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5.2.4 Integer Factorization and Prime Numbers

0C9006 ^ZFactor ( Zs → Lf )
Factors signed long integer.
0CA006 ^NFactor ( z → {} )
Factors positive long integer.
0CB006 ^NFactorSpc ( z → {} )
Semi-factors positive long integer. This is regular factorization with an extra 'hopeless?' test.
0CD006 ^SFactor ( S → Lf )
Factors short integer. Pollard Rho, with the assumption that trial division has been done already. Thus any factor less than 4012009 is known to be a prime, for greater factors a primality test is used before calling the actual Pollard Rho. Pollard Rho does not find the factors in order of magnitude, thus the results will be sorted after full factorization has been achieved.
0CE006 ^SPollard ( S → S1 S2 )
Factors short integer into 2 parts using Pollard Rho algorithm. Trial division and primality tests should be done prior to calling this subroutine, otherwise an eternal loop is risked. The random number generator is modeled after the user level RAND command, although the starting value is different.
0CF006 ^BFactor ( N → Lf )
Factors long integer. Brent-Pollard, with the assumption that trial division has been done already. When a small factor is found SFactor is called to get full short factorization. Since the factorization can potentially take a very long time, an execution time test is used to abort factoring very long integers (limit is 60s for each composite). The factors are sorted at exit.
0D0006 ^BrentPow ( Za Z1 Z2 Zn #k → Z )
Modular * + ^ mod for Brent-Pollard factorization. Output is Z1*Z2+Za mod Zn repeated k times Note that k=0 and k=1 give the same result. Also Z1≠Z2 makes no sense for k≠0. All arguments are assumed to be positive. Za is assumed to be < 16. In some instances k can be a very high number, thus it might make sense to use Montgomery multiplication.
0D1006 ^ZPrime? ( Z → flag )
Primality test for a positive integer. According to Pinch commercial software packages use only about 5-10 bases by default, maximum around 25. The latest versions usually implement a deterministic.
0D2006 ^ZIsPrime? ( Z → flag )
Probabilistic primality test for a positive integer.
0D3006 ^SIsPrime? ( S → flag )
Tests if positive short Z is prime. M-R test fails for integers ≤ 3, so we just test them separately at the start. For convenience lets define 0 and 1 to be primes also.
0D4006 ^BIsPrime? ( S → flag )
Test if positive long Z is prime.
0D5006 ^BRabin ( Z #base → Z flag )
Performs Miller-Rabin test for long positive integer. Returns TRUE if base witnesses composite. Else returns FALSE.
0D6006 ^ZTrialDiv2 ( Z → Z' #n )
Remove factors of 2 from integer. #n is the power of two extracted from the number. The sign is also handled correctly, even though it is never required in ALG48 (absolute Z).
0D7006 ^ZTrialPrime? ( Z → flag )
Trial division primality test for a positive integer. works for Z ≥ 3 (return false for Z=2).
0D8006 ^ZTrialDiv ( Z → Mf Z' )
Trial division of a positive integer. If Z' is one then full factorization was achieved. The long trial division is not too slow, since division by short integer is quite fast. The quotient is also checked so that a final factor less than 2000^2 will also be automatically detected.
0C7006 ^Prime+ ( Z → Z' )
Returns next prime ( Z' > Z ).
0C8006 ^Prime- ( Z → Z' )
Returns previous prime ( Z' < Z ).

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