22 March 2006
- Downloaded http://www.germanteam.org/GT2005.zip. The stripped this distribution from their behaviors and walking-optimalizations.
- The new RobotControl2 run, because it can't find Src/RobotControl2/Libs/DirectX /*.dll. Adding this directory to your path, or moving the dll's to Bin doesn't solve the problem.
- Tried to copy the diff over GT2005. Started with Src/RobotControl only.
- Src/RobotControl/ColorTable64DlgBar.cpp needed Src/Modules/ImageProcessor.
- Src/Modules/ImageProcessor needed Representation/Perception.
- Modifications in Src/Modules/ImageProcessor/ImageProcessor.h resolved (Dutch addition of GoalLines and TaskVision).
- Modifications in Src/Modules/ImageProcessorTools/ are significant (Dutch addition of radiusTable).
- Modifications in Src/Representations/Perception/BallPercept.h are huge (mainly things in different order, no indication why in the logs).
- Modifications in Representations/Perceptions/LandmarksPercept are significant (mainly Dutch cleaning up).
- Modifications in Representations/Perceptions/SpecialVisionRequest.h are ok (addition of Dutch variableLighting challenge).
- Modifications in RobotControl/Bars/ColorTable64DlgBar.cpp are mainly improvements of Jurgen, except the German addition of Nubot color-tables (resolved that).
- RobotControl/RobotControlMainFrame shows the following differences.
- GT2005
- #include "Bars/StepShapeViewerDlgBar.h"
- #include "Bars/RemoteCamToolBar.h"
- #include "Bars/DebugRequestDlgBar.h"
- #include "Bars/DDPKnownDogsDlgBar.h"
- #include "Bars/GTCamWorldStateViewer.h"
- #include "Bars/MotionOptimizerDlgBar/MotionOptimizerDlgBar.h"
- DT2005
- #include "Bars/OptionRatingDlgBar.h"
- #include "Bars/TacticDesignerDlgBar.h"
- #include "Bars/StatisticsDlgBar.h"
The MotionOptimizer seems to be important for the DutchOpen ticket https://vruchtvlees.labs.cs.uu.nl/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/ticket/20. Merged the DlgBars. OpenGL bars stay commented out, to prevent computer-restarts..
- RobotControl/RobotControlMenu can be merged (if MotionOptimizer is included). Done
- RobotControl/Vizualisation/DrawingMethods seems to be Dutch clean up.
- Commited to svn://info.science.uva.nl/scratch/svn/DAT/branches/merge2005 revision 205 (couldn't test without Visual Studio 2003).
- RobotControl.vcproj had to be removed and added to the solution before Visual Studio recognized the file.
* <nowiki>Added a resource to rebuild resource.h. Other resources are still missing.
- RobotControl/Vizualisation/DrawingMethods is incompatible, and gives many errors.
- Probably better to include MotionOptimizerDlgBar in our RobotControl.
13 March 2006
- Created domain-users with the command 'mkpasswd -l -d > /etc/passwd' and 'mkgroup -l -d > /etc/group' on pc-rr, after moving the old files.
- Tested the replacement #ifndef VC7 for #if _MSC_VER < 1300 in Vector.cpp, and this seems also to work under VC6. Also the removal of libcmd.lib in the URC-project was not needed. Commited as revision 193.
- Installed Visual Studio .NET 2003 on nb-avmovie. Trick was to do a manual setup from the command-line on the prerequesites-CD, and to install all. After this track the Visual Studio could be installed (only selected the C++ part).
- The project-files are upwards converted by Microsoft. To get them working again I had to do the following tricks:
- Added C:\cygwin\bin and lib to Tools->Options->Projects->VC++ Directories
- Added to URC -> project -> properties -> C++ -> Preprocessor -> Definitions: WINVER=0x501 (XP)
- Remove from URC -> project -> properties -> Linker libcmd.lib
- Added to Depend -> project -> properties -> C++ -> Preprocessor -> Definitions: WINVER=0x501 (XP)
- Remove of libcd.lib from Depend -> project -> properties -> Linker increases the linker-errors
- Also thread-library is missing
- Solution was to change Depend -> project -> properties -> General -> UseMFC from StandardWindows to SharedMFC
- SimRobotForRobotControl didn't compile. Replaced #ifndef VC7 for #if _MSC_VER < 1300, and now it compiles.
- Check this with VC6 and commit.
- Added to RobotControl -> project -> properties -> C++ -> Preprocessor -> Definitions: WINVER=0x501 (XP)
- Problems with RobotControl, libcpmtd.lib versus RoboSimStaticLib about locale0.lib. Removed the explicit link to libcpmtd
- Moved Nafxcwd.lib and Libcmtd.lib too the front of Additional Libraries, on advice of Q148652.
- As a result, _GT2004 was rebuild, which is maybe as good. A rebuild all of RobotControl after adding Linker->CommandLine-Additional \verbose:lib worked.
23 February 2006
- A test with the old GameController is less successful:
- Incoming GameControllerPackage package from
- GameControlData V4
- Alien UDP GameController Package detected from
- wrong UDP game package
- The problem was that a started the GameController with two times the same team.
- Put the results in the trunk @ info (as dsoest). Moved jdk-directory in front of the windows-directory in PATH, and now the GameControllers also work on pc-aibo.
22 February 2006
- Changes are located in RoboCupGameControlData.h. The struct version went from 4 to 5, with to extra attributes in ControlData and a larger Players array in TeamInfo.
- Silvain changed in July the file BehaviorControl/CommonXabs2Symbols/RoboCupGameManagerSymbols.cpp and Deployment/Config/player.cfg (Revision 205)
- Silvain modified Representations/RoboCup/ControlData.cpp and created Representations/RoboCup/RoboCupGameControlUDPData.h (Revision 203)
- Jurgen modified Representations/WLAN/TeamMessageCollection.h and created Representations/WLAN/GameControlMessage.h (Revision 195)
- Jurgen removed in August the last hack from Platform/Aperios1.3.2/GameControllerUDPHandler.cpp (Revision 231)
- The file Representations/RoboCup/RoboCupGameControlUDPData.h is a copy of the sample/GameController/RoboCupGameControlData.h. No further occurrences of dropInTeam are found.
- The file RoboCupGameControlUDPData.h is not included in ControlData.cpp, but in Platform/Aperios1.3.2/GameControllerUDPHandler.cpp. There the package is converted to the format specified in Representations/RoboCup/RoboCupControlData.h (without UDP).
- Nothing else have to be changed (RoboCupGameManagerSymbols.cpp if we want to make use of the secondary state).
- Take care, the size of most attributes has changed from 32bits to 16 or 8 bits.
- Modified Representations/RoboCup/RoboCupGameControlUDPData.h, and created V4 and V5 data-structures. Modified GameControllerUDPHandler.cpp so that it is understand both messages, and to convert depending on the size and the header the data to information needed in RoboCup/ControlData.cpp.
* <nowiki>When I send commands from the new controller, and I have activated printDogDiscoveryProtocolInterface, I got the warning that the message is 116 instead of 10.
- GC2006-soccer-debug.tgz now contains a version that can listen to the new GameController:
- Incoming GameControllerPackage package from
- GameControlData V5
- KICKOFF: opponent team BLUE (we are RED)
- Player 3
- correct UDP package
21 February 2006
- Looked at the changes of the new Game Controller available from http://www.cse.unsw.edu.au/~willu/GameController/.
- Compiling the java-code was no problem, running it on pc-aibo was (Opening the jar with java.util.zip was not possible because the standard src.zip was not in the classpath).
8 February 2006
- Tried to merge info-trunk with the vruchtvlees-trunk or branches/amsterdam, but I only have the right to read from vruchtvlees, not to write.
24 January 2006
- pc-aibo needed 3 hours to create 'instances.owl' from GT2004BehaviorControl/Options/pass-test.xml
- Manually replaced xmlns:model="#" xml:base="#" entries with xmlns:model="http://staff.science.uva.nl/~arnoud/research/aibo/DT2006BehaviorControl/model.owl#" and xml:base="http://staff.science.uva.nl/~arnoud/research/aibo/DT2006BehaviorControl/model.owl#" at the beginning of the file instances.owl.
- Now, http://staff.science.uva.nl/~arnoud/research/aibo/DT2006BehaviorControl/instances.owl is readable for Protege 3.1.
- This ontology contains all instances used in the pass-test behaviour, such as for instances the 5 states: get-ball, approach-ball, grab-bal, turn-to-friend, and kick-ball.
- The model.owl still gives a number of warnings about multiple definitions of for instance hasparameter and transition-to-state.
- The instances.owl contains only one transition-to-state instance (to kick-ball), while in pass-test.xml there are 12 transitions to all 5 states. This is probably caused the transitions only contain a reference, and no attributes of their own (description).
- The ontology is missing relationships, for instance between the link conditions and symbols.
- With the other battery, Lewy still crashes at unregular intervals. Mina has problems with its RobotState?, because she tries to kick the ball when it is 20 centimeter out of reach.
23 January 2006
- Lewy still not seem to work properly, although 'Bobby' fell asleap in Jurgen's backpack with Lewy's battery.
- Installed xml2owl package from http://sourceforge.net/projects/xml2owl/ in Util-directory of doas2006 branch of pc-aibo.
- Typing 'xsltproc.exe --param input "'xml'" --xinclude ../../../Util/xml2owl-0.1.1/xsl/xsd2owl.xsl GT2004BehaviorControl/Options/pass-test.xml' created model.owl, schema.xsd and createInstances.xsl.
- 'instances.owl' should than be created by typing 'xsltproc.exe --xinclude --path ../../../Util/xml2owl-0.1.1/libs/xsltsl-1.2.1 createInstances.xsl GT2004BehaviorControl/Options/pass-test.xml'.
- After manually replacing lt and gt for the rdf:RDF entries at the beginning and end of the file, http://staff.science.uva.nl/~arnoud/research/aibo/DT2006BehaviorControl/model.owl is readable for Protege 3.1.
17 January 2006
- Found `moos' and `lewy' not working properly. `Moos' wouldn't wake up, `lewy' fell asleep after only a short period of action. In both cases,
however, the loader indicated the battery should be full. -- dk
11 January 2006
- Finally have the CBC NTSC camera YC-02b working. The Hauppage WinTV 878 card, now installed in pc-aibo, works fine when you select the Composite input in the AMcap program. The problem was the cable. After replacing the used cable by the Video Monitor cable that was attached to Sony recorder, I finally had a good view on the field.
2 January 2006
- For a fresh RobotControl, the Software Deployment starts only after the creation of a new WLAN configuration.
- A new challenge, like PassChallenge or FoolingAround, should be added to Src\Modules\BehaviorControl\GT2004BehaviorControl\agents.xml
- With the View->Module settings dialog in RobotControl, the new challenge can be selected as the root-option of BehaviorControl.
- Created a new directory branches/arnoud/DT2006/Src/Modules, and checkout svn://info.science.uva.nl/scratch/svn/DAT/branches/jurgen/DT2005/Src/Modules/BehaviorControl. After that I imported this directory in svn://info.science.uva.nl/scratch/svn/DAT/branches/arnoud/DT2006/.
- Also checked out svn://info.science.uva.nl/scratch/svn/DAT/branches/jurgen/DT2005/Make, deleted all the projects in DT2005.dsw except Xabls2, and renamed this in DT2006.dsw. Relocated to branches/arnoud, and added DT2006.dsw.
- Want to 'svn propset svn:externals Tools' to specify that the Tools come from a different branch (actually, the trunk). First have to download the svn package for cygwin, because this can only from the command line.
- Downloaded cvs-1.11.17-1.tar.bz2 and its dependencies (coreutils and libintl3) by starting cygwin's setup from G:\Downloads, selecting Partial view, switched every packages to Keep or Skip, selecting Full view, and selecting the cvs-package.
October, November, December 2005
July, August, September 2005
April, May, June 2005
January, February, March 2005
October, November, December 2004
July, August, September 2004
April, May, June 2004
January, February, March 2004
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