Archive for the 'Documentation' Category


Thursday, February 2nd, 2006

This tar files containts the final version of the Paper and the Technical Report in PDF format, along with the source files (lateX and Word) and some figures.


- Isaac -

Paper draft v.01

Friday, January 27th, 2006

We have written the first paper draft. Some information is still missin, but its a good starting point.

Missing info so far:

  • More experiments results and discussion
  • Deeper conclusions
  • More experimental data
  • Complete list of references
  • Conclusions about observation of emergen behavior

Paper draft v.01

- Isaac -

Reference Papers

Thursday, January 26th, 2006

Here is a list of interesting papers with reference or related work.

- Isaac -

A different abstract approach

Tuesday, January 24th, 2006

Collaborative behavior is a critic topic for multiple agents systems. This paper presents the results of two different approaches to overcome joint actions: expectation and message driven behavior. A set of experiments has been designed to test the performance of both methods on the behavior of the Robots when collaborating together according to the Sony Four Legged RoboCup Open Challenge.

- Isaac -

First meeting presentation

Monday, January 23rd, 2006

We succesfully finished the first status meeting will all the DOAS groups.

The ideas we presented regarding the collaborative bahavior approached were quite successfull.

Status presentation

- Isaac -