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5.10.2 Symmetric Modular Arithmetic

0E1006 ^PEvalMod ( Q Z Zn → Q' )
Computes value of polynomial mod Zn.
0E2006 ^QAddMod ( Q1 Q2 Zn → Q' )
Polynomial addition modulo Zn.
0E3006 ^QSubMod ( Q1 Q2 Zn → Q' )
Polynomial subtraction modulo Zn.
0E4006 ^QMulMod ( Q1 Q2 Zn → Q' )
Polynomial multiplication modulo Zn.
0E5006 ^QDivMod ( Q1 Q2 Zn → Qquo Qrem )
Polynomial division modulo Zn. In regular division the coefficients in the remainder can increase very quickly to tens of digits, thus it is important to normalize the coefficients whenever possible.
0E6006 ^QInvMod ( Q Zn → Q' )
Polynomial inversion modulo Zn.
0E7006 ^QGcdMod ( Q1 Q2 Zn → Q' )
Polynomial GCD modulo Zn for univariate polynomials. The result is made monic.
0E8006 ^QGcdExMod
Extended polynomial GCD modulo Zn for univariate polynomials. The equation: Q1*Q1' + Q2*Q2' = 1 MOD Zn.
4C5006 ^ISOL1 ( symb id → id symb' )
4C6006 ^ISOLALL ( symb id → id {} )
Internal SOLVE.
4C7006 ^ISOL2ext ( symb id → symb' )
( symb id → {} )
Like <REF>ISOL1 if isolflag is set. Otherwise returns the list of all found solutions.
4C8006 ^BEZOUTMSOLV ( Lpoly Lidnt → Lidnt sols )
If no extension in Lpoly, calls ALG48 GSOLVE Otherwise, solves by Bezout "Gaussian" elimination. In the latter case, if system seems underdetermined, Lidnt is truncated. Then the system must be exactly determined and polynomials must be prime together.
4C9006 ^ROOT{}N ( meta of roots → list of roots )
Drops tagged roots.
4CA006 ^MHORNER ( poly-l {r1...rk} # → P[r1...rk] )
Top-level call. Poly-l might be a matrix.
4CB006 ^MHORNER1 ( P { r } → P[..r..] )
4CC006 ^SQFFext ( Q → { F1 mult1 .. Fn multn } )
4CD006 ^MSQFF ( Q → F1 mult1 .. Fn multn #2n )
Full square-free factorization of object. The result is given as a Meta object.
4CE006 ^%1TWO ( ob → ob %1 #2 )
Square free factorization of unknown (?) object. See MSQFF.
4CF006 ^MZSQFF ( Z → Z1 mult1 .. Zn multn #2n )
Full factorization of an integer.
4D0006 ^MZSQFF1 ( Meta curfac %n newfac T → Meta curfac %n+1 )
( Meta curfac %n newfac F → Meta' newfac %1 )
Adds integer factor to factor list. If the factor is the same as the last time, only the multiplicity is increased.
4D2006 ^MLISTSQFF ( P → Meta )
Full square-free factorization of a polynomial with a recursive call on the GCD of all coefficients.
4D3006 ^METASQFFext ( P-list → S1 %1 ..Se-1 %e-1 %e ee Te Re )
Square-free factorization.
4DE006 ^LIDNText ( ob → {} )
Gets list of all ids present in ob.
4DF006 ^LVARXNXext ( symb → symb x lvarnx lvarx )
Finds variable of symb depending on current variable and other variable. Using LVAR is impossible here because of sqrt.
4E0006 ^ISPOLYNOMIAL? ( ob → flag )
Returns TRUE if symb is polynomial with respect to current variable.
4E1006 ^2POLYNOMIAL? ( symb1 symb2 → symb1 symb2 flag )
Returns TRUE if symb1 and symb2 are polynomial with respect to current variable.
4E2006 ^VXINDEP? ( symb → symb flag )
Returns TRUE if symb is independent of current variable.
4E3006 ^LVARXNX2ext
4E4006 ^RLVARext ( ob → {} )
Recursive search of all variables.
4E5006 ^LLVARDext ( o → #depth o lvar )
4E6006 ^VXLVARext ( symb → symb lvar )
4E7006 ^LVARext ( ob → ob {} )
List of variables. Square roots are included in the list of rational operators.
4E8006 ^VX>LVARext ( ob → ob {} )
Like <REF>LVARext but the current variable is added using >HCOMP. Square roots are included in the list of rational operators.
4E9006 ^VX> ( {} → {}' )
If VX is in the list then moves it to the beginning of the list. Otherwise does nothing.
4EA006 ^VX! ( {} → {} )
If VX is in the list then moves it at the beginning. Otherwise VX is added to the beginning of the list.
4EC006 ^LIDNTLVAR ( symb lidnt → symb lidnt lvar )
lvar is the list of variables in symb, but elements of lidnt are moved to the beginning of lvar.
4ED006 ^LISTOPRAC ( → {} )
Returns the list of rational operator with sqrt appended to the list.
4EE006 ^LISTOPext ( → {} )
List of basic "rational" operators without square root.
4EF006 ^LISTOPSQRT ( → {} )
List of basic "rational" operators with square root.
4F0006 ^LVARDext ( ob listop → lidnt )
( Meta listop → lidnt )
Determines list of variables in ob (or Meta) using the given list of basic "rational" operators.
4F1006 ^>VARLIST
4F2006 ^DEPTHext ( ob → # )
Returns the max number of embedded lists in ob.
4F3006 ^DEPTHOBJext ( objet # → depth )
4F6006 ^TRIMOBJext ( ob → ob ' )
Trims object.
4F7006 ^NEWTRIMext ( Q → Q )
Recursively tests if Q is a list of one constant element. This is much faster than TRIMOBJext and sufficient for the output of programs which are trimmed on the fly.
4F8006 ^>POLYTRIM ( meta → {} )
Equivalent to {}POLY TRIMOBJext.
4F9006 ^ELMGext ( ob → ob' )
Trims small numbers (less than epsilon).
520006 ^SHALT
0E9006 ^IsV>V? ( v1 v2 → flag )
Returns TRUE if v1 is lexicographically after v2.
0EB006 ^PZadic ( Q Z → Q' )
104006 ^LISTMAXext ( P → P Z T depth )
( P → P ? F #0 )
Step 1 for gcdheu: Returns FALSE if gcdheu can not be applied (e.g. if P contains irrquads). Returns TRUE otherwise, Z is the max of all integers of P or 2*max if there are complex in P.
0EC006 ^GCDHEUext ( A B → a b c pr[pgcd] A'/G' B'/G' flag )
Heuristic GCD.

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