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4.5.1 The HP48 Browser Engine

0000B3 ~Choose ( ::Appl $Title ::Convert {} offset → {}' T )
( ::Appl $Title ::Convert {} offset → ob T )
( ::Appl $Title ::Convert {} offset → F )
The return value is a list if checkfields are enabled, otherwise it is just the selected object. Only FALSE is returned when the user presses CANCEL.
0050B3 ~ChooseMenu0 ( → {} )
Menus with "OK".
0060B3 ~ChooseMenu1 ( → {} )
Menus with "CANCL", "OK".
0070B3 ~ChooseMenu2 ( → {} )
Menus with "CHK", "CANCL", "OK".
0660B3 ~ChooseSimple ( $title {items} → ob T )
( $title {items} → F )
Simple interface to the HP48 choose engine. On the HP49G, calls ^RunChooseSimple.
0150B3 (~BBMoveTo) ( # → )
Moves selection to line and updates display.
0190B3 (~BBRecalOff&Disp) ( flag → )
Recalculates offset of selected item in page, and redraws lines if the flag is TRUE.
0220B3 (~BBRunEntryProc) ( → )
Sends message 85 to ::Appl, thus running the user-defined start-up procedure.
0230B3 (~BBReReadPageSize) ( → )
Re-reads the size of the page (message 57).
0240B3 (~BBReReadHeight) ( → )
Re-reads the height of the browser line (message 58).
0250B3 (~BBReReadCoords) ( → )
Re-reads the coordinates of the browser box (message 63).
0260B3 (~BBReReadWidth) ( → )
Re-reads the width of the browser line (message 59).
0280B3 (~BBRunENTERAction) ( → )
Sends message 96 to ::Appl, thus running the OK action. It does not check the value returned and never exits.
0290B3 (~BBRunCanclAction) ( → )
Sends message 91 to ::Appl, thus running the CANCEL action. It does not check the value returned and never exits.
02F0B3 (~BBReDrawBackgr) ( → )
Redraws the background.
0370B3 (~BBGetNGrob) ( #n → grob )
Returns nth element as a grob.
0380B3 (~BBGetNStr) ( #n → $ )
Returns nth element as a string.
03B0B3 (~BBRereadChkEnbl) ( → )
Re-reads whether checkmarks are enabled. (Message 61).
03C0B3 (~BBRereadFullScr) ( → )
Re-reads whether to use full-screen mode. (Message 60).
03D0B3 (~BReReadMenus) ( → )
Re-reads the menu. (Message 83).
03E0B3 (~BBReReadNElems) ( → )
Re-reads the number of elements. (Message 62).
03F0B3 (~BBGetN) ( #n → ob )
Returns nth element.
04B0B3 (~BBIsChecked?) ( #n → flag )
Returns whether the given element is checked.
0520B3 (~BBUpArrow) ( → grob )
Returns up arrow as grob
0530B3 (~BBDownArrow) ( → grob )
Returns down arrow as grob
0540B3 (~BBSpace) ( → grob )
Returns a space as grob.
0590B3 (~BBPgDown) ( → )
Go down one page.
05A0B3 (~BBPgUp) ( → )
Go up one page.
05B0B3 (~BBEmpty?) ( → flag )
Returns TRUE if the browser has no elements.
05C0B3 (~BBGetDefltHeight) ( → # )
Returns height of lines based on the font that will be used. This value is the default height of the browser. Equivalent to FPTR 2 64.
0100E0 ~BRbrowse
0120E0 ~BRoutput
0180E0 ~BRRclC1 ( → )
:: LAM 'BR5 ;
0170E0 ~BRRclCurRow
:: LAM 'BR3 ;
0030E0 ~BRStoC1
:: ' LAM 'BR5 STO ;

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This document was generated by Carsten Dominik on May, 30 2005 using texi2html