Started Labbook 2025.
The Master version of this course will be Vision for Autonomous Robots, so the rest of the development can be followed on this labbook.
May 8, 2024
- Had a discussion with the TAs on last year assignments.
- Most assignments were too easy, so that the students had to check if the answer was really that simple.
- The exception was Assignment 2, which was more mathematical, and of the right level
- Assignment 5 (EKF-localization) and Assignment 6 (EKF-SLAM) had a lot of overlap. Could be solved by using a slightly more advanced version of SLAM (for instance UKF-SLAM.
- In a number of the assignments the tests were too easy (always the same speed for both wheels, baseline of 1, etc), so that mistakes only appeared at the end.
- In assignments 5 the index of map and observations was swapped, which gave a lot of confusion.
- The simulator is very dependent on configuration, so code that worked on one computer not always worked on another computer.
- There were 3 TAs for 24 students, because they updated last years assignments.
May 7, 2024
- The VU has an Rover course: ASE
March 25, 2024
- The ConstructSim has now an educational package with 3 TortoiseBots and a WareHouse floormap: the BotBox Warehouse Lab kit.
February 27, 2024
- This paper describes a modified Turtlebot3 and a digital twin.
Previous Labbooks