Labbook Dutch Nao Demo Day
Error Reports
- BugsBunny didn't listen to Choregraph (resetting to Soccer state). Changing memorystick resulted in no longer booting (only chessbutton).
Started Labbook 2012.
17 May, 2011
- Connected to Rouge. Set wireless. Version is 1.10.10. Choregraph complains that ALMemory is missing. Checked /opt/naoqi/preferences/autoload.ini. All modules seem to be loaded.
- Connecting with Choregraph 1.10.10 works fine. Starting StarWars from sitting position is not a good option. Sitting down and standing up is better, although Rouge has some problems with the LightSable. Should try it with a higher NaoQiand without cables. Same 1.10.10 without cables has the same effect.
- Thriller is more stable. Vangalis is another dance which ends with a very ambitious kick (and falls).
- Guess showed horseriding and snowski, but didn't understand my guess. Are the microphones of Rouge well connected? Behaviours can be found in /home/nao/behaviors/. behavior.xar is not an archive, but an xml-file. Expected answers are "Golf;Horse riding;Tennis;Soccer;Ski". Found out later that ALSpeechRecognition was not working (from Debug Window).
- CaravanPalace is another dance (the Charleton). No danger here.
- Various Behaviours:
- Autonomous2 does nothing. Second try give StandBreath, followed by the error-message: ERR: ALFrameManager__0xa80cca08__root__Autonomous_1__behavior_layer2__Standplay__Stand_Play_5: eval() arg 1 must be a string or code object. First time StandBreath was not uploaded, so maybe Play5 is another behavior which is not present (yet).
- Customer does nothing. Fails on SpeechRecognition.
- Email is a script which receives an email and sends a email (not clear if the Nao listens for an answer).
- Motion has two options (tracking ball or showing balance). Seems to be waiting on head sensor (could start ball tracking).
- MoveRecorder is fun. It allows to move the head and the arms and plays that movement back.
- Presentation is a short introduction, listing Nao capabilities. Playing soccer like a pro is dangerous.
- Sit breath needs to be started after a SitDown.
- Sit talk is an endless loop with sign language
- Sitting is equivalent with SitDown, but doesn't seem to end.
- Stand breath is a slow deep breath (seems also endless)
- Stand talk is an endless loop with sign language
- Standing is equivalent with StandUp, but doesn't seem to end.
- System menu reports that the module 'ALSpeechRecognition'. Maybe same reasonthat GuessSport didn't worked.
- Tested all behaviors provided by Aldebaran.
- Looked for the code of the NaoSupporters. Couldn't find it on external harddisks. U152 has in activities NaoIntro and NaoScissorsRockPaper. On nb-unreal also NaoSupporter is present.
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