Started Labbook 2015
November 18, 2014
- The Linux-server mremote will be discontinued on December 15. Copied all my
CS files from mremote to (Jose). Other choices are
- Quax u030334
- Diertens u031061
- Jaap u022471
- u040291
- u040287 (could not login)
October 14, 2014
- There is no telnet installed on acheron. Luckely, I have it installed in the valgrind directories, so adding this package in pkgrc solves this issue.
- Many students had problems with stub32, which can be solved by removing gcc2.95 from their pkgrc. Yet, they got an error that stddef.h could not be found. This can be solved by logging in fresh, or removing the remaining environment variable from gcc2.95 (unset GCC_EXEC_PREFIX).
- Tested two sites, and Yet, testing with links -config-file links.cfg works (for my homepage. Yet, it also works without proxy, so links.cfg not well loaded. Changed it, with no succes.
- elinks that I use is version 0.12pre5 (/usr/bin/elinks). Same issue (no functional links) on October 17, 2012.
- Solved the issue. Back to default with elinks --config-dump ~/.elinks/elinks.cfg. Now setting HTTP_PROXY enviroment variable: works (for all three sites).
October 8, 2014
- Changing the option -lpthread to -pthread solves problems at local machines, and also works on acheron.
- The /opt/prac/cs_ai/pkg/linux/gcc-2.95.3 points to non-existing directory /home/cs_ai/packages/gcc-2.95.3, should point to /opt/prac/cs_ai/packages/gcc-2.95.3.
- Modified /home/cs_ai/packages/gcc-2.95.3 and removed the package in /home/avisser1/pkg. Yet, compilation doesnot work for gcc-2.95.3 because /usr/include/gnu/stubs-32.h is not present.
- Next to test is gcc-3.2. Also a fail
October 1, 2014
- Tried to compile the cachelab at athene. athene is a 64bits machine, which has a default gcc v4.1.2. Acheron has gcc v4.4.6. On athene the compiler crashes on an internal error.
- Looking at The implementation for a matrix of 61 should be more difficult than a matrix of 64. 32x32 should be between 300 and 600, 64x64 between 1300 and 2000, 61x67 should be between 2000 and 3000.
September 17, 2014
- After tan-h^th^ta (27) the counting continues again with tan-dopa (28/22). How did the Oksapmin indicate that they were in the second loop? As Saxe indicates, the Oksapmin's have no base structure at all. Part of Saxe's publication is that the children tent to confuse besa (8) with tan-beas (20), because they are counted with the elbow.
- Saxe refers for body part counting references to Lancy 1978, Menninger 1970, Zaslavsky 1973.
- The counting system (including the table below) is described in PhD thesis. He revers to Saxe and Esmond (2004;2005) and Moylan 1982.
September 16, 2014
- Found a reference on Saxe 1982 book at mit. The original paper I found through Google Scholar. Yet, it seems that the counting system is published in an earlier version (Saxe 1981). On page 307 is the drawing.
The Oksapmin numbers are
- tip^na - duim - thumb
- tipnarip - wijsvinger - index finger
- bumrip - middelvinger
- h^tdip - ringvinger
- h^th^ta - pink - little finger
- dopa
- besa - rechter elleboog - right elbow
- kir
- tow^t
- kata
- gwer
- nata
- kina
- aruma
- tan-kina
- tan-nata
- tan-gwer
- tan-kata
- tan-tow^t
- tan-kir
- tan-besa - linker elleboog - left elbow
- tan-dopa
- tan-tip^na
- tan-tipnarip
- tan-bumrip
- tan-hdip
- tan-h^th^ta
Note that the counting starts with the right tump, but ends at the left 'pink'.
September 9, 2014
- Installed both gftp and filezilla on nb-ros, but both were not able to connect to acheron. Started vpn (not sure if this works; gives 443 back).
- Tried to install ncui according to the instructions: sudo dpkg -i ncui_7.4-1_amd64r9.3.deb. Got error that the 64bits version could not be installed together with the 32bits version. After manual uninstalling ncui:i386 with command sudo apt-get remove ncui:i386, I installed the package The ncui:amd64 was depended on libc6-i386 and lib32z1, which had to be manually installed (in this order).
- Downloaded the latest certificaat-uvavpn.der. If I start with this certificaat the script doesnot return (yet filezilla still cannot make a connection).
September 2, 2014
- Looked up the manual how to start vpn for Linux. Ubuntu is an Debian based system, so I should have used sudo dpkg -i linux_vpn_network_connect.deb
instead of manually untar the rpm.
- Tested the configuration with the display port, which doesn't work. Tested the HDMI, this works, only the display is extended. With the Nvidea configuration I was able to clone both screens (not with the F1 button). The VGA doesn't seem to work, because the screen only has HDMI and a display-port. The connector has a display port, but there is no display-display port cable. The HMDI is not sable in full resolution (1920x1080), but seems to work fine with 1280x1024 (60 Hz). The labtop screen is rendered with the internal graphics card (Intel), the HDMI with the Nvidea card (GT 525M).
September 1, 2014
- Copied datalab to, but no pdflatex installed on this machine. Modified the datalab.tex on
- Made at puzzle1. The puzzle did not compile (missing stub32.h), because the Makefile in datalab-handout still contained -m32.
- Updated Makefile. btest.c complains that it is not 64-bit safe. Also the latest version has the same comment (btest.c is from 2012-09). Only other change is in logicalShift.
August 6, 2014
- The authors are working on the 3rd edition, which will come out early 2015.
- Both the datalab and cachelab are updated.
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