Labbook Dutch Nao Demo Day
Error Reports
- BugsBunny didn't listen to Choregraph (resetting to Soccer state). Changing memorystick resulted in no longer booting (only chessbutton).
20 December, 2012
- Tried some of the Nao Developer projects with an Academic robot v3.1.0 with V3Plus head with NaoQi 1.12.3. My Choreograph is 1.12.5, so I directly get the error:
[ERROR] hardware.mecalogger: ALMecaLogger ALSql::ALSql::exec
SQL error: no such table: inertial
- First tried Dance_GangnamStyle.crg from the AnimationLibary. This worked once, but several times the stiffness of the hips got off and the robot fell. Documentation also indicates (only try with a fully charged V4).
- From the same project I tried the AnimationLibrary. The AnimationLibrary seems to consist of many independent facial expressions and gestures.
- Finally, I tried the project Party Nao. The code failed on the following messages:
[ERROR] hardware.mecalogger: ALMecaLogger ALSql::ALSql::exec
SQL error: no such table: motor
- Tried again the AnimationsLibrary, this time the Sitting/CatchFly_1. This time this works fine.
- Battery is dangerously low. Connected the charger (type 2040) again while the Nao is on. Same behavior as previous time: direct switch off. I can restart the robot, but only when it is not charging.
- Downloading NaoQi 1.14. Webbots has a 90 days trial period. Read the whats new. Many libraries are up (for instance python 2.6.6 => 2.7.2). Urbi is no longer supported :-!. Installed Choregraphe, waiting to upgrade the Nao until fully charged.
13 March, 2012
- Found a site with several variants of the 6 basic emotions (including their values in the Pleasure-Arousal-Dominance model).
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