Course Computer Systems - A programmer's perspective"Computersystemen"This is the information for 2012. The previous information can be found at 2011 page.
DescriptionToday a computer system is not longer alone, but part of a large community: the internet. A typical interactive program is not longer waiting on the input of a single user on a local machine (as for instance a shell), but a server that can handle requests from clients all over the world. We will see that the internet protocol is based on the concepts of sockets. Sockets are full-duplex I/O streams, and can be handled in quite the same way as other I/O streams (as for instance files) as soon as they are properly initialised (opened). Yet, the initialisation phase of sockets is quite unique, because this phase is designed to facilitate the client-server model. First we will show a very simple web-server that is able to handle the request of one client at the time. Then we will demonstrate how we can scale such a server up to handle multiple clients. This is possible in three different ways:
In this class the following concepts are introduced:
LiteratureThe class is based on chapters 10, 11 and 12 of the book Computer Systems: A programmer's perspective by R.E. Bryant and D.R. O'Hallaron. Recommanded reading (46 pages, 2.5 hours):
The class is scheduled in three hours:
Last updated October 1, 2012
This web-page and the list of participants to this course is maintained by
Arnoud Visser
visitors in | arnoud@science.uva.nl |