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Day 3 Wednesday June 23 2004

  We have acquired a new version of the code. This one has a workaround for the
  imview problem. We are about to test it.

  The code works. We are speculating on solutions for our problem:

  Currently discussing:

  We're working out this idea first.

  Here is our pseudocode for calibration:

 While ((Ay != By || Cy != Dy) || (abs(Bx-Dx) != abs(Ax-Cx))) (we appoint a precision margin)

  1. If By > Ay rotate clockwise (negative) While By > Ay (we appoint a precision margin)
     Else If By < Ay rotate counter clockwise (positive) While By < Ay (we appoint a precision margin)

  2. If Bx > Dx translate left upon x-axis (negative) While Bx > Dx (we appoint a precision margin)
     Else If Ax < Cx translate right upon x-axis (positive) While Ax < Cx (we appoint a precision margin)

 We are now speculating on how to project the cartesian location of a poin on the 2d camera image, upon the
 3d cartesian location of the chessboard. 

 For this we need:

 We shall attempt to make a projection matrix for this.

  Partial implementation of the projection algorithm:

 //Has? the ability to project a 2d camera coordinate upon board.

 public class CameraPoint?
  double xcam,
      ycampos = 0, //set distance from zero point of the camera manually
      xcampos = 0, //must remain zero since the camera is looking directly through the middle of the board
      zcampos = 0, //set height of the camera manually
      ycamdist, //y coordinate of aibocam - y coordinate of the middle of the board
      zcamdist, //height of aibocam - height of board

  String chesspos = "";

  double camangle,    //the angle between the camera viewing direction and the normal of the board
         f = 0;        //aibocam focuspoint.

  ChessBoard? b;

  public CameraPoint?(int xcam, int ycam, ChessBoard? board)
    this.xcam = xcam;
    this.ycam = ycam;
    b = board;

    ycamdist =  ycampos - (b.coords.y+b.sur_y+b.delta_y*4);
    zcamdist = zcampos - b.coords.z;
    camangle = Math.atan(ycamdist/zcamdist);

  public void projectToChess?()
    //first we rotate around x-axis of the board in the positive direction
    //than we translate to the chessboard
    double[][] projection = {{1,            0,                    0,                0},
                             {0, Math.cos(camangle), - Math.sin(camangle), - ycamdist},
			     {0, Math.sin(camangle),   Math.cos(camangle), - zcamdist},
			     {0,            0,                    0,                1}};

     xchess = xcam;
     ychess = ycam*projection[1][1] + projection[1][3];

     char column = (char)('h' - (b.coords.x - xchess - b.sur_x)/(double)b.delta_x); //amount of squares from h to a on the board
     char row = (char)('8' -(ychess - b.coords.y - b.sur_y)/(double)b.delta_y);     
     chesspos = chesspos + column + row;

partial implementation of the calibration algorithm:
 // calibration.java probeerd het midden van het bord recht voor de aibo te leggen.
 // author: 	marc bron & aziz baibabaev 
 // cknr:	0130486 & 0222704

 import tio.*;

 public class Calibration

 private point A;
 private point B;
 private point C;
 private point D;

 public void Calibration(point A, point B, point C, point D)

  A = this.A;
  B = this.B;
  C = this.C;
  D = this.D;

 public void doCalibration()
   While ( (A.y != B.y || C.y != D.y) || ( Math.abs(B.x - D.x) != Math.abs(A.x - C.x) ) )
    System.out.println(" rotate ")

    if(B.y > A.y)
      System.out.println(" rotate clockwise ");
    else if (B.y < A.y)
      System.out.println(" rotate counter clockwise ");

    System.out.println(" translate ");

    if(B.x > D.x)
      System.out.println(" translate left upon x-axis ");
    else if (A.x < C.x)
      System.out.println(" translate right upon x-axis ");



End of Day 3

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Last edited June 24, 2004 5:32 pm by Aziz Baibabaev (diff)