Started Labbook 2018.
October 30, 2017
- A lot of lessons at Robotics Academy, based on Robotics, Vision and Control from Corke.
September 20, 2017
September 17, 2017
- The projects of the NanoDegree Robotics for term 1 seem to be:
- The Introduction to Robotics project.
- The Kinematics project.
- The Perception project.
- The Controls project.
- The Deep Learning project.
- So the projects of the NanoDegree for term 2 are not disclosed yet.
- Started with conda env create -f environment.yml. Activated the environment with source activate RoboND.
- Yet, as ROS-user I should read warning. The trick is to unset PYTHONPATH before source activate RoboND. For me that is anyway no problem, because ros is not in my bashrc, but always called manually.
September 2, 2017
March 30, 2017
Previous Labbooks