As my research concentrates on the perception part of Robotics, my research is in the Informatics Institute part of the
Computer Vision group.
March 4, 2025
- The traffic-light documentation is no longer on the duckiebot website. Found the documentation on github
- Could login. Yet, no wifi connection. Found that I worked with the traffic-light in May 12, 2020. Yet, the problem in 2020 that I only had ipv6, now I haven't both.
- Did a docker ps, 10 dockers are running (daffy based), including the dt-device-proxy, dt-rosbridge-websocket, dt-device-online.
- Daffy is also the version of the documentation (for the Jetson based DB21, not the traffic-light).
- There is also WLS setup instructions.
- The test docker run hello-world failed, so had to install the docker-desktop (v4.38.0).
- On November 29, 2022 I worked with a fresh microSDX card, instead of the traffic-light card that was glued to the Rasperry Pi 3 Model B Plus Rev. 1.3.
- Looked into this instructions, and used sudo raspi-config (System Options) to connect to the my home wifi-network. Also enabled the ssh-interface, so I could login from my shuttle.
- Followed the instructions from this tutorial. Tried installing motion with sudo apt-get install motion, but the repositories cannot be updated (change 'Suite' value from stable to oldoldstable. Can be solved with apt-get update --allow-releaseinfo-change
- Followed the instructions from motioneye and installed pip install motioneye (v0.42.1) after pip install --upgrade --user pip (from 19.21. to 20.3.4). Installation failed on pycurl. Installed sudo apt install libcurl4-openssl-dev libssl-dev. pycurl now fails on missing arm-linux-gnueabihf-gcc. Tried sudo apt upgrade. Still the same error. Also older version of pycurl give an error.
January 28, 2025
- The Segway Loomo still charges, but is reset to factory settings. Yet, for installing the Following apps, the Android Loomo app is needed.
- Didn't see the Loomo app anymore in the store, the only Segway app is NineBot.
- The Ninebot only works with the GoKart and KickScooter series, not the old Segways.
- Best change seems to be to install from apk. Latest version 0.8.83, March 2020.
- Yet, installing apk is switches off by UvA-ICT.
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