Labbook Dutch Nao Team
Error Reports
The head of Princess Beep Boop (Nao4) crashed twice when an ethernet cable was plucked in, but this problem disappeared after flashing. Seems OK 13 December 2016.
- Julia has a weak right shoulder (December 2016).
Bleu hips are squicking. Seems OK September 2015.
- Bleu sound falls away. Loose connector? September 2015.
- Nao's overheats faster when using arms than using legs.
Blue skulls is broken at the bottom: should remove its head any more.
Blue has a connector at the front which is no longer glued on position. Couldn't find a connector position.
Rouge has a broken finger at its left hand.
Labbook Dutch Nao Team
February 6, 2025
- Started the GeoVision camera. Made a script in ~/scripts on WS9 that works, so that I don't have to look at my attempts in March 27, 2024. Should also be possible to get the stream in VLC (not tested).
January 29, 2025
- Sam is back. It had to be configured again. RobotSettings indicated that it is running NaoQi, instead of the standard
- Tested the walking with MoveTo. Fine on hard surface, a bit wobly on the gras. Better when I switched off the safety reflex. No python3 on Sam.
- Same situation for Moos and Momo. Momo walks the best of all three robots.
- Note that the code of boot-config which is depreciated, is in /home/nao/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/boot-config/services
- Trying to add the python-app. I could add the app in the cloud by clicking Test, but the RobotSettings don't progress with updating, while logging into the store gives an Auth error. Trying a reboot. Doesn't help. Trying some patience in RobotSettings updates.
- Went to manage Momo. the python3nao was already added. Scheduled a system Update and Send a signal to the robot. Button is green, but don't see any response.
- I could look at easyinstall, as described here.
- Looked into servicemanager. No python documentation is given.
- With qicli info you can see all services. With serviceProxy = app.session.service("ALServiceManager") you can start with this service.
- Wrote a small script, that parlty works:
[I] 1738163494.789666 2381 core.alservicemanager: Starting service ALBootConfig
[W] 1738163494.789909 2381 core.alservicemanager: Service 'ALBootConfig', this syntax is deprecated, use the syntax Package.Service
[I] 1738163494.800509 2401 core.alservicemanager: Restarting service ALBootConfig
- Looked to PackageManager. With packages() you get a list, the uuid is actually 'boot-config', with autoRun=False.
- With the UID you can get the info for this package, but not start or stop.
- Started the service from the commandline, which gave:
[I] 1738165423.847533 3993 qimessaging.sessionservice: SessionService Remote Capabilities
[I] 1738165423.890684 3990 naoqi.core.ALBootconfig: Starting ...
[I] 1738165423.948924 3993 qimessaging.sessionservice: SessionService Remote Capabilities
[I] 1738165423.984614 3990 naoqi.core.ALBootconfig: Nao init
[I] 1738165423.991360 3990 naoqi.core.ALBootconfig: Preloading dialog...
[I] 1738165424.057492 3990 naoqi.core.ALBootconfig: Finishing...
[I] 1738165424.059544 3990 naoqi.core.ALBootconfig: Stop boot config
[I] 1738165424.066610 3990 qimessaging.session: Session listener created on tcp://
[I] 1738165424.067406 3990 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp://
[I] 1738165424.067527 3990 qimessaging.transportserver: TransportServer will listen on: tcp://
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/nao/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/boot-config/services/", line 395, in
application.session.registerService("ALBootConfig", alboot)
RuntimeError: Service "ALBootConfig" (#153) is already registered. Rejecting conflicting registration attempt.
- If I look into the code of the service, I see Quit boot-config after preloading the Life
- Only one function getReleaseNotes is available. It looks them up at Aldebaran, but that url doesn't exist. Anyway, I got working, but its a bit of a sidestep.
- Note that in RobotSettings the updates works, partly because of the softbank-account from a United Robotics employee.
- Made a copy of this python3nao app, to check if it can be installed on other robots.
January 28, 2025
- Perry seems not to be flashed right. Deactivation of safety reflections was already switched off.
- Checked /var/log/naoqi/head-naoqi.log, all service are started, only at the end there are some errors with ALBootConfig:
[W] 1738052589.105753 3291 core.alservicemanager: 'startService' is deprecated: Use 'start' instead
[I] 1738052589.105909 3291 core.alservicemanager: Starting service ALBootConfig
[W] 1738052589.106017 3291 core.alservicemanager: Service 'ALBootConfig', this syntax is deprecated, use the syntax Pack
[I] 1738052589.112028 3368 core.processmanager.qt: Starting /usr/bin/systemd-cat -t boot-config.ALBootConfig /usr/bin/py
thon2 services/ in /home/nao/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/boot-config
[I] 1738052589.121524 3368 core.processmanager.qt: boot-config.ALBootConfig has started with PID 4090
[W] 1738052590.104265 3294 packagemanager: getPackages is deprecated please use packages instead.
[W] 1738052595.220187 3219 core.alservicemanager: 'stopService' is deprecated: Use 'stop' instead
[I] 1738052595.220354 3219 core.alservicemanager: Stopping service ALBootConfig
[W] 1738052595.220463 3219 core.alservicemanager: Service 'ALBootConfig', this syntax is deprecated, use the syntax Pack
[I] 1738052595.223542 3277 qimessaging.servicedirectory: Registered Service "ALBootConfig" (#143)
[I] 1738052595.248360 3316 core.alservicemanager: Service boot-config.ALBootConfig crashed while terminating.
[I] 1738052595.248715 3266 qimessaging.servicedirectory: Service #143 disconnected
[I] 1738052595.248833 3266 qimessaging.servicedirectory: Unregistered Service "ALBootConfig" (#143)
- Note that /home/nao/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/boot-config/services/ contains WIZARDSTATE (the webinterface that is hanging) (the webinterface that is hanging) (the webinterface that is hanging) (the webinterface that is hanging) (the webinterface that is hanging) (the webinterface that is hanging) (the webinterface that is hanging) (the webinterface that is hanging) (the webinterface that is hanging). When in get/set_preference domain="com.aldebaran.wizard" the key="state" is "finished" the webinterface should work again.
- Created a script, and checked it with Still the wizard page pops up in the webinterface. Maybe therefore I used in 2022 a function
- After checking all packages, the package manager starts with a few whitelisted services (/opt/aldebaran/etc/naoqi/prodwhitelist.txt). The other ones are in, but bootconfig is not one of them.
- The error the encounter is, changeHead(). In line 759 there is call to setStiffness, and in line 762. The second time sometimes the module is missing.
- Also Perry has Python3 in /home/nao/.local/share/PackageManager/apps/python3nao.
January 10, 2025
January 7, 2025
- Ken has problems with yggdrasil with its bottom camera.
- Flashed Ken with NaoQi 2.8.7. Choregraphe complains that VideoService cannot be started.
- Looked in the different logs in /var/log on the nao, but no error message.
- According to documentation, I should use journalctl | grep -i "camera" and journalctl | grep -i "video". That shows:
Jan 07 14:27:25 Ken system.Naoqi[4654][vision.videodevice.camerabuilder]: Building CameraTop (backend: LIOV5640)
Jan 07 14:27:25 Ken system.Naoqi[4654][vision.videodevice.camerabuilder]: Building CameraBottom (backend: LIOV5640)
Jan 07 14:27:25 Ken naoqi-bin[4280][qimessaging.servicedirectory]: Registered Service "ALVideoDevice" (#56)
Jan 07 14:27:25 Ken core.PrivateGateway[4450][qimessaging.servicedirectory]: Registered Service "ALVideoDevice" (#56)
Jan 07 14:27:26 Ken naoqi-bin[4280][qimessaging.servicedirectory]: Registered Service "ALVideoRecorder" (#66)
Jan 07 14:14:06 nao system.Naoqi[3525][vision.videodevice.v4l2]: CameraTop: Unable to open /dev/video-top: No such file or directory
Jan 07 14:14:25 nao system.Naoqi[3525][modularity.videosourceworker]: Error when calling ALVideoDevice::subscribeCamera.
Jan 07 14:19:03 Ken system.Naoqi[3525][vision.alvideodevice]: Subscriber "VideoDevice_TopCamera" doesn't exist.
Jan 07 14:19:04 Ken system.Naoqi[3525][vision.videodevice]: Subscriber "VideoDevice_TopCamera" doesn't exist.
- Indeed, only /dev/video-bottom exists.
- Running dmesg | grep -i video gives:
[ 0.994297] pci 0000:00:02.0: Video device with shadowed ROM
[ 5.902456] Linux video capture interface: v2.00
[ 5.918506] uvcvideo: Unable to create debugfs directory
[ 5.918585] uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device LI-OV5640(FW rev:012) (2a0b:01ff)
[ 5.935347] usbcore: registered new interface driver uvcvideo
[ 5.935352] USB Video Class driver (1.1.1)
- Running lsusb -v gives:
Bus 001 Device 010: ID 2a0b:01ff
Device Descriptor:
bLength 18
bDescriptorType 1
bcdUSB 2.10
bDeviceClass 239 Miscellaneous Device
bDeviceSubClass 2
bDeviceProtocol 1 Interface Association
bMaxPacketSize0 64
idVendor 0x2a0b
idProduct 0x01ff
bcdDevice 0.00
iManufacturer 1 Leopard Imaging
iProduct 2 LI-OV5640(FW rev:012)
iSerial 6 0000000001
bNumConfigurations 1
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