Arguments (pass arguments as ':='): 'stereo': Use stereo input instead of RGB-D. (default: 'false') 'localization': Launch in localization mode. (default: 'false') 'rtabmap_viz': Launch RTAB-Map UI (optional). (default: 'true') 'rviz': Launch RVIZ (optional). (default: 'false') 'use_sim_time': Use simulation (Gazebo) clock if true (default: 'false') 'log_level': ROS logging level (debug, info, warn, error). For RTAB-Map's logger level, use "args" argument. (default: 'info') 'cfg': To change RTAB-Map's parameters, set the path of config file (*.ini) generated by the standalone app. (default: '') 'gui_cfg': Configuration path of rtabmap_viz. (default: '~/.ros/rtabmap_gui.ini') 'rviz_cfg': Configuration path of rviz2. (default: '/opt/ros/humble/share/rtabmap_launch/launch/config/rgbd.rviz') 'frame_id': Fixed frame id of the robot (base frame), you may set "base_link" or "base_footprint" if they are published. For camera-only config, this could be "camera_link". (default: 'base_link') 'odom_frame_id': If set, TF is used to get odometry instead of the topic. (default: '') 'map_frame_id': Output map frame id (TF). (default: 'map') 'map_topic': Map topic name. (default: 'map') 'publish_tf_map': Publish TF between map and odomerty. (default: 'true') 'namespace': (default: 'rtabmap') 'database_path': Where is the map saved/loaded. (default: '~/.ros/rtabmap.db') 'topic_queue_size': Queue size of individual topic subscribers. (default: '1') 'queue_size': Backward compatibility, use "sync_queue_size" instead. (default: '10') 'qos': General QoS used for sensor input data: 0=system default, 1=Reliable, 2=Best Effort. (default: '1') 'wait_for_transform': (default: '0.2') 'rtabmap_args': Backward compatibility, use "args" instead. (default: '') 'launch_prefix': For debugging purpose, it fills prefix tag of the nodes, e.g., "xterm -e gdb -ex run --args" (default: '') 'output': Control node output (screen or log). (default: 'screen') 'initial_pose': Set an initial pose (only in localization mode). Format: "x y z roll pitch yaw" or "x y z qx qy qz qw". Default: see "RGBD/StartAtOrigin" doc (default: '') 'output_goal_topic': Output goal topic (can be connected to nav2). (default: '/goal_pose') 'use_action_for_goal': Connect to nav2's navigate_to_pose action server instead of publishing the output goal topic. (default: 'false') 'ground_truth_frame_id': e.g., "world" (default: '') 'ground_truth_base_frame_id': e.g., "tracker", a fake frame matching the frame "frame_id" (but on different TF tree) (default: '') 'approx_sync': If timestamps of the input topics should be synchronized using approximate or exact time policy. (default: 'false') 'approx_sync_max_interval': (sec) 0 means infinite interval duration (used with approx_sync=true) (default: '0.0') 'rgb_topic': (default: '/camera/rgb/image_rect_color') 'depth_topic': (default: '/camera/depth_registered/image_raw') 'camera_info_topic': (default: '/camera/rgb/camera_info') 'stereo_namespace': (default: '/stereo_camera') 'left_image_topic': (default: LaunchConfig('stereo_namespace') + '/left/image_rect_color') 'right_image_topic': Use grayscale image for efficiency (default: LaunchConfig('stereo_namespace') + '/right/image_rect') 'left_camera_info_topic': (default: LaunchConfig('stereo_namespace') + '/left/camera_info') 'right_camera_info_topic': (default: LaunchConfig('stereo_namespace') + '/right/camera_info') 'rgbd_sync': Pre-sync rgb_topic, depth_topic, camera_info_topic. (default: 'false') 'approx_rgbd_sync': false=exact synchronization. (default: 'true') 'subscribe_rgbd': Already synchronized RGB-D related topic, e.g., with rtabmap_sync/rgbd_sync nodelet. (default: LaunchConfig('rgbd_sync')) 'rgbd_topic': (default: 'rgbd_image') 'depth_scale': (default: '1.0') 'compressed': If you want to subscribe to compressed image topics (default: 'false') 'rgb_image_transport': Common types: compressed, theora (see "rosrun image_transport list_transports") (default: 'compressed') 'depth_image_transport': Depth compatible types: compressedDepth (see "rosrun image_transport list_transports") (default: 'compressedDepth') 'subscribe_scan': (default: 'false') 'scan_topic': (default: '/scan') 'subscribe_scan_cloud': (default: 'false') 'scan_cloud_topic': (default: '/scan_cloud') 'scan_normal_k': (default: '0') 'visual_odometry': Launch rtabmap visual odometry node. (default: 'true') 'icp_odometry': Launch rtabmap icp odometry node. (default: 'false') 'odom_topic': Odometry topic name. (default: 'odom') 'vo_frame_id': Visual/Icp odometry frame ID for TF. (default: LaunchConfig('odom_topic')) 'publish_tf_odom': (default: 'true') 'odom_tf_angular_variance': If TF is used to get odometry, this is the default angular variance (default: '0.01') 'odom_tf_linear_variance': If TF is used to get odometry, this is the default linear variance (default: '0.001') 'odom_args': More arguments for odometry (overwrite same parameters in rtabmap_args). (default: '') 'odom_sensor_sync': (default: 'false') 'odom_guess_frame_id': (default: '') 'odom_guess_min_translation': (default: '0.0') 'odom_guess_min_rotation': (default: '0.0') 'imu_topic': Used with VIO approaches and for SLAM graph optimization (gravity constraints). (default: '/imu/data') 'wait_imu_to_init': (default: 'false') 'subscribe_user_data': User data synchronized subscription. (default: 'false') 'user_data_topic': (default: '/user_data') 'user_data_async_topic': User data async subscription (rate should be lower than map update rate). (default: '/user_data_async') 'gps_topic': GPS async subscription. This is used for SLAM graph optimization and loop closure candidates selection. (default: '/gps/fix') 'tag_topic': AprilTag topic async subscription. This is used for SLAM graph optimization and loop closure detection. Landmark poses are also published accordingly to current optimized map. Required: Remove optional frame name parameters from apriltag's cfg file so that TF frame can be deducted from topic's family and id. (default: '/detections') 'tag_linear_variance': (default: '0.0001') 'tag_angular_variance': >=9999 means rotation is ignored in optimization, when rotation estimation of the tag is not reliable or not computed. (default: '9999.0') 'fiducial_topic': aruco_detect async subscription, use tag_linear_variance and tag_angular_variance to set covariance. (default: '/fiducial_transforms')