Course Search, Navigate, and Actuate
"Zoeken, Sturen en Bewegen"
This is the information of year 2013
The experiments of previous years
can be found here.
The experiments of the current year
can be found here.
The last week the
course is dedicated to experimentation.
Go, where no one has gone before.
This time it is not the result that counts, but your summery of your survey.
Document your progress, experiments and design decisions on a website.
This website contains a proposal of what robotics' application you would like to build, and your experimental approach to accomplish (part of) this proposal
in the given timeframe.
You will be evaluated on your website at the end of the week. The criteria of evaluation will be
- Technical difficulty
- Scientific rigor
- Community impact
- Experimental skills
Here is a list of groups and their reports:
| Sebastien Negrijn, Vincent Erich, Martijn Wardenaar and Jelle Koster
Basic order picking met behulp van de KUKA YouBot
| report |
| Tom Koenen and Lotte Weerts
Sphero Corridor Mapping - Mapping op basis van collision detectie met een robotische bal
| report |
| Micha de Groot and Peter Bontenbal
Chaostheorie bij de vorming van files
| report |
| Janosch Haber, Michiel Boswijk and Joost Hoppenbrouwer
3D Tic-Tac-Toe voor de UMI RTX robot arm
| report |
| Iason de Bondt, Ivo Hoolwerf, Jorgos Tsovilis and
Tom van den Bogaart
Fight or Flee - Herprogrammeren van een Aibo ERS-7
| report |
| Gerben van der Huizen, Michael Chen, David van der Kooij, Lucas Twisk, Kyllian Broers and Tom van den Bogaart
Vier op een Rij
| report |
| Duco de Vries, Jeroen Rijnbout and Romy Visser
Using a coloured-based tracking algorithm to avoid collisions with the Crazyflie Nano Quadcopter
| report |
| Laura Helgering, Fien Pluymaekers and Lois Mooiman
Geluidsherkenning door de Aibo
| report |
| M. Offerhaus, B. Postma, T. A. Unger
Action Through Color Recognition for Sony's AIBO
| report |
| Tim Leunissen, Ilse van der Linden, Tomas Bijkerk, Alexander van Someren and Nynke Schaafsma
AR.Drone Fotografie - semi-autonome portretfoto's met behulp van gezichtsherkenning
| report |
Last updated 25 June 2015
This web-page and the list of participants to this course is maintained by
Arnoud Visser
of Science
University of Amsterdam