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5.3.1 Creating and Redimensioning Matrices

371006 ^MATIDN ( M/z/% → M' )
Creates identity matrix.
372006 ^MATCON ( M ob → [ob] )
Creates constant matrix from matrix.
373006 ^MAKEARRY ( {#el} ob → [] )
( {#rows #cols} ob → [[]] )
Creates constant matrix/array, initializing all elements with ob. ob may be symbolic, real, complex or zint.
345006 ^DIMRANM ( {} → M' )
Creates symbolic random matrix from dimensions.
344006 ^MATRANM ( M → M' )
Changes all elements of matrix to elements generated randomly.
374006 ^OBJDIMS2MAT ( ob {} → M )
Creates constant matrix from dimension and ob.
375006 ^LCPROG2M ( #n #m prg → M )
Fills a matrix of specified size using a program. prg must take two arguments and return one argument. On entry MAKE2DMATRIX provide the indexes as Z integers.
376006 ^MAKE2DMATRIX ( #n #m prg → M )
Creates matrix from size and program (with stack checking). prg must take 2 args and return 1 arg. On entry MAKE2DMATRIX provide the indexes as Z integers.
377006 ^make2dmatrix ( #n #m prg → meta-M )
Create meta-matrix from size and program (with stack checking). prg must take 2 args and return 1 arg On entry make2dmatrix provide the indexes as Z integers.
341006 ^MATREDIM ( M {} → M' )
Changes size of a matrix, removing elements and/or adding zeros, as necessary.
342006 ^VRRDM ( []/[[]] {} → [] )
Vector Right ReDiMension: adds 0 to the right.
343006 ^VRRDMmeta ( meta #l → meta-#l )
Meta Right ReDiMension: adds 0 to the right.

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