January 6, 2025
- Want to the Nao-shaped USB-stick with tag 'flash NaoQi' to flash Perry.
- First updating Perusall, copying last year's course and going to the five steps of Getting Started.
- In the 3rd step, Robot Programming: A Practical Guide to Behavior-Based Robotics from Joseph Jones showed up, although the publisher didn't gave permission to use the book in Perusall.
- A book that can be accessed on request (for two weeks), is Arkin's Governing Lethal Behavior in Autonomous Robots from 2009.
- Updated the dates of the assignments to this year, seems to work.
- Looked again at the cloud-management from Aldebaran, and Moos still reports NaoQi v2.8.7.4, which is also the most recent version available.
- Checked the Nao6 software downloads. For Windows the latest version of Chorégraphe is 2.8.7, for Mac and Linux version 2.8.8 is available.
- Yet, what I need is the SDK. There the latest version is 2.8.6 for Mac and Linux, and 2.8.7 for Windows. So, the software on Canvas is still state-of-the-art. The page also gives the universal Softbank license: 654e-4564-153c-6518-2f44-7562-206e-4c60-5f47-5f45
- Flashed Perry with the Nao-shaped USB-stick with tag 'flash NaoQi'.
- Started Choregraphe and connected with ethernet cable. That didn't work with the Black Dell ring, but fine with the Grey one.
- Again, back to Factory settings, but the webinterface was stuck in the network wizard.
- Logged in via ssh, and registered the MAC address in iotroam.
- Configured the Network with RobotSettings. Used the advanced/#/settings to permit deactivation of the safety reflexes.
- Tai-Chi worked nicely on Perry.
- Actually, I can install Python 3 for Nao on Perry.
- Documentation seems to be wibbly wobbly.
- According to Nao Classroom, there is Python3.5 running on the robot, including qi. Maybe something to ask from the BscKI students.
- Another option is to use ROS for Nao.
- The one installed is probably 1.2.2 Beta. Choregraphe indeed says 1.2.2.
- Started the script from /home/nao/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/python3nao/bin/ on the nao.
- That starts python3.9, which is also on that directory.
- From there, import qi works.
- Next, I try ALTextToSpeech example
- Running ~/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/python3nao/bin/runpy3.sh altexttospeech_say.py from an examples directory worked.
- The only reference in the environment on the nao to python is PYTHONPATH=/opt/aldebaran/lib/python2.7/site-packages. So, updating the PATH and PYTHONPATH should allow to use python3.9 and the qi-libraries. Yet, not sure if this includes OpenCV. Also matplotlib and scipy are missing.
- Looking for where the PYTHONPATH is set. No /home/nao/.bashrc. Yet, in /etc/profile.d/nao.sh there is the script that should be in /home/nao/.profile. That points to /etc/conf.d/naoqi, which defines PYTHON_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH and three QI_ variables. Note that the LD_LIBRARY_PATH also points to /opt/ros/indigo/lib
- Without changing something on the environment, went to ~/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/python3nao/bin and did ./python3.9 -m pip install scipy. That tried to install scipy-1.13.1, but failed on numpy when trying to build the wheel with gcc.
- The command ./python3.9 -m pip install --upgrade pip worked. (upgrading from 22.0.3 to 24.3.1).
- In principal numpy should already be part of the package. ./runpy3.sh -m pip list indicates numpy 1.25.2.
- The command ./runpy3.sh -m pip index versions scipy gives a list of versions (latest 1.13.1).
- For scipy-1.12 it tries to compile numpy 1.22.4. For scipy-1.13.1 it tries numpy-2.0.2 (because of a rule numpy<2.3,>=2.0.0rc1). For scipy-1.13.0 it also tries numpy-2.0.2.
- Tried also ./runpy3.sh -m pip install matplotlib, which also fails on numpy-2.0.2.
- So, the only option is to try to it from the laptop side.
- Next to flash is Appa. Also switched the safety reflex off. Tai-Chi was OK.
- Next to flash is Ferb. According to the board, it has problems with the left leg. No problems with Tai-Chi, although it complained a lot about its sensors (after reboot it was gone). Also let him walk. On a hard surface (ASML board) it worked nicely, on the grass it had more problems with its balance.
- Next to flash is Barbie. Had to add the MAC-address to iotroam. Also switched the safety reflex off. Tai-Chi was OK.
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