Chris Stolk

Associate professor

University of Amsterdam

Postal address:
KdV Institute for Mathematics
POBox 94248
1090 GE Amsterdam

Visiting address:
KdV Institute for Mathematics, room F3.45
Science Park 107
1098 XH Amsterdam
(use the Nikhef entrance. The KdV institute is at the third floor. Directions for visitors here)

Phone: +31 (0) 20 525 5380
Email: C.C.Stolk at uva dot nl


My course pages can be found on Canvas.


Publications via Google Scholar Citations

Researcher profile on ResearcherID / Web of Science


  • C.C. Stolk and A. Sbrizzi, Understanding the combined effect of k-space undersampling and transient states excitation in MR Fingerprinting reconstructions, preprint, arXiv 1811.07564 (2018) (arxiv)
  • C. C. Stolk, On the generalization of wavelet diagonal preconditioning to the Helmholtz equation, preprint, arXiv 1009.1925 (2010) (arxiv).
  • Publications in refereed international journals

  • C.C. Stolk, An improved sweeping domain decomposition preconditioner for the Helmholtz equation, Advances in Computational Mathematics 43 (2017), no. 1, pp. 45-76 (doi, arxiv).
  • C.C. Stolk, A dispersion minimizing scheme for the 3-D Helmholtz equation based on ray theory, Journal of Computational Physics 314 (2016) pp. 616-646 (doi, arxiv).
  • C. C. Stolk, M. Ahmed and S. K. Bhowmik, A multigrid method for the Helmholtz equation with optimized coarse grid corrections, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 36 (2014), no. 6 pp. A2819-A2841 (doi, arxiv).
  • K. D. Blazek, C. C. Stolk and W. W. Symes, A mathematical framework for inverse wave problems in heterogeneous media, Inverse Problems 29 (2013) (doi, arxiv).
  • C. C. Stolk, A rapidly converging domain decomposition method for the Helmholtz equation, Journal of Computation Physics 241 (2013), pp. 240-252 (doi, arxiv).
  • T. J. P. M. Op 't Root, C. C. Stolk and M. V. de Hoop, Linearized inverse scattering based on seismic reverse time migration, Journal de Mathématiques Pures et Appliquées 98 (2012) no. 2, pp. 211-238 (doi, pdf).
  • Preconditioners based on windowed Fourier frames applied to elliptic partial differential equations. J. Pseudo-Differ. Oper. Appl. 2 (2011), no. 3, pp. 317-342. (doi, pdf).
  • T. J. P. M. Op 't Root and C. C. Stolk, One-way wave propagation with amplitude based on pseudo-differential operators, Wave Motion 47 (2010), no. 2, pp. 67-84 (doi, pdf).
  • C. C. Stolk, M. V. de Hoop and W. W. Symes, Kinematics of shot-geophone migration, Geophysics 74 (2009), no 6, pp. WCA19-WCA34 (doi, pdf).
  • C. C. Stolk, A fast method for linear waves based on geometrical optics, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 47 (2009) no. 2, pp. 1168-1194 (doi, pdf).
  • B. van den Bergen, C.C. Stolk, J.B. van den Berg, J.J.W. Lagendijk and C.A.T. Van den Berg, Ultra fast electromagnetic field computations for RF Multi Transmit techniques in high field MRI, Phys. Med. Biol. 54 (2009) pp. 1253-1264 (doi, pdf).
  • F. J. Herrmann, P. P. Moghaddam and C. C. Stolk, Sparsity- and continuity-promoting seismic image recovery with curvelet frames, Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis 24 (2008), no. 2, pp. 150-173 (doi, pdf).
  • C. C. Stolk and M. V. de Hoop, Seismic inverse scattering in the downward continuation approach, Wave Motion 43 (2006) 579-598 (doi, pdf).
  • F. Hérau, J. Sjöstrand and C.C. Stolk, Semiclassical analysis for the Kramers-Fokker-Planck equation, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 30 (2005), no. 5-6, pp. 689-760 (doi, pdf).
  • C. C. Stolk and M. V. de Hoop, Modeling of seismic data in the downward continuation approach, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 65 (2005), no. 4, pp. 1388-1406 (doi, pdf).
  • C. C. Stolk, Parametrix for a hyperbolic initial value problem with dissipation in some region, Asymptotic Analysis 43 (2005), no1-2, pp. 151-169 (pdf).
  • C. C. Stolk, A pseudodifferential equation with damping for one-way wave propagation in inhomogeneous acoustic media, Wave Motion 40 (2004), no. 2, pp. 111-121 (doi, pdf).
  • C. C. Stolk and W. W. Symes, Kinematic artifacts in Prestack Depth Migration, Geophysics 69 (2004), no. 2, pp. 562-575 (doi, pdf).
  • C. C. Stolk and W. W. Symes, Smooth objective functionals for seismic velocity inversion, Inverse Problems 19 (1), 2003, pp. 73-89 (doi, pdf).
  • C. C. Stolk, Microlocal analysis of the scattering angle transform, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 27 (9 & 10), 2002, pp. 1879-1900 (doi).
  • C. C. Stolk, On the stationary points of the seismic reflection tomography and differential semblance functionals in laterally homogeneous media, Inverse Problems 18 (1), 2002, pp. 253-264 (doi).
  • C. C. Stolk and M. V. de Hoop, Microlocal analysis of the seismic inverse scattering problem in anisotropic elastic media, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 55 (3), 2002, pp. 261-301 (doi).
  • C. C. Stolk, Microlocal analysis of a seismic linearized inverse problem, Wave Motion 32, 2000, 267-290 (doi).
  • Proceedings

  • C. C. Stolk, M. V. de Hoop and T. J. P. M. Op ‘t Root, Reverse time migration-inversion from single-shot data, in 79th Annual Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2009 (pdf).
  • P. P. Moghaddam, F. J. Herrmann, C. C. Stolk, Robust seismic amplitude recovery using curvelets, in 77th Annual Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2007.
  • C. C. Stolk and M. V. de Hoop, Curvilinear wave-equation angle transform: Caustics, turning rays, absence of kinematic artifacts, in 77th Annual Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2007 (pdf).
  • P. P. Moghaddam, F. J. Herrmann, C. C. Stolk, Seismic amplitude recovery with curvelets, abstract for the 69th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, London, 11-14 June 2007.
  • C. C. Stolk, M. V. de Hoop and W. W. Symes, Kinematics of shot-geophone migration, in 75th Annual Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2005 (pdf).
  • C. C. Stolk, Microlocal analysis and seismic imaging, Séminaire Equations aux Dérivées Partielles, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France, 2004, 20 pages.
  • P. Shen, W. W. Symes and C. C. Stolk, Differential semblance velocity analysis by wave-equation migration, in 73rd Annual Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2003 (pdf).
  • C. C. Stolk and W. W. Symes, Artifacts in Kirchhoff common image gathers, in 72nd Annual Meeting, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 2002, pp. 1129-1132 (pdf).
  • C. C. Stolk and M. V. de Hoop, Microlocal analysis of elastic inversion for reflectivity, Proceedings of the conference Waves 2000, Spain, July 10-14, 2000, pp. 987-991.
  • Thesis

  • C. C. Stolk, On the modeling and inversion of seismic data, PhD Thesis, Utrecht University, December 2000, 139 pages (link).

  • Last modified: Fri May 13 10:56:30 CEST 2016