014). Realizing Authentic Inquiry Activities with ICT. In: M.F. Tasar (Ed.) Proceedings of the World Conference on Physics Education 2012 (pp. 775-786).
André Heck (2013). Boekbespreking C. Bokhove: Use of ICT for Acquiring, Practicing and Assessing Algebraic Expertise.
Tijdschrift voor Didactiek der bètawetenschappen. (pdf).
Öczan Demir, & André Heck (2013). A new learning trajectory for trigonometric functions. In E. Faggiano & A. Montone (Eds.), Proceedings of ICTMT11 (pp. 119-124). Bari, Italy: University of Bari.
Dirk Tempelaar, Hans Cuypers, Evert van de Vrie, André Heck , & Henk van der Kooij (2013). Formative Assessment and Learning Analytics. In: LAK '13 Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (pp. 205-209). ACM New York, NY, USA.
Sander Latour, André Heck, Natasa Brouwer, & Sylvia Moes (2013). Can Learning Analytics contribute to course redesign?
Poster presentation LAK13. (pdf).
André Heck.
Perspectives on an Integrated Computer Learning Environment. Doctoral dissertation, University of Amsterdam (358 pp). Amsterdam: Can Uitgeverij.
Dirk Tempelaar, Hans Cuypers, Evert van de Vrie, Henk van der Kooij, &
André Heck. Toetsgestuurd leren en learning analytics. OnderwijsInnovatie, 3, 17-26 (pdf).
André Heck. Een GeoGebra-ondersteunde benadering van sinus en cosinus. In Vakantiecursus 2012: De exacte benadering.
Henk van der Kooij, André Heck, Hans Cuypers, Leendert van Gastel, & Dirk Tempelaar. Aansluitproblemen vo-wo.
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 5/13(1), 37-42 (pdf).
Dirk Tempelaar, Boudewijn Kuperus, Hans Cuypers, Henk van der Kooij, Evert van de Vrie, & André Heck.
The Role of Digital, Formative Testing in e-Learning for Mathematics: A Case Study in the Netherlands.
In: "Mathematical e-learning" [online dossier]. Universities and Knowledge Society Journal
(RUSC), (9)1, 284-305. UOC (pdf).
Dirk Tempelaar, Boudewijn Kuperus, Hans Cuypers, Henk van der Kooij, Evert van de Vrie, & André Heck.
El papel de los exámenes formativos digitales en el aprendizaje virtual de matemáticas: un estudio de caso en los Países Bajos
In: "Aprendizaje virtual de las matemáticas" [monográfico en linea]. Revista de Universidad
y Sociedad del Conocimiento (RUSC), (9)1, 92-114. UOC (pdf).
André Heck. Modelling Chemical Kinetics Graphically. Chemical Educator, 17, 137-146
(long version)
André Heck & Peter Uylings. A jump forwards with mathematics and physics.
In M. Joubert, A. Clark-Wilson & M. McCabe (Eds.), Enhancing Mathematics Education Through Technology.
Proceedings of ICTMT10 (pp. 129-134). Portsmouth, UK: University of Portsmouth. Online available at
André Heck, Daan Knobbe, Nic Nijdam, Onne Slooten & Peter Uylings. Exploring the giant circle on the high bar with ICT tools.
In M. Joubert, A. Clark-Wilson & M. McCabe (Eds.), Enhancing Mathematics Education Through Technology.
Proceedings of ICTMT10 (pp. 129-134). Portsmouth, UK: University of Portsmouth. Online available at
André Heck, Peter Uylings, Ewa Kedzierska & Ton Ellermeijer & (2010).
Cross-Disciplinary, Authentic Students Research Projects.
Conference Proceedings SMEC-2010, Inquiry-based learning: Facilitating authentic learning experiences in science and mathematics (pp. 40-45). Dublin: CASTeL. (pdf)
André Heck, Ton Ellermeijer & Ewa Kedzierska. Striking Results with Bouncing Balls.
Conference Book GIREP 2008. (pdf)
André Heck, Ton Ellermeijer & Ewa Kedzierska. Authentic Student Research Projects on Physics and the Human Body.
Electronic Proceedings GIREP 2008. (pdf)
André Heck & Ton Ellermeijer. Mathematics assistants: Meeting the needs of secondary school physics education. Acta Didactica Napocensia, 3(2), 17-34
André Heck, Peter Uylings. Een sprong voorwaarts met wis- en natuurkunde. Nieuwe Wiskrant 29 (3) 37-48
André Heck. Modelling in Cross-Disciplinary Authentic Student Research Projects.
International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education, 17(3), 115-120
André Heck & Peter Uylings. In a Hurry to Work with High-Speed Video at School.
The Physics Teacher, 48 (3) 176-181.
André Heck, Peter Uylings & Ewa Kedzierska. Understanding Physics of Bungee Jumping.
Physics Education, 45 (1) 63-72 (pdf-preprint)
André Heck, Ewa Kedzierska, Laurence Rogers & Malgorzata Chmurska.
Acid-Base Titration Curves in an Integrated Computer Learning Environment.
Chemical Educator, 14 (4) 164-174
André Heck. Dit programma wordt u aangeboden door AMSTEL. Nieuwe Wiskrant 29 (2) 37-45
André Heck. Bringing Reality into the Classroom. Teaching Mathematics and its Applications, 28 (4) 164-179 (pdf-preprint).
André Heck & Ton Ellermeijer (2009). Giving students the run of sprinting models. American Journal of Physics, 77 (11) 1028-1038
André Heck, Harm Houwing, John Val, Lilia Ekimova & Georgia Papageorgiou. Design and Implementation of an e-Class About Continuous Dynamical Systems. In: e-Proceedings of the 6th JEM Workshop, August 2009, Aachen.
André Heck. Wis- en natuurkunde van hardlopen (in Dutch).
In: Verslag Woudschotenconferentie, Noordwijkerhout, 2008.
See also, André Heck & Ton Ellermeijer, Giving students the run of sprinting models. Submitted to
American Journal of Physics (pdf).
Coach files and other materials of the Workshop at the Woudschoten Conference on Physics Education
can be found at˜heck/research/Woudschoten08
Peter Uylings, Ewa Kedzierska & André Heck (2009). Videometing en modellering van een val met versnelling groter dan g.
(in Dutch). Signaal, 30, 6-9 (pdf)
André Heck & Peter Uylings (2009). Hoe hangt een slinky?
(in Dutch). Signaal, 30, 9-13 (pdf)
André Heck (2009). Modelleren van een wachtrij.
(in Dutch). Signaal, 30, 14-16 (pdf)
André Heck, Harm Houwing & Cor de Beurs (2009). An e-class in action: experiences
with ICT intensive teaching and learning of discrete dynamical models at secondary school.
Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 7 (1) 41-52.
André Heck, Ewa Kedzierska & Ton Ellermeijer (2009). Design and Implementation of an Integrated Computer Working Environment.
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching,
28 (2) 147-161
André Heck & Ron Vonk (2009). You Must Keep Money Moving.
Physics Education, 44 (2) 188-194
Lodewijk Koopman, Natasa Brouwer, André Heck & Wybren Jan Buma (2008).
Remedial Mathematics for Quantum Chemistry. Journal of Chemical Education, 85 (9), 1233-1236.
André Heck (2008). Mathematical Brooding over an Egg.
Loci. August 2008, article id 2842.
André Heck & Caroline van Dongen (2008). Gait Analysis by High School Students.
Physics Education, 43 (3), 284-290.
André Heck (2008). Een wiskundige thriller (in Dutch).
Signaal 29,6-8.
André Heck (2008). Een gewichtig model (in Dutch). Signaal 29, 22-23.
André Heck (2008). Wiskundige CSI (in Dutch).
Euclides, 83 (7) 353-356.
André Heck, Peter Boon & Wim van Velthoven (2008). Mathematica Empowered
Applets for Learning School Algebra and Calculus.
Proceedings of the 9th International Mathematica Symposium (IMS'08).
Elwin Savelsbergh, Paul Drijvers, Carel van de Giessen, André Heck, Kees Hooyman, Jenneke Kruger, Berenice Michels, Frank Seller, & René Westra (2008). Modelleren en computermodellen in de β-vakken: advies op verzoek van de gezamenlijke β-vernieuwingscommissies. Utrecht: Freudenthal Instituut voor Didactiek van Wiskunde en Natuurwetenschapen.
André Heck (2007). Modelling Intake and Clearance of Alcohol in Humans.
Electronic Journal of Mathematics and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3. (abstract).
André Heck, Peter Boon, Christian Bokhove & Gerard Koolstra (2007). Applets for learning
school algebra and calculus. Electronic Proceedings e+Calculus, 1st JEM Workshop,
Christian Bokhove, Gerard Koolstra, Peter Boon & André Heck (2007).
Towards an integrated learning environment for mathematics. Electronic Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT8) in Hradec Králové (E. Milková,
Pavel Prazák, eds.), University of Hradec Králové, 2007. ISBN 397-80-7041-285-5 (cd-rom).
André Heck (2007).
Modelling Instake and Clearance of Alcohol in Humans. Electronic Proceedings of the 8th International
Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching (ICTMT8) in Hradec Králové (E. Milková,
Pavel Prazák, eds.), University of Hradec Králové, 2007. ISBN 397-80-7041-285-5 (cd-rom).
Natasa Brouwer, Bart Rienties, Annemiek Wieland, Fons van Engelen, Wolter Kaper, Dirk Tempelaar, André Heck,
Maaike van Leijen, Jasper Bedaux, Martin Rehm & Bert ten Boske (2007). Sleutel tot succesvolle aansluiting web-spijkeren
(in Dutch), ICT en Onderwijs. Utrecht:Stichting SURF, ISBN 9789078887089, 2007, 42 pages.
André Heck (2007). Amorização da Matemática com Maple (In Portuguese). AprendaNet Informática:
Petrópolis, Brasil. ISBN: 378-85-607-2500-7.
André Heck (2007). Modelleren van bruggen en bogen (in Dutch). Nieuwe Wiskrant 27 (1) 42-52.
André Heck & Ron Vonk (2007). Wat schuift het? (in Dutch). Signaal 28, 14-17.
André Heck & Vincent Dorenbos (2007). Het bloed kruipt waar het niet gaan kan (in Dutch).
Signaal 28, 18-21.
André Heck (2007). Bezopen wiskunde (in Dutch). Signaal 28, 22-25.
André Heck (2007). Een verdiepingsopdracht over de getijdenbeweging (in Dutch). Signaal 28, 26-31.
Barbara Neocleous & André Heck (2007). Getting an Eyeful of Physics.
In: Verslag Woudschotenconferentie, Noordwijkerhout, 2006.
Workshop presentation at Woudschoten Conference on Physics Education 2006. Paper presented as part
of the workshop: You Must Keep Money Moving (pdf).
André Heck & Nellie Verhoef (2007). Mathmatch: aansluitingsmodule voor
wiskunde (in Dutch). Euclides 82(5), 187-190.
Lodewijk Koopman, Natasa Brouwer & André Heck (2007).
Brushing up on Mathematics for Quantum Chemistry. In: Dolores Corcoran,
Sinéad Breen (eds.) Proceedings of the Second International Science and
Mathematics Education Conference Dublin, 18-19 September (SMEC 2006). pp. 144-150
Annemiek Wieland, Natasa Brouwer, Wolter Kaper, Dirk Tempelaar,
Maaike van Leijen, Bart Rienties, André Heck & Bert ten Boske (2007).
Factoren die een rol spelen bij de ontwikkeling van remediërend onderwijs.
Tijdschrift voor Hoger Onderwijs. Jaargang 2007, nummer 1 (maart 2007) 1-15.
André Heck & Peter Uylings (2007). Science tot leven
gebracht met Coach en omgekeerd. Praktivaria 23, Januari 2007, 32-40.
L. van Gastel, A. Heck & P. Uylings (2007). What Goes Up,
Must Come Down: Modelling of Tidal Movement by Students. Electronic
Proceedings Modeling in Physics and Physics Education, GIREP 2006
Conference, University of Amsterdam.
A. Heck (2007). Getting Drunk and Sober Again. Electronic
Proceedings of Modeling in Physics and Physics Education, GIREP 2006
Conference, University of Amsterdam.
André Heck, Ben Bruidegom (2007). Bridging between Contexts and
Concepts: How Data Video and Computer Modelling Can Help. Electronic
Proceedings of the IFIP Conference Informatics, Mathematics and ICT:
A 'golden' triangle (IMICT 2007), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, 27th - 29th Juni, 2007 (cd-rom).
Christian Bokhove, Gerard Koolstra, Peter Boon & André Heck (2007). Het GALOIS Project
(partly in Dutch). Project Report.
André Heck & Peter Uylings (2006).
Capturing the real world in the classroom. International Journal for
Technology in Mathematics Education, 13 (3), 107 - 116.
André Heck & Leendert van Gastel (2006) Mathematics on the
Threshhold. the International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science
& Technology, 37 (8), 925 - 945.
André Heck & Leendert van Gastel (2006). Diagnostic Testing
with Maple T.A. In: M. Seppällä, O. Xambo, O. Caprotti (eds.) WebALT 2006
Proceedings. pp 37 - 51. Electronically available at:
Christian Bokhove, Gerard Koolstra, André Heck & Peter Boon
(2006). Using SCORM to Monitor Student Performance: Experiences from Secondary
School Practice. In LTSN MSOR CAA Series, April 2006.
Christian Bokhove, Peter Boon, André Heck & Gerard Koolstra (2006).
Digitale Wiskunde Oefenomgeving (in Dutch). Euclides 81(6), 304 - 307.
Christian Bokhove, Peter Boon, André Heck & Gerard Koolstra (2006).
Een wiskunde-oefenomgeving in de eigen ELO(in Dutch). Euclides 81(8), 374-377.
Annemiek Wieland, Natasa Brouwer, Wolter Kaper, Maaike van
Leijen, André Heck, Bert ten Boske & Dirk Tempelaar (2006). Didactical
Scenarios for Online Remedial Teaching. In T. Reeves & S. Yamashita (Eds.), Proceedings
of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and
Higher Education 2006, pp. 1503-1508. Chesapeake, VA: AACE.
André Heck (2005). Learning MetaPost by Doing. MAPS, 32, Spring 2005, 56-116.
André Heck & Peter Uylings (2005). Yoyo Joy. In: F. Olivero,
R. Sutherland (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on
Technology in Mathematics Teaching, Volume 2, pp. 237-244. (ICTMT7), Bristol, UK, July 2005.
Peter Uylings & André Heck (2005). Capturing the real world in the classroom. In:
F. Olivero, R. Sutherland (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Technology in
Mathematics Teaching, Volume 2, pp. 138-146. (ICTMT7), Bristol, UK, July 2005.
André Heck (2005). Point tracking and image rectification in video
activities. In: F. Olivero, R. Sutherland (eds.) Proceedings of the 7th
International Conference on Technology in Mathematics Teaching, Volume 2,
pp. 215. (ICTMT7), Bristol, UK, July 2005. (poster presentation, paper on author's
home page
André Heck (2005). Learning LaTeX by Doing. Course Notes, University of Amsterdam, 49 pages.
André Heck (2005). Learning PostScript by Doing. Course Notes,
University of Amsterdam, 99 pages. Part of the Mastercourse Mathematics in
Pictures: Creating Mathematical Illustrations of High Quality.
André Heck & Peter Uylings (2005). Heftig jojoën (in Dutch). Signaal, 27 (2005) 21 - 26.
André Heck & Peter Uylings (2005). Videometen in het PTA van TL3 (in Dutch).
Signaal, 27 (2005) 14 - 16.
André Heck (2005). Projective Geometry. Course notes, University of Amsterdam, 43 pages.
Christian Bokhove, André Heck & Gerard Koolstra (2005) Intelligente
feedback bij digitale toetsen en oefeningen (in Dutch). Euclides, 81(2), 70 - 74.
T. Ellermeijer & A. Heck (2005). Walk like a Physicist: an Example of an
Authentic Learning Activity Involving Physics and Mathematics and Enabled by ICT.
Proceedings of the Seminar on Authentic Science and Mathematics (Teacher)
Education in the Netherlands and Taiwan. National Hsinchu University of
Education, November 2005.
André Heck and André Holleman (2004). A Practical Investigation Task with the Computer at
Secondary School: Bridges and Hanging Chains. Extended paper in: Electronic Proceedings of
ICTMT5 in Klagenfurt (M. Borovcnik, H. Kautschitsch, eds.), Vienna: öbv&hpt, 2004. ISBN 3-209-03849-X (cd-rom).
André Heck and André Holleman (2004). Modelling Human Growth. Extended paper in:
Electronic Proceedings of ICTMT5 in Klagenfurt (M. Borovcnik, H. Kautschitsch, eds.), Vienna: öbv&hpt,
2004. ISBN 3-209-03849-X (cd-rom).
Wim van de Camp & André Heck (2004).
Wat heb je aan het gemiddelde? (in Dutch). Nieuwe Wiskrant, 24 (2), 33 - 38.
André Heck (2004). Wiskundig broeden op een ei (in Dutch). Nieuwe Wiskrant, 24 (1), 4 - 13.
André Heck (2004). Een gewichtig model (in Dutch). Nieuwe Wiskrant, 23(4), 46 - 52.
André Heck (2004). Met een schuine blik (in Dutch). Nieuwe Wiskrant, 23(3), 29 - 32.
André Heck (2004). Een andere draai aan een duik (in Dutch). Signaal, 26, 6 - 9.
N. Brouwer, M. Engelbarts, A. Heck, J. van Hoof, W. Kaper, H. van Bemmel, K.
Klumpers & F. van Hees (2004). Interactief bètaonderwijs - Ervaringen
uit de praktijk (in Dutch), Utrecht:Stichting SURF, ISBN 90-74256-30-9, 2004, 123 pages.
André Heck (2003). Introduction to Maple. 3rd revised and expanded
edition. Springer-Verlag: New York, 828 pages.
(book website)
Y.-B. Widjaja & A. Heck (2003). How a Realistic Mathematics
Education Approach and Microcomputer-Based Laboratory Worked in Lessons on
Graphing at an Indonesian Junior High School. Journal of Science and
Mathematics Education in Southeast Asia, Vol. 26, No. 2, (2003) 1 - 51.
André Heck (2003). Learning MetaPost by Doing. Tutorial, University of Amsterdam, 93 pages.
T. Ellermeijer & A. Heck (2003).
Differences between the use of mathematical entities in mathematics and physics
and the consequences for an integrated learning environment. In: M. Michelini
and M. Cobal (eds.) Developing Formal Thinking in Physics. Proceedings of
the first international GIREP seminar, 2-6 September 2001, University of Udine, Italy. pp. 52 - 72.
André Heck (2003). Olifanten in Groucho gang (in Dutch). Signaal,
25, 27 - 33.
T. Ellermeijer & A. Heck (2003). Walk like a Physicist: An example of Authentic
Education. In: electronic proceedings of GIREP conference: Physics in New Fields, Lund, Sweden, July 2002.
André Heck & André Holleman (2003). Walk like a Mathematician: An example of Authentic Education.
In: T. Trinadifillidis and K. Hatzikiriakou (eds.) Technology in Mathematics Teaching. Proceedings
ICTMT6, Volos, Greece, October 2003. 380 - 387.
Wim van den Camp & André Heck (2003). Survival Analysis by Students. In: T. Trinadifillidis
and K. Hatzikiriakou (eds.) Technology in Mathematics Teaching. Proceedings ICTMT6, Volos, Greece,
October 2003. 388 - 394.
André Heck (2002). A Versatile Environment for Active Learners and Teachers. in: ICTCM
13th Annual Proceedings (pp. 165 - 169). Addison-Wesley.
André Heck & André Holleman (2002). Modelling Human Growth. In:
Manfred Borovcnik, Hermann Kautschitsch (eds): Technology in Mathematics
Teaching. Proceedings of the ICTMT 5 in Klagenfurt 2001, Schriftenreihe
Didaktik der Mathematik v. 25. öbv&hpt, Vienna 2002.
André Heck & André Holleman (2002). Investigating Bridges and Hanging Chains.
In: Manfred Borovcnik, Hermann Kautschitsch (eds): Technology
in Mathematics Teaching. Proceedings of the ICTMT 5 in Klagenfurt 2001,
Schriftenreihe Didaktik der Mathematik v. 25. öbv&hpt, Vienna 2002.
André Heck (2002). Gewichtige wiskunde in de klas (in Dutch). In: J. van de Craats (ed.):
Vakantiecursus 2002: Wiskunde en Gezondheid, CWI Syllabus 50, 77 - 114.
André Heck (2002). Praktische oefeningen: Groei van Nederlandse kinderen. (in Dutch).
In J. van de Craats (ed.): Vakantiecursus 2002: Wiskunde en Gezondheid, CWI Syllabus 50, 129 - 140.
André Heck (2002). Stilstaan bij lopen (in Dutch). Nieuwe Wiskrant, 22 (1), 44 - 50.
André Heck (2002). Stilstaan bij lopen (in Dutch). Signaal, 24, 19 - 22.
André Heck (2002). Wiskunde en Science van het Lopen (in Dutch). Signaal,
23, 7 - 8. (html)
André Heck & Wolter Kaper (2002). Introduction to Mathematica. Course Notes, University
of Amsterdam, 46 pages.
André Heck (2002). Snel aan de slag met VirtualDub (in Dutch). Tutorial, University
of Amsterdam, 13 pages.
André Heck & André Holleman (2002). Stilstaan bij lopen (in Dutch). In: Kortland (ed.)
Verslag Woudschotenconferentie, Noordwijkerhout, december, 2002.
André Heck (2001). Variables in Computer Algebra, Mathematics, and Science. The
International Journal of Computer Algebra in Mathematics Education (2001) 8 No 3, 195 - 221.
Ellermeijer, A.L. & Heck, A. (2001).
The correlation of Physics and Mathematics and consequences for a broad Math/Science
learning environment. Paper presented at the 6th Workshop on Multimedia in
Physics Teaching and Learning, Ghent, October 28-30, 2001.
André Heck (2001). Introductie Computergebruik: Unix (in
Dutch). Course Notes (revised), University of Amsterdam, 48 pages.
André Heck (2000). Een computerwerkplaats voor wiskunde (in
Dutch). In J. van
de Craats (ed.): Vakantiecursus 2000: Is wiskunde nog wel mensenwerk? CWI Syllabus 48 (2000) 65 - 90.
André Heck (2000). Coach: an environment where mathematics meets science and
technology. In: W. Maull and J. Sharp (eds.), Proceedings ICTMT4, Plymouth, August 1999,
cd-rom published by the University of Plymouth, Devon. 2000.
André Heck & André Holleman (2000). Natuurwetenschappen + wiskunde + Coach
---> aantrekkelijke praktische opdracht (in Dutch). In: Kortland (ed.) Verslag
Woudschotenconferentie, Noordwijkerhout, 15-16 dec 2000.
André Heck (2000). Amorização da Matemática com Maple (In
Portuguese). Catholic University of Petrópolis, Brasil.
André Heck (2000). FORM for Pedestrians, 2nd revised and
expanded edition. LNCC:Petropolis, Brasil.
André Heck (2000). Coach: beta-tool in spe en nu al inzetbaar bij wiskunde (in Dutch).
Nieuwe Wiskrant, 19(4) (2000), 36 - 42.
André Heck (1999). Verslag van de vierde ICTMT conferentie(in Dutch).
Nieuwe Wiskrant, 19(2) (1999), 23 - 24.
André Heck (1999). Bevezetés a Maple használatába (in
Hungarian). JGYF Kiadó, Szeged, 1999, ISBN 963-9167-16-9.
André Heck (1999). Introduction to Computer Usage. Course
Notes, University of Amsterdam.
André Heck (1998). pi+e. Course Notes of Mastercourse pi+e,
University of Amsterdam.
André Heck (1997). Bird's-eye view of Groebnerbases. Nuclear
Inst. and Methods in Physics
Research A 389, 16 - 21. Extended version
André Heck (1997). Maple in Two Days. Course Notes, Catholic University of
Petrópolis, Brasil.
Also translated into Portuguese and Spanish.
André Heck (1997). Introduction to Maple,
2nd revised, 2nd corrected printing, Springer-Verlag, 1997, xx+700 pages.
(book website)
André Heck (1997). Digitale plaatjes (in Dutch). Pythagoras, April 97, volume 4, 12 - 15.
Leendert van Gastel & André Heck(1997). IT in onderwijs (in
Athenaeum Illustre, no. II, September 1997, 34 - 36.
Leendert van Gastel & André Heck (1997). From Java to
Sumatra, An Interactive Java Tutorial.
Lecture Notes, University of Amsterdam, 213 pages.
André Heck (1996). Introduction to Maple, 2nd revised and expanded
edition, Springer-Verlag:New York, 700 pages.
(book website)
André Heck (1996). Computer algebra: wiskunde klaar om ingezet te worden (in
In: Talen en Tools, NLUUG Najaarsconferentie (1996) 163 - 179.
André Heck (1996). Java (in Dutch) Pythagoras, December 1996, volume 2, 10 - 12.
Leendert van Gastel & André Heck (1997). Creating Your
Own Home Page in HTML. Course Notes, University of Amsterdam.
André Heck (1995). Computer Algebra: A Tool in Identifiability
Testing. In: A.M. Cohen,
L. van Gastel, and S. Verduyn Lunel (eds.), Computer Algebra in Industry 2. Wiley (1995) 267 - 290.
André Heck & Marc Biemond (1995). Computer Algebra and Geometrical Optics
II: The Eikonal
of an Axially Symetric Optical System. In: A.M. Cohen, L. van Gastel, and S. Verduyn Lunel
(eds.) Computer
Algebra in Industry 2. Wiley (1995) 197 - 214.
André Heck & Arjeh Cohen (1995). Computer Algebra and the Design of Conjugate
In: J. Fleisher , J.Grabmeier, F. Hehl & W. Kuechlin (eds.), Computer Algebra in Science and Engineering.
World Scientific Publishing (1995) 57 - 66.
André Heck (1995). Grand Tour of Derive 3. Report CAN Expertise: Amsterdam.
André Heck (1995). Static Analysis of a Sleeper with Mathematica, CAN Newsletter 14 (1995) 35 - 45.
André Heck (1993). Introduction to Maple.
Springer-Verlag: Heidelberg, 497 pages.
A.M. Cohen, J.H. Davenport, & A.J.P. Heck (1993). An overview of computer algebra.
In A.M. Cohen (ed.) Computer Algebra in Industry 1, Wiley (1993) 1 - 52.
G. Braat, L. van Gastel, A. Heck, L. Saes, & J. Sanders (1993). Strain in rubber coated
rollers. In A.M. Cohen (ed.) Computer Algebra in Industry 1, Wiley (1993) 93 - 106.
André Heck (1993). Transformation between Geocentric and Geodetic
In A.M. Cohen (ed.) Computer Algebra in Industry 1. Wiley (1993) 119 - 130.
R. Beerends, A. Heck, and E. v.d. Vrie (1993). Een computerprogramma snelle
Fourier-transformaties (in Dutch), CONCAVO publications 4, 1993, 27 pages.
André Heck (1993). Tour of Axiom 1.2. Report CAN Expertise
Centre: Amsterdam.
André Heck & Marc Biemond (1993). Computer Algebra and Geometrical Optics I: The Eikonal
of a Single Refracting Surface. In: H. Apiola, M. Laine, and E. Valeila (eds.), Proceedings
Workshop on Symbolic and Numeric Computation, Helsinki (1993). Rolf Nevanlinna
Institute, Research Reports B10, 127 - 138.
André Heck (1993). FORM for Pedestrians. Lecture Notes, Catholic University of
Petrópolis, Brasil.
André Heck & Ernic Kamerich (1989). Inleiding in het gebruik van Maple.
Lecture Notes (in Dutch), University of Nijmegen and the CAN Expertise Centre (in
Dutch), 154 pages.
André Heck (1989). Maple, een praktische inleiding. Lecture Notes (in
Dutch), University of
Nijmegen, 230 pages.
André Heck (1988). A Criterion for a Triple to be a W-Graph of a Coxeter
Comm. in Algebra, 16(10), 2083-2102 (1988).
André Heck (1988). Inleiding tot Symbolisch Rekenen m.b.v. MAPLE. Lecture Notes (in
University of Nijmegen, 324 pages.
André Heck (1984). Involutive Automorphisms of Root Systems, J.
Math. Soc. Japan 36
(1984) 643 - 658. (pdf)
André Heck. Stochastische wandelingen met Coach.
(in Dutch). pdf
André Heck. Grafisch modelleren van reactiekinetiek.
(in Dutch). pdf
Cor de Beurs, Bart Groeneveld, André Heck & Pauline Vos. its academy: inspirerende VO-HO samenwerking. (in Dutch).
André Heck. Stuiteren tussen probleemsituatie en vakkennis.
Hoe een veelzijdige ICT-omgeving het modelleerproces kan ondersteunen (in Dutch).