O Opleiding Kunstmatige Intelligentie - Zoeken, Sturen en bewegen`

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"Zoeken, Sturen en Bewegen"


The last week the course baiZSB6 is dedicated to experimentation.

Go, where no one has gone before.

This time it is not the result that counts, but your summery of your survey. Document your progress, experiments and decisions in a LabBook. You will be evaluated on your LabBook at the end of the week.


Week 26

Monday 21/6 10.00-12.00 Experiment1 Kick-Off P.126 Arnoud Visser
Wednesday 24/6 10.00-12.00 Experiment2 Mid-Term P.126 Arnoud Visser
Friday 26/6 10.00-13.30 Experiment3 Demonstration and Documentation Robotlab - F1.21, Kruislaan 403 Arnoud Visser
Friday 26/6 11.30-13.30 Lineair Algebra Extra Workcollege for the re-examination WTCW - F0.13, Kruislaan 403 Leo Dorst
Friday 26/6 14.00-17.00 Experiment4 Grade & Drinks Euclides, Ground Floor Arnoud Visser

With a working system, and the acquired knowledge, you can explore new possibilities. Here are some suggestions:

  • Extend the checkmate problem to more complex situations
  • Play on a tilted board
  • Play on a NewChess board
  • Java implementation of the alpha-beta algorithm
  • Use an Aibo as webcam
  • Let the Aibo move one piece
  • Create a 8x8 maze for the Aibo
  • Create a maze for a plotter-robot
  • Create 2D Game-interface with GameMaker.
It is recommanded to work in groups of three students.
Here are the local copies of the original labbooks.

Henco Visser, Jago Philippens 'Alpha-beta algoritme, een implementatie' LabBook
Jan Doggen, Wouter Beek 'De heuristiek van het paard-loper probleem' LabBook
Nimrod Raiman, Jasper van Turnhout, Hanne Nijhuis 'De Aibo een stuk laten verzetten' LabBook
Marc Bron, Aziz Baibabaev Using Aibo vision to recognize a single move on a chessboard LabBook
David de Bos, Sebastiaan de Stoppelaar 'Whumpus wereld nabouwen met een echte robot' LabBook
Mark Kroon, Arjan Nieuwenhuizen 'Promoveren van een pion' LabBook
Louis Fontaine, Sebas Heijman 'Aibo schaakspraak' LabBook
Maarten Leeuwrik, Roderik Lagerweij CheckerBoard LabBook

Here are the original locations of the Labbooks:

Henco Visser, Jago Philippens 'Alpha-beta algoritme, een implementatie' LabBook
Jan Doggen, Wouter Beek 'De heuristiek van het paard-loper probleem' LabBook
Nimrod Raiman, Jasper van Turnhout, Hanne Nijhuis 'De Aibo een stuk laten verzetten' LabBook
Marc Bron, Aziz Baibabaev Using Aibo vision to recognize a single move on a chessboard LabBook
David de Bos, Sebastiaan de Stoppelaar 'Whumpus wereld nabouwen met een echte robot' LabBook
Mark Kroon, Arjan Nieuwenhuizen 'Promoveren van een pion' LabBook
Louis Fontaine, Sebas Heijman 'Aibo schaakspraak' LabBook
Maarten Leeuwrik, Roderik Lagerweij CheckerBoard LabBook


The results can be found here.

Last updated 28 July 2004

o This web-page and the list of participants to this course is maintained by Arnoud Visser (arnoud@science.uva.nl)
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam

visitors in arnoud@science.uva.nl