- Connection to UsarCommander
- ROS-nodes working for platform, kinect, laser scanner and ins.
Labbook 2023.
December 16, 2022
- Intel has released SPEAR, a photorealistic simulator based on Unreal, intended for Human Robot Interaction.
- Currently, it has a Camera and Fetch Agent, which can perceive and grip. It also has an OpenBot Agent, which is based on the OpenBot initiative.
- OpenBot has currently 5 different bodies: all interesting and Arduino based, but without gripper capabilities.
- It would be interesting to upgrade to the AtHome league, with a Pepper or Toyota Human Support Robot.
- The OpenBot DIY can be based build with the components of Perseids Kit (22 euro).
- The OpenBot Truck body is based on the chassis of a RC toy, such as BEZGAR (100 euro).
- The Multi-terrain body uses the same Rocker-Bogie constructin as the Martian rovers. Would be a great robot to build, at the Makers lab (600 euro). Yet, for such expensive body, I would use at least a Jetson Nano as controller.
- The last one is an assembled version (including a 520 motor version for outdoor use). Minimum order quantity is 10 units.
- The OpenBot vision is described in IEEE Spectrum (October 2020).
- No publication yet on Spear. Yet, German Ros published in 2019 a paper on alternative for CARLA.
- Interesting on Spear is the OpenAI Gym interface.
- Spear also provides depth images, which are displayed with an OpenCV window.
- Another example is to train the navigation with imitation learning, based on policy training for the OpenBot.
- Building SpearSim is only (for now) tested on MacOS.
- The actual code is quite minimal. Could not even find the Sphere or Camera agent, the major code of the OpenBot seems to be located in OpenBotPawn.cpp. The nice thing seems to be that the bot contains a IMU and Sonar component. It should be possible to port part of the USARSim models (P3AT) to SPEAR.
December 14, 2022
- Same error as before (not documented), Pepper give no response at all when the chess-button is pressed.
- Not even special start-up is initiated.
- Charging the Pepper directly (instead of via charging system).
December 1, 2022
- Steph could ping to Pepper, but both ssh and Choregraphe gave a time-out error.
- Strange enough, Steph is connected via the 145.* domain wireless.uva.nl, while my nb-dual is connected via the 146.* with fnwi.uva.nl
- Problem was that I added them to my personal iotroam space, not the robolab space.
November 30, 2022
- The new M1-macs do not allow the installation of Choregraphe. Seems that doing a right-click twice would solve this issue.
- The Windows machine from Daan no connection could be made, while ping works.
- Looked at this troubleshooting page.
- Switched off the firewall, to no avail.
- Also connecting to Tom didn't work. I could also not connect from my nb-dual, but that is because another Choregraphe was connected.
- Rebooting Pepper solved the issue: Daan could connect with Choregraphe from his Windows laptop.
November 17, 2022
- It would be nice to use an image from Metropolis, in the Art Deco style, at the wall of our lab:
- This poster was designed by La Boca.
November 16, 2022
- Pepper booted without Alive. Yet, the camera works fine in Choregraphe.
- Woke Pepper up. See that the Open Day behavior is running, but no response.
- Stopped the behavior and activated it again. Now it works without problems.
- Leaving it running, see if it endures.
November 15, 2022
- Preparing our Pepper for the Open Day this Friday. Pepper connects via the LAB42 network.
- Made a Dutch script which works, once the robot is alive.
- After rebooting, there was an error with the camera, so the script was not activated.
- Changed in the webinterface the setting to Alive by default, although that would also activate NaoLife behaviors.
- Also with Alive active the robot stays asleep. Check if this is due to being on the charging station by rebooting without charging station (and Alive deactivated).
- According to the documentation, the Alive has to be on to be able to put Pepper to sleep.
- Again a failure 713 with the camera device. Rebooting without Alive.
November 9, 2022
- Got access to the OpenCV developer dashboard with the Face Recognition from Seventh Sense.
- Reading the documentation
- The search capabilities are nice, should try to match two images (can be done locally, doesn't have to be done at the server.
- Followed the instruction, but the initialisation fails on ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/cv2/gapi/__init__.py.
- Checked with /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install opencv-python==: I have the latest version
- Downgraded one version to opencv-python version Now I get the error ImportError: cannot import name '_registerMatType' from 'cv2.cv2'.
- Checked the dependencies with pip3 show opencv-face-recognition, which only gives the names of the packages: numpy, opencv-python, pillow, python-dateutil, requests.
- Installed pipdeptree, which gives a little more information:
- numpy [required: Any, installed: 1.18.5]
- opencv-python [required: Any, installed:]
- numpy [required: >=1.17.3, installed: 1.18.5]
- numpy [required: >=1.14.5, installed: 1.18.5]
- pillow [required: Any, installed: 8.2.0]
- python-dateutil [required: Any, installed: 2.8.1]
- six [required: >=1.5, installed: 1.15.0]
- requests [required: Any, installed: 2.22.0]
- I found on this post somebody with the same problem. The suggestion was to use opencv version 4.5.4.
- Installed this version with python3 -m pip install opencv-python== Now python3 installation.py works.
- Continued with persons documentation.
- Had to look into the code itself (~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/opencv/fr/persons to see how for instance PersonGender was defined.
- After some puzzling I had a working create_person.py script.
- Continued with compare documentation.
- This function works locally, so doesn't have need of a developer key. That script compare_faces.py worked out of the box.
- The match between those pictures from mine was 80%:
- The match between those pictures from mine was 77%:
- The viewing angle is important, because the best match is with the oldest picture from mine (2020 vs 2010) - 87%:
- Actually, the best match is between the youngest and the oldest picture from mine (2022 vs 2010) - 88%:
November 4, 2022
November 3, 2022
October 10, 2022
- Checked Bob before this Pepper robot returns to Technolab.
- The robot connects via the LAB42 network. The behavior of the Open day is not his startup behavior.
- Could connect with Choregraphe via its ip-number (pepper.local failed).
- The robot mentions that it was downloading new software from the cloud, but the NaoQi version is still
- The indication in #/menu/apps is that 1 application is installed (one update ready to be updated).
- Didn't do the update, first checked a reboot.
- Same state after the reboot, so everything seems stable. Ready for transport.
September 9, 2022
- Received Bob, the v1.18a pepper from TechnoLab.
- Bob is running NaoQi version
- Could connect to Bob with Choregraphe
- The OpeningLab42.crg also works on Bob, the only problem is that its language is set to Dutch.
- Set in the webinterface the language to English and rebooted.
September 8, 2022
- Connected the Segway Loomo with LAB42 network (MAC address could be found in Wifi advanced).
- Returning to the home page can be done by touching the side of Loomo's head.
- Found my MAC-address of my phone (about phone -> status). Phone is connected, but the Loomo app doesn't see the Segway, although they are in the same network.
- Will try the Vislab network.
September 2, 2022
- From the uva-domain, Thomas could ping to Pepper, but Pepper was not visible to Choregraphe (and could also not connect with providing the ip-address).
- Once in the LAB42 domain, the connection worked (via the ip-adress, not by clicking the Pepper that was visible in the list of robots).
- Thomas has made a nice demo so that Pepper will welcome the audience at the open day. He send me the crg and a pdf with instructions how to install CHroegraphe 2.5 on a Mac with MacOS 12.5.
September 1, 2022
- These instructions to connect both head and tablet still work.
- Connected the head to Lab42 network. Strange enough, this doesn't work for robolab.
- With the tablet, both connection work (after registering the MAC, the number on the box are in both cases incorrect).
- Looked at this page, to see that my Pepper robot is version v1.8a.
August 31, 2022
- The Plural.io cannot be installed on the Sony Experience tablet, because the device is not compatible.
- The tablet has Android version 5.1.1.
- This github page has instruction to configure the Tablet of the Pepper.
- After a first boot, Pepper is no longer booting.
- In the Pepper intro from plural.io, a check is done on het location of the ip addres with ipinfo.io, which gives as loc "52.3740,4.8897", which is actually the location of Royal palace at Dam square.
- For tablet they use Samsung S7.
- Our Pepper is from 2016, the Nao robots should be v6.
- The Pepper should be running NAOqi v2.9
- Read this comparison of OS-version of Pepper (NAOqi 2.5 with python vs NAOqi 2.9 which is Android-based QiSDK).
August 30, 2022
- Another interesting project (although 5y old) is ros2 pepper.
- Found the charger. Loading Pepper for tomorrow.
August 29, 2022
June 14, 2022
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