Started Labbook 2019.
December 13, 2018
- Updating my BIOS of nb-dual from 1.5.1 to 1.6.3
December 8, 2018
- The Bird Migration case study is using the Cartopy Library.
- Their suggestion was to use conda to install cartopy, but I first tried it with pip. A pip install Cartopy first complained on missing Cython, which could easily be installed, yet pip install Proj, but that resulted in version Proj-0.1.0, while Proj-4.9.0 was needed.
- Installed conda with pip isntall conda, but that was not compatible with using conda as application.
- Instead I installed miniconda (Linux64 on my Linux for Windows system) and was able to do conda install -c conda-forge cartopy.
- Could follow the example and perform import as ccrs in my python3 prompt.
- Yet, both in python2 and python3 pandas is no longer available, so I also had to install the pandas package with conda.
- Second exercise was unfair, because it used two unknown features of datetime:
# Convert birddata.date_time to the `pd.datetime` format.
birddata.date_time = pd.to_datetime(birddata.date_time)
# Create a new column of day of observation
birddata["date"] =
Instead I used a loop over all date_times to convert each element, calculated the days from the beginning as explained in the class, rounded the floats to int to get day-tags, but that the result was not accepted.
November 14, 2018
- Solved my warnings of dell.archive, by removing in /etc/apt/sources.list bionic (and kept bionic-dell). Still complains about non-signed packages, which I solved by following this post: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys F9FDA6BED73CDC22.
November 9, 2018
November 7, 2018
- Checked for a Dell system with Thunderbolt3, but the Dell XPS 27 is the only one with this option, but the firmware controller doesn't recognize the Razor Core. Post was from Sept 2017, so maybe this issue is solved.
- Last update is from Dec 2017, but only solves a display issue.
- Checked for Thunderbolt3 expansion cards. On, there was a review with several add-in cards, including the Gigabyte Alpine Ridge AIC and the newly released GC-TITAN-RIDGE.
- The Titan Ridge sounds like a good option for Thunderbolt card, because of the (4x PCI). The Titan has an Intel® DSL7540, while the Alpine Ridge has an Intel® DSL6540 C-step controller. According to this Intel forum discussion, the DLS6540 was released in 2015, the Akitio Node Pro uses the JHL6540 controller (released in 2016).
October 31, 2018
- Installed X2Go client on my nb-dual.
- Installed in my Ubuntu-app the X2Go Server
- Started a session connection to, but both xclock and plt.figure() complained that they could connect to display
- Yet, client-session was not started, and starting the session hangs. Probably because also ssh to as the network ip is refused.
- Started VcXsrv and could display the flavors of the whiskies.
- Still, connecting the X2go client to didn't work, with the Xserver running natively under Windows. Couldn't find directly much troubleshooting for the X2Go server in the online documentation.
October 24, 2018
- My workstation is updating to the latest version of Windows10. Received a BIOS-update and is now repairing drive I.
- In the meantime, I following the instructions of UvA Linux community and install the follow-me printer from Canon Campus Services. No option Server -> New -> Printer, as indicated in Canon instructions, so continue with system-config-printer as suggested by UvA community. That worked.
- To get system-config-printer working, I had to remove aldebaran from my java classpath. Now matlab starts again. Peter Corke's add-on complained that not the latest Robotics Toolbox was installed.
October 17, 2018
- Was looking for the specs of the new Machine Learning Machines. The current ones have Xeon E5-2640 v4 processors.
- Those are models from 2016. Intel has models from 2018 (E3-1200 and E5-1600 families), but those are not those recommended for Experts. For the experts still the E5-2600 is recommended.
- Those Xeon models are from the Skylake-X architecture, at the end of the year one expects Cascade Lake-X processors. Yet, couldn't found model names for Cascade Lake.
- Instead, I could look at the i7-7800X and i7-7820X. The i9-7980XE is on the top of the list of Computer Techniek.
- Intel has now the S-line (Scalable) and the W-line (Workstations). In price comparible (and recent) is Intel Xeon W-2133 (yet 6 instead of 10 cores). Also Intel uses the classification Bronze till Platinum. A recent (end 2017) Platinum model with 12 cores is 8158).
- The i9-7980XE has an 2066 socket, like the 7800X and 7900X The Xeon have a variety of sockets (2011-3, 1151, 3647).
- The Tesla T4 is 2x more expensive than the RTX 2080 Ti. Both have compute capacity of 7.5 (Turing)
October 15, 2018
October 5, 2018
- My nb-dual didn't had nautulus installed, so I installed Thunar File Manager to try. As default, icons and menu are a bit small.
October 3, 2018
- Followed the instructions from CT magazine and installed VcXsrv on my Shuttle.
- Set in my bash-shell export DISPLAY=localhost:0.
- Installed sudo apt-get install python3-matplotlib (after update;upgrade) and could plot a plt.plot() in python3.
September 28, 2018
- Trying to relocate my svn on nb-udk to the repository on nb-dual. Started svn-server with svnserve -d -r ~/svn_repository.
- Relocating is not a right-click option. This forum post post suggest to make it visible from the cascade context menu, but that this change will only get visibla after a SVN upgrade (which is not possible without the old svn-server).
- Relocating is also possible from the command-line with command svn switch --relocate [old URL] [new URL].
- Unfortunately, nb-dual is not visible from nb-udk, because it is in a different subnet, while the subnetmask is for both Strange, because my router says that nb-udk received a ip in the same subnet, and there is no option to change the default subnetmask.
- Followed suggestion at the techguy forum and removed old network IDs from my registry, because ipconfig shows an awefull long list of non-used networks. In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\ I have four sets (numbered 972, 973, 974 and 975). The last three only have ndi, no connection-names. In 972 there is a long list of adapters. Removed the ones with Connection\Name LAN-Verbinding* ??.
- Removed part of the list, still enough to be removed. Yet, I get now a correct ip, so I could ping. The command svn switch --relocate gave an error (target's URL does not overlap). Tried svn info, which asked for my password. Luckely, you can find that in the svn_repository. Last commit 2297, 18 Dec. 2014.
- Relocate without the directories worked. Commited revision 2298.
September 27, 2018
- Read article about Olive, an emulator for old hardware / software.
- Nvidia comes with a Jetson Developer Kit especially for robotics. Price will be $1,299 (USD) for NVIDIA Developers. The Jetson AGX Xavier will have 20X the performance and 10X the energy efficiency of its predecessor, the NVIDIA Jetson TX2. The Xavier is based on the Volta architecture, which has a compute capacity of 7.2.
September 24, 2018
- My Ubuntu partition won't boot, probably because I removed to many packages to get Mobile Robot Programming Toolkit working.
- Booted in recovery mode, but system hangs on switching the network on.
- The network is needed, to repair the packages (6 missing, 100 to be updated).
- Trying now the other Ubuntu advanced option (version instead of, as suggested by howtogeek.
- With a wired connection I was able to repair the packages. Yet, still keeping seeing the Ubuntu load screen. Got login screen via recovery mode, network / root. Checked update-alternatives --config x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf but only two nvidia options are there, no mesa.
- Checked if mesa-utils are present, but those are there. Copied x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf to x86_64-linux-gnu_conf, but still fails. Will try to remove nvidia
- Checked for installed packages with apt list --installed and removed nvidia-396 and nvidia-prime.
- Removed lightdm and reinstalled again. Now I get a graphical login-screen, yet that fails to login (but now CTLR-ALT-F1 works).
- The two file links which I moved to /tmp (_GL and _EGL) were gone, so sudo apt-alternatives reports no alternatives.
- Followed the suggestion of sudo lightdm –-test-mode --debug, but that gives a black screen with white mouse.
- Followed the suggestion and installed gdm3. Did sudo dpg-reconfigure gdm3 and got two options (gdm3 and lightdm). Selected gdm3, which failed because the service was not working. Calling sevice gdm start gave me finally a GUI again.
September 23, 2018
- Installed Office2016, but this had the same build as Office365. Uninstalling Office365 didn't help with my problem of opening 2003 files. Installing ShakeSpeak was also not the trick.
- Finally found the source of the problem: it was a Windows10 protection. In file-properties you can unblock the presentation. Still no success. Switched off RealTime Virus protection, PUAProtection, NetworkProtection but still no success.
- Simplest solution is to copy the file to the local computer. Then the file can be opened without problems.
- Found the trick: followed suggestions from MicroSoft TechNet and changed the settings in Protected View. In addition, I also included my Network drive as a safe location. Now I could open the file at my Network drive.
September 21, 2018
- My Windows7 laptop had problems to wake up from hibernation. Followed the instructions and turned hibernation off/on with powercfg.exe -h off. The file hiberfil.sys can be made visible with attrib h*.*
September 19, 2018
- Updated under Windows10 the Thunderbolt Controller to v17.4.77.400.
September 18, 2018
- Was looking if my Linux-workstation was 32bits, but sparta is replaced by athene in 2012. In addition, I found a dvi-splitter, but still no signal on vga / dvi monitor.
- Also nb-ros is 64bits.
- The Linux-machines that I could still access in the uwp-domain were all 64bits:
- Jose
- Diertens u031061
September 14, 2018
- Increased the security of my XPS-system with two commands indicated in Computer Techniek: Set-MpPreference -PUAProtection 1 and Set-MpPreference -EnableNetworkProtection Enabled. The last one seems to work, based on the Smartscreen-test.
- Installed Ubuntu 18.04 for Windows on my XPS.
September 12, 2018
- Did in Matlab GPUdeviceCount with a normal USB-C cable (instead of the Thunderbolt cable). No GPU found.
September 9, 2018
- Increased my font of my grub-menu with the following commands (thanks to Quayo):
sudo grub-mkfont -s 30 -o /boot/grub/DejaVuSansMono.pf2 /usr/share/fonts/truetype/dejavu/DejaVuSansMono.ttf
sudo vi /etc/default/grubadd GRUB_FONT=boot/grub/DejaVuSansMono.pf2
sudo update-grub
August 23, 2018
- Had the problem that two updates were not downloading in Windows Update. Followed instructions, disabled the Virus scanner and did a manual download. Installed the cab with pkgmgr and the msu with wusa.exe. Both succeeded, but were still on the list of to-be-installed updates. Switched automatic updates off and restarted. Still in the list.
August 21, 2018
- I could still login at
- Was able to do gpuDeviceCount and gpuDevice on Matlab2018b on my Ubuntu 18.04 partition, so I could also start the DeepLearning demo under Linux.
- Checked in the System Monitor, Matlab is using only 14% of the CPU (and 3 Gb of memory). The GPU usage is according to nvidia-smi 86%, with 6 of the 12 Gb used. Temparature is 70C, so fan is at 42%.
- After 20 minutes already 18/120 epochs trained.
August 7, 2018
- Followed the instructions from the Linux-community but gvfs-mount "smb://" returned volume didn't implement mount.
- Removed the partitions of a bootable USB (after checking the device with lsbsk), formated first with ext4, later with fat32. Edited /etc/fstab to allow other users to mount. Could change ownership, but still couldn't create a directory on the USB. Formatted the USB again on my windows-laptop.
- Made a backup on the 32Gb disk nb-dual.
- Intel-gpu-tools was already the last version, alternative were on mesa, tried once nvidia-probe. No effect.
- Tried Dell recovery tool, but only Windows 10 iso.
- Followed the steps of dell support. The command sudo do-release-upgrade -d has effect, but failed in calculating the upgrade (unofficial packages!).
- Complained about glib, so deinstalled libglib2.0-dev (and ros-turtlebot).
- apt-get update complained about
- xenial Release
- wacom-plus
- fingerprint-gui
- graphics-drivers
- xenial-dell
- Commenting out the repositories didn't help. Couldn't remove all wacom-pkgs, due to dependencies.
- Installed aptitude and performed Debian way of upgrading. sudo aptitude safe-upgrade reported 151 conflicts and 71 refers.
- At the end, the were too many dependencies. Suggestion was to run safe-upgrade with option --full-resolve, which suggested to remove most ros-kinetic packages. Fried a lot of space :-)
- aptitude safe-install asked if I wanted a new grub-configuration. The new one seemed to have better resolution support, so I selected the new one (of the maintainer). Continued with a full-install and a reboot. I have a working GUI again (and 18.04)!
August 6, 2018
- After installing bumbelbee-nvidia, I couldn't login anymore, not even with CTR-F1.
- Selected in grub advanced startup options. Selected from the option FailsafeX, but also that fails.
- Selected the root-terminal, that works fine. Checked the xsession-errors, and I see a failed GLX reuqest, cannot connect to britty at :0, gnome-session terminated.
- Tried sudo service lightdm restart as root, but that gave Failed to start Light Display Manager, see systemctl status lightdm.service for details
- Tried in the grub advanced startup options (upstart), but that gives a black screen.
- Tried in the grub advanced startup options (kernel 0.23), but that gives only /dev/nvmc0n1p7: clean.
- Tried in the grub advanced startup options (recovery 0.45). Tried the option dpkg. There are packages available, but it could not download them. Starting the network system complained about no such file /etc/resolv.conf.
- Clean worked to make the system read/write (and perform autoremove). Resuming with normal boot gave all green services, but no login.
- Missing the mesa-drivers, but network doesn't want to restart. Should try sudo ifdown --exclude=lo -a && sudo ifup --exclude=lo -a, because sudo service network-manager restart complains about missing d-bus.
- As root I didn't get a network (also not wired), but when I exited and continued the boot I had a connection.
- Did an update, upgrade, autoremove. Mesa-utils are already the latest. Triedto restart lightdm, which failed. Removed and installed lightdm, and now the login screen reacts again. Yet, still no effect (but can reach terminal with CTR-ALT-F1).
- sudo update-alternatives -config x86_64-linux-gnu_gl_conf reported that there was only one option (and no alternatives (the mesa-driver).
- network only works with wired connection.
- Downloaded missing firmware from, followed by sudo update-initramfs -u. No effect.
- Followed the instructions from askubuntu and reinstalled xserver-xorg. No effect. Downloading cuda9.2.deb. No effect.
- Created /etc/X11/xorg.conf with an extra device for my Intel GPU. No effect.
- Checked if my grub lines had nomodoset, but that was not the case.
- Try to install intel-gpu-tools?
- First try another update-alternative?
July 7, 2018
- The bash-app complained that my username was not part of sudoers, so I edited with Notepad++ the file in /etc/sudoers. After that I could install new software. First the kernel had to be updated. I received the question if I wanted to configure grub for this image, so I said no. After that I received error-messages that the installation of grub-pc failed, so I removed grub-pc from the installation. Did an update/upgrade to get my bash-app up-to-date (159 packages).
June 30, 2018
- Updated the BIOS of the nb-dual from 1.3.3 to 1.4.0. Partly to see if this solves my problem with the Assist program, partly to be sure that it is ready for Thunderbold 3.
May 29, 2018
- Added sudo add-apt-repository " xenial-dell public" based on a suggestion of the Sputnik forum. Inside the repository 161 packages can be found, mostly about the network manager and different nvidea packages.
- Installed Linux for Windows. Again, this didn't worked from the Windows Store, but typing bash (after enabling) worked fine. Put a link to my home-directory on my Desktop. ssh could be found.
May 28, 2018
- Installed the Canon Follow-Me printer by following the instructions from this UvA site.
April 27, 2018
- Tried to install uvavpn,both via the instructions and the script from Both installations finishes, but when I start uvavpn I don't have any dns anymore. Strange?
April 25, 2018
- Found archlinux page on the 9370.
- The Goodix fingerprint sensor is (partly visible) with lsusb:
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 27c6:5385
- Checked with dmesg | grep 27c6 and dmesg | grep 1-10:
[ 1.892053] usb 1-10: new full-speed USB device number 4 using xhci_hcd
[ 2.041289] usb 1-10: New USB device found, idVendor=27c6, idProduct=5385
[ 2.041290] usb 1-10: New USB device strings: Mfr=1, Product=2, SerialNumber=3
[ 2.041291] usb 1-10: Product: Goodix Fingerprint Device
[ 2.041292] usb 1-10: Manufacturer: HTMicroelectronics
[ 2.041292] usb 1-10: SerialNumber: HTK32
- Tried hwinfo --short, but gave several unknowns:
DMA controller
Keyboard controller
Intel Signal processing controller
Intel Signal processing controller
Intel SMBus
Intel Memory controller
Intel Signal processing controller
Intel Signal processing controller
Intel Communication controller
Realtek Unclassified device
Realtek Integrated_Webcam_HD
HTMicroelectronics Goodix Fingerprint Device
- According to the fingerprint option should be visible in User accounts.
- My Goodix sensor is not listed in supported devices.
March 19, 2018
- Had once an issue with the GPU fan.
- Some issues after hypernite, that no networks are found (even after restarting physically the wireless).
- Updating the firmware from v1.2.0 to v1.2.1, maybe this solves this issue (and hope that the dual-boot remains).
- The fingerprint sensor is from Goodix (VID 27C6, PID 5385).
- The touchpad claims that it is HID-complaint. The drivers are from Microsoft, the Vendor is Dell, (VID 06CB, DEV 07E6).
March 8, 2018
- Added a shortcut to my /home/arnoud on both my workstation and my xps13-dual. Yet, both Windows for Linux are installed in a different way. On my workstation it seems to be installed with lxrun (Creators Update style), and the linux drive can be found at C:\Users\windowsuser\AppData\Local\lxss\home, while on xps13-dual the installation is done via the official app and the linux drive can be found at C:\Users\avisser1\AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuWindows_*\LocalState\rootfs\home.
- I had only root on xps13, so added in bash adduser username and in Powershell executed ubuntu config --default-user username.
March 1, 2018
- Followed the instructions from UvA Linux community and and configured EduRoam.
- The right button of the touch-pad doesn't work well under my current ubuntu installation.
February 19, 2018
- I am now member of the Windows self-support community.
- Found this instructions to install a Adobe package. Yet, a simple setup.exe takes ages.
February 17, 2018
- Eric made nb-dual dualboot by using a regular LTS, made the USB-drive visible by enabling several Thunderbird options in UEFI and fall back to QatrixX usb hub (and an additional USB-ethernet adapter).
- Eric installed git, did a git clone
- After that Eric did a sudo apt-get install linux-virtual-hwe-16.04.edge, followed by sudo apt-get install linux-image-extra-virtual-hwe-16.04.edge, and sudo apt-get install linux-headers-virtual-hwe-16.04-edge.
- Wireless works, touchscreen works. Only the left-right button from the trackpad seem to be a bit unreliable.
February 16, 2018
- Followed the instructions of Computer Techniek and installed the OpenSSH from Github, because the Beta Windows10 App doesn't support RSA keys. Contrary to its name, there is also a 64bits variant. Enabled the automatic starting of a ssh-agent (not an ssh-server). This entry shows that it works (with ./ssh).
- Followed the instructions, and with F12 was able to "Try Ubuntu". Only, no network card was detected. Should try it with XPS 9370 Ubuntu 16.04 ISO image.
- Downloaded the file, result is a disk which is not recognizable for Windows (could install ext4 server). Came in Boot-menu, but disk was not visible. Changed the boot-option from UEFI with Secure Boot to UEFI without Secure Boot. After that I am not able to come in Boot menu (F12) any more.
- The Wireless card is an Killer Wireless-n/a/ac 1435 Network Adapter.A
- Should identify itself as PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_003E&SUBSYS_15351A56&REV_32 (Killer Wireless-AC 1535)
. Linux driver should be based on ath10k.
- Tried first the instructions from Microsoft and enabled the "Windows Subsystem for Linux", followed by command Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux. Installing via the Launch option, in contrast with my workstation. Take a few minutes .... message takes ages.
- In the mean time, downloaded v0.69 of ext2fsd.
- Ext2fsd recognizes a RAW partition with FAT16, still Explorer complains that D: has to be formatted.
- Stopped the launch. bash works without problems, only no question about the user. If I start bash from PowerShell-admin I am root, as user I am arnoud.
- Followed the suggestion of askubuntu and added the to /etc/apt/sources.list.d.
- Inspected the content of xenial-dell with the command wget -qO- and saw package ath9k-msi-dkms.
- Still, lshw -C network gives network:0 DISABLED
- Followed the instructions from Iller networking, and installed the latest linux-firmware. Only modprobe failed. There is a directory /lib/modules, but no /lib/modules/4.4.0-43-Microsoft/modules.dep.bin.
- Tried to solve this with command sudo apt-get install --reinstall linux-image-4.4.0. This adds 500Mb of kernal updates (157 packages).
February 5, 2018
- The new students will get Ubuntu 18.04, alias the Bionic Beaver, which will be released on April 26.
January 3, 2018
- Read Turbocharging the web, about emscripten which could C++ programs (including Unreal) to JavaScript.
- Installed it on my Windows10 workstation (on C:/Programs/emscripten).
- Installed it with PowerShell, but than the first step of the tutorial doesn't work (emcc not found). Switched to the regular cmd-terminal.
- Continued with hello_world.c. Seems to work, although it takes quite some time to build the system library libc (which will be cached).
- Download puzzle1. Could build ishow.js and fshow.js, but when creating btest.js I got the warning that siglongjmp and sigsetjmp were unresolved symbols. Running btest.js gave a RangeError, Source is too large.
- Creating fshow.html gave the problem that the program is expecting two arguments. Have to see how those could be given to html. I did ishow.html?first=2&second=3, but still I receive the usage message. The created html has in the textarea code to extract the arguments, but this doesn't work (even after activating the replacements for raw HTML).
- The Machine Learning Machine called the Beast is back. Testing it with the commands:
stress -m 300
__GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=0 glxgears
__GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=0 glxgears
__GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=0 glxgears
__GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK=0 glxgears
Started the test at 11:26. Still running on 12:00.
- The Beast has (not yet) a wired connection and the wireless kicks every three minutes out.
- Made a wired ethernet connection, but it seems that only one socket is patched <(upper right).
Previous Labbooks