WS-VLAM Developers
Core Team
Design and management: Adam Belloum
Workflow modeling: Mikolaj Baranowski
Workflow engine: Dmitry Vasunin, Reginald Cushing Data Transport:Spiros Koulouzis
workflow provenance: Regginal Cushing
People who contributed in the past
Adianto Wibisono, Vladimir Korkhov (Workflow engine)
Adianto Wibisono(Workflow composition)
Victor Guevara-Masis(Semantic workflow)
Piter de Boer (CVS management)
Philip Jonkergouw (workflow composer),
Djamal Abtroun (information management),
Ersin Kaletas (information management),
Hakan Yakali (information management),
Adam Belloum (designer)
Contributors (MSc students)
Sander de Ridder (collaboration component),
Vincent BuitenDijk (deployment of workflow components)
Sender Ketelaar (performance modeling for GVLAM)
Reginald Cushing (new workflow engine)
Tunde Balint (Job submission)
WS-VLAM developers would like to thank all the persons who have
contributed to the development of the WS-VLAM workflow management
This work is supported by the Dutch national program COMMIT. COMMIT is a public private research communit.