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5.7.1 Root Finding and Numerical Solvers

272006 ^MULMULText ( {} % → {}' )
Multiplies multiplicities in a factor list by coeff.
274006 ^METAMM2 ( meta % → meta' )
Multiplies by % all multiplicities of meta.
275006 ^COMPLISText ( {} → {}' )
276006 ^METACOMPRIM ( Meta → Meta' )
Suppresses multiple occurrances of the same factor by adding corresponding multiplicities.
277006 ^METACOMP0
278006 ^METACOMP1 ( f1...fk-1 mk-1 meta-res mk fk # → f1...fk-1 mk-1 meta-res )
279006 ^ADDLISText ( {} %n ob → {}' )
Adds ob with multiplicity %n to the list. Checks if ob is in {}.
27A006 ^DIVISext ( ob → {divisors} )
Returns list of divisors of ob.
27B006 ^FACT1ext ( symb-poly → Lvar Q {} )
{} is the list of root/multiplicity of sym with respect to the current variable.
27C006 ^FACTOext ( symb → Lvar Q {} )
{} is the list of factors/multiplicity of symb.
27D006 ^ZFACTO ( C → {} C Lfact )
27E006 ^SOLVext ( symb → {} )
Numeric solver for univariate polynomials. The list contains the roots without multiplicity.
27F006 ^FRND ( ob → ob') )
Float rounding for %%, C%% or list of either type. Used by SOLVext to reconstruct factors.
280006 ^BICARREE? ( P #5 → meta cst_coeff T )
( P #5 → P #5 F )
( P # → P # F )
Searches if P is a bisquared 4-th order equation. Returns a meta of factors and the multiplying coeff in that case.
281006 ^REALBICAR ( f1 #1 coef → meta rest T )
113007 ^IROOTS ( P → list )
Finds integer roots of a polynomial. First available in ROM 1.11.
283006 ^EVIDENText ( P → meta cst_coeff )
Returns the roots of a polynomial P. Calls the numeric solver.
284006 ^EVIDSOLV ( P → meta cst_coeff )
Returns the roots of a 1st, 2nd order and some other poly. Calls the numeric solver if exact solving fails.
285006 ^DEG2ext ( P → {} )
Returns the roots of a 2nd order polynomial.
286006 ^METADEG2 ( P → P meta )
Returns the roots of a 2nd order polynomial. P must be of order 1 or 2.
287006 ^METADEG1 ( P → P meta )
Returns the roots of a 1st order polynomial. P must be of order 1.
288006 ^DEG1 ( f → r )
Root of a first order factor. f is one level depth deeper than r.
289006 ^FDEG2ext ( P → meta-fact cst_coef )
Returns factors of a 2nd order polynomial and the corresponding multiplying coefficient. tests for 1st order polynomial.
28B006 ^RACTOFACext ( r → n d )
Converts root to factor. Factor is n/d, one level depth deeper than r.
28C006 ^FACTORACext ( f → r cst_coef )
Converts a factor to a root, solving 1st order factor. f and cst_coef are one level depth deeper than r.
28D006 ^RFACText ( ob # → {} intob meta )
{} is the list of variables. Meta is made of roots or factors of numerator (N) or denomenator (D) or both (N/D), depending on #. ZERO for roots N/D; ONE for roots N; TWO for roots D with numeric solver call; THREE for roots D without num. solver call; FOUR for factors N/D; FIVE for factors N; SIX for factors D with numeric solver call; SEVEN for factors D without num.solver call.
28E006 ^RFACT2ext ( ob {} # → {} intob meta )
Like <REF>RFACText, but the list of variables is given.
28F006 ^RFACTSTEP3 ( ob → meta-fact )
Partial square-free factorization w.r.t. the main variable. Extract trivial factors Etape 3 ob → meta-fact.
290006 ^RFACTSTEP5 ( %m on → add-to-meta-res )
Factorization of a square-free polynomial.
291006 ^METASOLV ( pn cst_coeff → meta cst_coeff )
Non-integer factorization (sqrt extensions and numeric). multiplicty is in LAM 5,.
293006 ^METASOLV2 ( cst_coeff p → fr1 %m [fr2 %m] # cst_coeff )
Returns roots/factors of 1st and 2nd order polynomials.
294006 ^METASOLV4 ( cst1 f1 ... fk #k cst2 → fr1 %m ... frn %m #2k cst_coeff )
Returns factors or convert to roots if needed. #k=1,2 or 4, fk are of order 1 or 2.
295006 ^ADDMULTIPL ( meta cst_coeff → meta' cst_coeff )
Adds multiplicities to a meta. Multiplicity is in LAM 5.
296006 ^FACTOOBJext ( { fact mult } flag prg* prg^ → ob )
Rebuilds an object from its list of factors (flag=TRUE) or roots (flag=FALSE) using prg* to multiply and prg^ to take multiplicity power.
29C006 ^ID>DERext ( id → {} stripped_id )
093006 ^ALG48MSOLV ( Lp → Lidnt Lsol )
Calculates Groebner basis multivar solution. LAM3 must be bound to Lvar and LAM4 to Lidnt.
094006 ^GMSOLV ( Lp → meta-sol )
Calculates Groebner basis multivar solutions. LAM1 must be bound to the number of vars A solution is a list { o1 ... on } where #n=LAM1 ok embedded in k-1 lists is the value of the k-th var ok may be undef.
095006 ^GBASIS ( Lp → G )
Calculate Groebner basis.
G = { 1 } if no solutions
G = { 0 } if identically true.
096006 ^GSOLVE ( Lp → Lg )
Calculate factorized Groebner basis.
Lg = { Lg1 Lg2 .. Lgn }
Lgi = independent solution (probably)
Lg = {} if no solutions
Lg = { { 0 } } if identically true.
097006 ^GFACTOR ( Lp fctr? → Lg )
Calculate Groebner basis or factorized Groebner basis. Redundant bases are not removed.
098006 ^GREDUCE
Interreduce basis. Lambda variables
{{ fctr? G k tmp todo Lg Irred }}.
099006 ^REDUCE ( p G → q )
Reduces polynomial with respect to given basis.
09A006 ^FASTREDUCE ( r P → q T / r P F )
Assembly version of REDUCE for polynomials with short coefficients. Returns FALSE if an overflow occurs during the reduction. Assumes r is a genuine polynomial (not constant). Assumes G is not empty. Assumes G does not contain zeros (is trimmed).
37D006 ^ROOTM2ROOT ( {}/V → V' )
Transforms list of root/multiplicites to vector of roots.
0F2007 ^PASCAL_NEXTLINE ( {} → {}' )
Finds next line in the Pascal triangle.
0F3007 ^DELTAPSOLVE ( Q → P )
Solves P(x+1)-P(x)=Q(x). Internal polynomial function.

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