-------- Start of info for recording 1 current NaoQi time is: Thu Apr 4 17:38:18 2024 Position of CameraTop in World is: [0.016971074044704437, 0.006967050954699516, 0.5219085216522217, -0.0016868681414052844, -0.2630365490913391, -0.15806636214256287] Position of CameraTop relative to the feet is: [0.08011410385370255, 0.003685516305267811, 0.5219085216522217, -0.001686882576905191, -0.2630365490913391, 0.008226676844060421] Position of CameraTop relative to the torso is: [0.026365118101239204, 0.00024156260769814253, 0.20897263288497925, 2.3283064365386963e-10, -0.41475406289100647, 0.009161949157714844] mark ID: 80 alpha -0.12225625664 - beta 0.0986611172557 width 0.0748746320605 - height 0.0748746320605 heading 7 saving top1.png saving bottom1.png -------- Start of info for recording 2 current NaoQi time is: Thu Apr 4 17:38:22 2024 Position of CameraTop in World is: [0.015763958916068077, 0.00676736980676651, 0.5222166180610657, -0.00025827810168266296, -0.2662237882614136, -0.15872882306575775] Position of CameraTop relative to the feet is: [0.07960817962884903, 0.0031198416836559772, 0.5222166180610657, -0.0002582796150818467, -0.2662237584590912, 0.007773348595947027] Position of CameraTop relative to the torso is: [0.026365118101239204, 0.00024156260769814253, 0.20897263288497925, 2.3283064365386963e-10, -0.41475406289100647, 0.009161949157714844] mark ID: 80 alpha -0.123621121049 - beta 0.103694818914 width 0.0764345154166 - height 0.0764345154166 heading 7 saving top2.png saving bottom2.png -------- End of recording