- Connection to UsarCommander
- ROS-nodes working for platform, kinect, laser scanner and ins.
Labbook 2021.
October 6, 2020
- Got a code walkthrough of Pepper Lab42 github.
- Building the docker container with sudo docker build -t lab42 ., which creates a Ubuntu 16.04 image with 32bits python2.7.
- Checked by plugin in the xbox controller that an extra device /dev/input/js0 appears when pluging in the xbox controller.
- The file guide.py has no controller, so providing I only have to add the ip as argument: python guide --ip (running via access point dnt2).
- The robot starts to move when the hand is forced open. Try to stear around in too small space. Touching the head is emergency stop, the robot goes to sleep.
- Downloaded some updated code with git pull. Started the docker image again with sudo docker start pepper and sudo docker attach pepper. Don't forget hit return twice.
- Run this time python Lab42.py --ip Started the demo with the start button (with three stripes of a menu). The first line is said. Drove the robot around with right gamepad. There is no emergy button, but the driving can stopped by closing the hand by force. Driving is easiest by first turning the elbow up, open the hand, align the Pepper by its wrist, and go forward by turning the elbow forward.
- The approach sequence can be started by the A button. Stopping a behavior can be done by the B button. Stopping the whole script is done by the select (button with two rectangels). After that the robot goes back to Autonomous Life.
- Started python approach.py --ip Every contact is a stop-button. There is no xbox-interface, that script will be made seperatly. After the hit the robot goes back to sleep.
- Tried to control the robot with the wireless joystick which came with the Jetbots. Unfortunatelly, the memory mapping of the start button is different, so I also couldn't test the driving around.
- Also couldn't start with the Logitech controller.
- Tested the new script python controller.py --ip Here I could directly steer the robot, no start was required. Stopping is again the select button.
July 23, 2020
June 30, 2020
- Made connection to Pepper's website and updated two applications.
- Contacted Choregraphe with Pepper and made an "Hello: Welcome at the Science Park" application.
- I got the message that Dutch was available as, switching the Language gave no warning, error, or succes, so the script didn't continue.
- Downstairs no robolab connection, so made the connection. Choregraphe made a connection to local.pepper. After disconnection and connecting the cable that host couldnot be found anymore, also after rebooting both Pepper and my XPS 13.
- Should have done a ip-scan with arp -a.
June 29, 2020
- I followed the instructions of Behavior-Based Robotics, but was only able run the win32 python2.7 from the ChoregrapheSuite. No win64 version is available on the website anymore.
- My last Choregraphe2.5 I install was from May 30, 2017. That was on my XPS 15z. I could find the installed Choregraphe, not the installation package. I didn't find the accomponying pynaoqi package.
- The new version is Pepper QiSDK. Followed Installation instructions.
- Downloaded v4.0 from Android Studio.
- Installed Bonjour.
- Added the Pepper SDK plugin.
- Created a project with the app as 2nd step of getting started.
- Yet, the app doesn't have an empty Kotlin or Java class, so it is not clear where the code sample has to be created.
- Made a third project, an Empty activity based on Java. Now my app has MainActivity.java. Yet, if my MainActivity class extends RobotActivity, that symbol is not known.
- The gettingstarted github from Aldabaran gives some hints, yet also a simple import com.aldebaran.qi.sdk.QiContext fails because com.aldebaran is not known.
- Looked in C:/Users/name/AndroidStudioProjects and saw that such a project is a directory with two subdirectories app and gradle and i.e. build.gradle.
- Loading the cloned git-directory works. The import in the HelloHumanTutorialActivity.kt give no errors, but because it is Kotlin code, the Robot Emulator is not available.
- Looked in the settings. In modules Java1.8 is specified. In the SDK Location The Android NDK is not available, so downloading v21.3.
- Maybe I should look at the alternative robot-jumpstarter.
- Created a simple script main.py in output/hello-app/app/scripts from the pythonapp template with the command python-orig jumpstart.py pythonapp hello-app. The Activity class has on_start and on_stop methods, which activates callbacks on when the tablet or forehead is touched.
- Starting the Robot emulator (3rd step of getting started), leads to a crash without warning, also when I start the studio from the commandline and activate the event log.
- With the latest Android Studio you start with a Wizard. First selected an Empty activity, but the Pepper SDK was greyed out in application. Probably because I chose the default language. As second attempt I chose an Empty project, with Java as language. Now the suggestion is made to Install the latest version, which downloads v6 of the API (QiSDK 1.6.7, Tools, Android Virtual Image 2019-10-29).
June 27, 2020
- Downloaded Choregraphe on my new XPS 13 9300. Software is still 32bits, and all text in the GUI is striketrough (Maybe because it was designed for Windows8, not Windows10.
- Also downloaded pynaoqi, and extracted that in C:\Packages\Aldebaran\ChoregrapheSuite\share\.
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