Introduction to Grid Computing



Content (2/2):


Course 9: Globus Project

Course 10: Knowledge Grid

Course 11: Information Grid 

Course 12: Data Grid

Course 13: Resource Management &

(Workflows in Grid Based system)




The content of this course has changed, the new content is published on the UvA Blackboard System, see the description in the UvA course atalogue


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Course 9: The Knowledge Grid

Date: 02-02-2005


Keywords: knowledge discovery, knowledge representation, and knowledge mapping

Course material: the slides [PPT]


Alexander Smirnov  et al. Knowledge logistics in information grid environment Future Generation Computer Systems 20 (2005) 61/79

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Course 10: The Information Grid

Date: 04-02-2005


Keywords: Guest Speaker

Course material: the slides [PPT]


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Course 11: The Data Grid

Date: 09-01-2005


Keywords: Guest Speaker

Course material: the slides [PPT]


The Globus Tutorials page

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Course 12: Resource Management & Workflow Management

Date: 11-02-2005


Keywords: Guest Speaker(H. Bal)

Course material: the slides [PPT]


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The Assignments:

Date: 16-02-2005 (presentation + demonstration + report)

Assignments: the assignments are defined as small projects that have to be developed by group of students. Each group of maximum four students has to select one of the available projects. On the January 29, 2005 each group has to give a short Presentation + demonstration

List of the assignments: Assignments description [DOC] Assignments task (STEP by STEP)


Other Grid Links:

Workflow & Grid Middleware Group (WGM)