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2.4.7 Decompilation

2F191 !DcompWidth ( # → )
Sets the width (in characters) of decompiled strings. This width is used to cut the resulting string (for stack display) or to break it into lines (mostly for editing). Note that most decompilation entries reset this value to the stack or editor width. Use stkdecomp$w and editdecomp$w to make sure the current width is used and not changed.
2F190 DcompWidth@ ( → # )
Recalls the width of decompiled strings (in characters).
26459 setStdWid ( → )
Sets DcompWidth to the standard value for stack display, either 19 or 30 characters, depending on system flag 72 (stack minifont).
Flags: -72
2645E setStdEditWid ( → )
Sets DcompWidth to the width for editing, either 21 or 32 characters, depending on system flag 73 (edit minifont).
Flags: -73
25F13 stkdecomp$w ( ob → $ )
Decompiles for stack display using the current DcompWidth to cut the string if it is too long.
25E6D 1stkdecomp$w ( ob → $ )
Calls setStdWid and decompiles for stack display (cutting the string if necessary).
2A842 Decomp1Line ( ob → $ )
Same as <REF>1stkdecomp$w.
2A904 RPNDecomp1Line ( ob → $ )
Same as <REF>Decomp1Line but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution.
Flags: -95
25E6F >Review$ ( id → $ )
Makes a string from the variable name and its contents (decompiled with <REF>Decomp1Line), for display with the review key. If the argument is a command, returns its name.
2A8E4 DecompStd1Line32 ( ob → $ )
Sets 32 as DcompWidth and decompiles using stkdecomp$w.
2A9C4 RPNDecompStd1Line32 ( ob → $ )
Same as <REF>DecompStd1Line32 but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution.
Flags: -95
2A8C9 DecompStd1Line ( ob → $ )
Calls setStdWid and decompiles, cutting if the string becomes too long.
2A9A4 RPNDecompStd1Line ( ob → $ )
Same as <REF>DecompStd1Line but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution.
Flags: -95
2A893 Decomp#Disp ( ob # → $ )
Calls setStdWid and decompiles ob (UserRPL components only), breaks the string into lines and returns the first #+1 lines. Used for multiline display in stack level 1.
2A964 RPNDecomp#Disp ( ob # → $ )
Same as Decomp#Disp but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution.
Flags: -95
2A878 Decomp#Line ( ob # → $ )
Similar to Decomp#Disp, but the returned string is an internal representation of the different lines to be displayed. Used for multiline display in stack level 1.
2A944 RPNDecomp#Line ( ob # → $ )
Same as Decomp#Line but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution.
Flags: -95
25F11 editdecomp$w ( ob → $ )
Decompiles entire object for editing. It only decompiles the UserRPL components. Some System RPL entries like <REF>TakeOver are simply skipped, others are written as "External". Breaks the resulting strings into lines using the current DcompWidth.
25ECE EDITDECOMP$ ( ob → $ )
Calls setStdEditWid and the decompiles for editing like <REF>editdecomp$w.
2A85D DecompEdit ( ob → $ )
2A924 RPNDecompEdit ( ob → $ )
Same as DecompEdit but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution.
Flags: -95
2AA43 AlgDecomp ( ob → $ )
Calls <REF>DecompEdit with a few checks around it.
25EAA DECOMP$ ( ob → $ )
Calls <REF>setStdWid and decompiles entire object (UserRPL components only). Breaks the string into lines using DcompWidth as width.
39CB3 (Ob,$>$') ( ob $ → "ob$" )
Applies <REF>DECOMP$ to ob and concatenates with the string.
39C9F ($,Ob>$') ( $ ob → "$ob" )
Applies <REF>DECOMP$ to ob and concatenates with the string.
25EB1 DO>STR ( $ → $ )
( ob → $ )
Internal version of →STR.
1A7006 ^DO>STRID ( id/ob → $ )
Like <REF>DO>STR but without quotes for id.
2A8AE DecompEcho ( ob → $ )
Calls setStdEditWid and decompiles the entire object (UserRPL only) into a single line.
2A984 RPNDecompEcho ( ob → $ )
Same as <REF>DecompEcho but enforce RPN mode (system flag 95 clear) during execution.
Flags: -95
2F1BF Decomp%Short ( % #width → $ )
Decompiles a real number into a string of the given #width. It will drop less significant digits or add zeros as needed, but will also exceed #width when necessary. E.g. "-1.e-33" cannot be written with less than 7 characters, so even if #width is less, 7 chars will be used. %0 is always decompiled as "0".
001004 ^FSTR1 ( ob → $ )
The decompiler used by stkdecomp$w, 1stkdecomp$w, Decomp1Line, DecompStd1Line32. DcompWidth must be set before this is called.
002004 ^FSTR2
003004 ^FSTR3 ( ob # → $ )
The decompiler used by Decomp#Line. DcompWidth must be set before this is called.
004004 ^FSTR4 ( ob → $ )
The decompiler used by editdecomp$w, DecompEdit, EDITDECOMP$. DcompWidth must be set before this is called.
005004 ^FSTR5 ( ob → $ )
The decompiler used by DecompEcho. DcompWidth must be set before this is called.
006004 ^FSTR6 ( ob # → $ )
The decompiler used by Decomp#Line. DcompWidth must be set before this is called.
007004 ^FSTR7 ( ob → $ )
The decompiler used by DO>STR. DcompWidth must be set before this is called.
008004 ^FSTR8
009004 ^FSTR9 ( ob → $ )
The decompiler used by DecompStd1Line. DcompWidth must be set before this is called.
00A004 ^FSTR10
00B004 ^FSTR11
00C004 ^FSTR12
00D004 ^FSTR13 ( ob → $ )
The decompiler used by DECOMP$. DcompWidth must be set before this is called.
35B82 palrompdcmp ( romptr → $ T )
Decompiles a rompointer for the UserRPL stack. If it is a named rompointer, returns the name. Otherwise returns "XLIB n m".

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This document was generated by Carsten Dominik on May, 30 2005 using texi2html