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8.17 Other/Uncategorized

80FF1 ACCUM (1)
8072A ALARMS ->System Alarm List (5)
80EF1 ALARMSDUE Flags Alarm Due (1)
80EAB ATTNFLG Counts ON presses (5)
800E6 AccessInit Saved value of INITEN & sALLOWINTR (2)
86051 BounceTiming Minimum time between 2 same key
press for key validation (8)
80734 CALCCXT ->Calculator variables dir (5)
80000 CMOS Quick RAM corrupt check (5)
81001 COLCOUNT Dot Cols on line (2)
80524 CONFRAM RAM configuration (7)
Port1: 1 Status [r w s 0] 1 Size/Address Code Port2: 1 Status [r w s 0] 1 Size/Address Code where r=readable, w=writable, s=system RAM 2 #banks 1 ID
8052B CONFTAB RAM configuration with CRC (11)
4 nibbles for CRC 7 nibbles as in CONFRAM
8071B CONTEXT ->Current dir
800EB COVERsave Save area for G/DoCovered (10)
800E8 COVERstate Iram state before uncovering (3)
80076 TIMEOUTCLK ScratchPad (4)
80655 CSPEED CPU speed (16hz units) (5)
80FA2 CURRENTMENU Menu ID of current menu (2)
80E69 CatalogCache ->CAT list
86059 CatalogEntry ->Last CAT item selected
80E6E Clipboard ->Clipboard
80FFA ClkOnNib Clock display on/off (1)
85FBE CplxX Complex number used by plotter (37)
85FE3 CplxY <see>CplxX
807E8 CtlAlarm ->Control alarm data
860BD CurRAMBank1 Backup of current RAM view 1 (5)
860C2 CurRAMBank2 Backup of current RAM view 2 (5)
860C7 CurRAMBank3 Backup of current RAM view 3 (5)
860B3 CurROMBank1 Backup of current ROM view 1 (5)
860B8 CurROMBank2 Backup of current ROM view 2 (5)
80EDC DEPTHSAVE Saved user stack depth (5)
86008 DIGITS Infinite precision digits (5)
8065B DISABLE_KBD Keyboard handshake (1)
8068D DISP1CTLg Ghost for DISP1CTL (5)
80695 DISP2CTLg Ghost for DISP2CTL (5)
80707 DOLPENV ->DO LOOP environments
80EF3 DOUSEALARM Flags Deactivate Curr Alarm (1)
8064A DREND Display Refresh Hi Bound (5)
80645 DRSTART Display Refresh Lo Bound (5)
80FCD DcompWidth String Decomp Width (2)
80FFD DelayCt REDEYE Print time/line (2)
80F42 ELEMENT decompile obj depth counter (2)
80EA5 ERROR (5)
807BB EXITMSG ->msg set by user in EXIT word
8102B EqPtr Points to Curr Eqn in EqList (5)
80F44 FIRSTCHAR offset to 1st visible (5)
80EB0 FIRSTPROC ->StartupProc Secondary (5)
80FD1 FONTCOUNT counter (3)
80FCF FONTHEIGHT font-height selector (1)
80FD0 FONTWIDTH font-width selector (1)
80085 FailTime SelfTest Fail Time (Ticks) (13)
81009 FifoByteCt Sum of FIFO Line Counts (2)
80E73 FindPattern ->Find Pattern address
80833 FlagMBox ->Flag mailbox
81082 FlashPtrBkp Space to create a FPTR (12)
818EE FreeRoom DSKTOP-RSKTOP, used by SWAPMEM (5)
80FAD GARBSCRATCH1 Saves 1 RSTK level in G.C. (5)
80FB2 GARBSCRATCH2 Saves counter in G.C. (5)
80FFF GCOLCOUNT Graphics #Cols (2)
8085B GraphContext ->Graphic Context
8030E GraphPrtHook (11)
90000 HARDRAMEND IRAM Home ends at #7FFFF
Appears to be an obsolete constant from the 48G, where IRAM was only 32kB big and thus ranged from #80000 to #8FFFF. The description even seems to come from the 48S!
80798 HISTORY1 -> $ with the most recent CMD
history entry
8079D HISTORY2 ->2nd entry <see>HISTORY1
807A2 HISTORY3 ->3rd entry <see>HISTORY1
807A7 HISTORY4 ->4th (oldest) entry <see>HISTORY1
80F59 HISTORYLEVEL which stack level is next (1)
8000A HOMEMASK Home Size of RAM (mask) (5)
8000F HRAMEND M.S.N. of size of RAM chip (1)
80851 HStackPtr ->Highlight in stack
80856 HStackTop ->How many items on stack
810E8 HashCLE Command line hash table (360)
aka: TAB_CMD
8108E HeaderHeight Header size in lines (5)
80847 HiLitePtr ->Highlight in window
8065A INITEN Warmstart Enable flag (1)
80669 INPUTSTREAM Key Buffer (max 15 keys). (34)
80523 IOCNIB Saves IOC in OUTUART (1)
81006 IOCsave Save of IOC before change (1)
80654 IOSAVE Saves HiNib of ANNCTRL (1)
00219 IRAMBSIZE Size of <see>IRAMBUFF
800F5 IRAMBUFF Exec Buff (code under IRAM) (537)
80127 IRAMBUFF2 <see>IRAMBUFF +50
80005 IRAMMASK IRAM Size Config Mask (5)
8064F IREG Saves Interrupt History (3)
80ED6 ITEM1LINES # display lines currently (1)
80793 ITEM1STATE ->list of lists describing stack
level 1
807B1 KERMERRM ->Kermit error message
80FCC KERMMODE Kermit Mode information (1)
8065C KEYSTATE location of kbd state (16)
86037 KSTATEVGER KeyState for Vger Keyboard
From rammap.a: "(we didn't use the previous \ KEYSTATE to maintain the entry \ points)"
8082E KeyOb ->Pending key-object
81030 KeyRomPtr0 RomPtr for KeyOb (11)
8103B KeyRomPtr1 RomPtr for MenuKey 1 (11)
81046 KeyRomPtr2 RomPtr for MenuKey 2 (11)
81051 KeyRomPtr3 RomPtr for MenuKey 3 (11)
8105C KeyRomPtr4 RomPtr for MenuKey 4 (11)
81067 KeyRomPtr5 RomPtr for MenuKey 5 (11)
81072 KeyRomPtr6 RomPtr for MenuKey 6 (11)
80775 LASTARG ->1st argument saved in CK<n>
8077A LASTARG2 ->2nd <see>LASTARG
8077F LASTARG3 ->3rd <see>LASTARG
80784 LASTARG4 ->4th <see>LASTARG
80789 LASTARG5 ->5th <see>LASTARG
80F5A LASTARGCOUNT # of args saved by CK<n> (1)
80F5B LASTARGf Flag #Args>3 (1)
80F5C LASTERROR Save area for error number (5)
80FDA LASTOP 3-state encoding of operand/
unary/binary (1)
80829 LASTROMWDOB ->Last user-level ROM-WORD
evaluated (set by CK<n>)
8069A LINECOUNTg Ghost for LINECOUNT (2)
80692 LINENIBSg Ghost for LINENIBS (3)
80EFF LPD_HIST Low Power Detect History (1)
80801 LabelDef ->How to make menu labels
8081A LastContext ->RRP saved for CheckContext
86047 LastKey Last key press (2)
86049 LastKeyTime Last key press time (8)
807F2 LastMenuDef ->Last menu definition
8107D LastMenuRow (5)
8100B LastPrntTime Time (Upper 11 nibs) (11)
81007 LineByteCt Line Byte Counter (2)
80077 LoBatTime Flag periodic ((*)) updates (1)
80FA4 MENULEVEL User-menu level (5)
807F7 MenuData ->Menu data for touch table
807ED MenuDef ->Current menu definition
80824 MenuExitAct ->Menu exit action definition
8080B MenuKeyLS ->Left-shift menu key handler
80806 MenuKeyNS ->No-shift menu key handler
80810 MenuKeyRS ->Right-shift menu key handler
81026 MenuRow (5)
807FC MenuRowAct ->Prev/Next action definition
81093 NB_LIGNE Size of the stack's screen
in lines (5)
aka: StackHeight
80058 NEXTIRQ Time at next Timer2 int. (13)
80EF4 NOALARMSRV Flags Disable Alarm Service (1)
80FD4 NODECOUNT expr-tree node count (3)
8073E NOTESCXT ->"notes" directory (5)
80FD7 OBTREELEN object length (3)
80FA9 OLDMENU Saves previous menu number (2)
80642 SAVE_OR
aka: ORghost
80770 OSAVE
80E7D ObjectU1 ->Updatable object 1
80E82 ObjectU2 ->Updatable object 2
80E87 ObjectU3 ->Updatable object 3
80E8C ObjectU4 ->Updatable object 4
80E91 ObjectU5 ->Updatable object 5
80FAC PADCOUNT Indentation count for decomp (1)
80FC1 PADJSAVE1 Status save in PTRADJUST (1)
807B6 PAINTTREE ->hxs of "textbook-mode" graphics
80EF2 PASTDUE Flags Past Due Alarm (1)
807AC PDCHXS ->hxs map of outermost symbolic
81016 PFIFO FIFO Buffer (16)
80739 PGMCXT ->programming dir (5)
8068B POPPEDKEY Last Key from POPKEY (2)
80536 PORT0EOS (5)
8053B PORT1EOS (5)
80540 PORT2EOS (5)
80FE4 PRECSTACK Op Precedence textbook entry (7)
800E2 Port1CRC CRC for Device in Port1 (4)
800E1 PortStat Copy of CARDSTAT Nib (1)
8083D ProgMBox ->Program mailbox
81003 PrtStatus CPU Status Bits et al. (3)
80E96 RAMEND ->End of RAM
8611C RESRAMEND0 End of statically reserved RAM
80EE1 RNSEED Random number seed (15)
80716 ROMPARTS ->RomParts Area
85F94 RealX Real number used by plotter (21)
85FA9 RealY <see>RealX
80E78 ReplacePatte ->Replace pattern
80815 ReviewKey ->Review-key definition
80652 SEMAPH Saves control byte for IREG (2)
80F4E STACKNUM ref. number of 1st visible (5)
80720 STOPSIGN (5)
812B4 SWITCH Used by the Memory Manager (15)
800D4 SW_ETime Stopwatch Elapsed Time Ticks (13)
800BE SW_Image "HH:MM:SS:ss" Stopwatch (22)
812A0 SizeLine Size of one line of text
aka: T_LIGNE
80078 StartTime SelfTest Start Time (Ticks) (13)
80FAB T1COUNT Decremented by srvc_timer1 (1)
80702 TEMPENV ->LAM environments (5)
80092 TESTMSG SelfTest Msg Buffer (44)
80065 TIMECRC CRC CheckSum for NEXTIRQ (4)
80069 TIMExmit Time at scheduled timeout (13)
80F53 TOPLINE Editline-segment which appears
first on the screen (5)
8070C TOUCHTAB (5)
8109D TYPE_HEADER Type of header (5)
8125A T_BLOC Size of a HashCLE block (5)
812A5 T_LARGEUR Width of the current screen in
nibbles (5)
aka: WidthScreen
80842 Title ->Home Title
8081F TrackAct ->Action when CONTEXT changes
80725 UserKeys ->User key assignments (5)
80ED7 VIEWLEVEL stack element currently viewed (5)
80838 ViewMBox ->View mailbox
8084C WindowPtr ->Item at bottom of window
80FFB XmitSrcvTOut XMIT/SRECV timeout (2)
80743 apletPTR ->current aplet (5)
80748 funcPTR ->current func instance (5)
86026 has_font_f_s Tells if the Decompiler has found
a special font character (2)
8078E leeway ->hxs which will be GC'ed in a
very-low-memory condition
86028 misc1_f_s (5)
8602D misc2_f_s (5)
86032 misc3_f_s (5)
86021 nb_line_f_s Number of line created during
decompilation (FSTR3) (5)
80766 otherPTR ->current "other" instance (5)
80752 paramPTR ->current param instance (5)
8074D polarPTR ->current polar instance (5)
80757 seqPTR ->current sequence instance (5)
80761 solvePTR ->current solve instance (5)
8075C statPTR ->current stat instance (5)

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This document was generated by Carsten Dominik on May, 30 2005 using texi2html