The Project

Draft article

First Presentation

The Team

Project Paper Award 2006

Universiteit van Amsterdam

The Poire project

This project involves creating a mobile landmark recognizer using a mobile phone for the Design and Organisation of Autonomous Systems (DOAS) course.

Final article

PoireArticleFinal.pdf [2.31 MB]

Corrected Draft article - now including images!

We just noticed that the verion of our DOAS draft paper that was uploaded yesterday does not include any figures due to a conflict between the LaTeX chngpage and graphicx packages, causing all figures to be ignored during compilation (at least that's our current theory). Below you can get a verson that does include all images. Otherwise, the content of the two versions is identical.

PoireDraftArcticleWithImages.pdf [806 KB]

Draft article

PoireDraftArcticle.pdf [452 KB]

(Sorry the link didn't work the first time, but it should work now)

First presentation

PoirePresentation.pdf [397 KB]

Some J2ME Simulator results


The team consists of the following members (name - login):

Contact us at [login]

Last updated: January 11, 2006