O Opleiding Kunstmatige Intelligentie - Zoeken, Sturen en bewegen`

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"Zoeken, Sturen en Bewegen"


This is the information of year 2005

The site of the previous year 2004 can be found here. The site of the next year 2006 can be found here.

The last week the course is dedicated to experimentation.

Go, where no one has gone before.

This time it is not the result that counts, but your summery of your survey. Document your progress, experiments and decisions in a LabBook. You will be evaluated on your LabBook at the end of the week.

Here are the local copies of the original labbooks.

Hylke Buisman, Mark Beumer Detect a move with a webcam LabBook
Dennis Roof, Gijs Pannenbakker Create a maze generator for the pathplanning module LabBook
Niels Out, Andreas van Cranenburgh Sudoko LabBook
Folkert Huizinga, Bram Stoeller Make a plotter of the UMI-RTX robot LabBook
Rik Tobi, Aksel Ethembabaoglu, Erik van den Hooven Solve Teeko or 'molenspel' with alphabeta algorithm in Java LabBook
Dolf Klomp, Kaspar de Geus Reasoning and actuation in a blockworld LabBook
Kris Bende, Jeroen Kools Play a game of Jenga LabBook
Bruno Jakic Solve tic-tac-toe in Advice Language / Delphi LabBook
Anne Schuth, Tjerk Kostelijk Create a maze for a Heminson-robot LabBook

Here are the original locations of the Labbooks:

Hylke Buisman, Mark Beumer Detect a move with a webcam LabBook
Dennis Roof, Gijs Pannenbakker Create a maze generator for the pathplanning module LabBook
Niels Out, Andreas van Cranenburgh Sudoko LabBook
Folkert Huizinga, Bram Stoeller Make a plotter of the UMI-RTX robot LabBook
Rik Tobi, Aksel Ethembabaoglu, Erik van den Hooven Solve Teeko or 'molenspel' with alphabeta algorithm in Java LabBook
Dolf Klomp, Kaspar de Geus Reasoning and actuation in a blockworld LabBook
Kris Bende, Jeroen Kools Play a game of Jenga LabBook
Bruno Jakic Solve tic-tac-toe in Advice Language / Delphi LabBook
Anne Schuth, Tjerk Kostelijk Create a maze for a Heminson-robot LabBook

Last updated 25 July 2005

o This web-page and the list of participants to this course is maintained by Arnoud Visser (arnoud@science.uva.nl)
Faculty of Science
University of Amsterdam

visitors in arnoud@science.uva.nl