Organisation of Conferencs, Workshops, etc
ARRAY 2016
3rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming
Santa Barbara, USA, June 14, 2016
General Chair
(in collaboration with
David Padua,
Andreas Klöckner ,
Martin Elsman
CoPro 2015
Mini-Symposium on Coordination Programming
Edinburgh, United Kingdom, September 1, 2015
General Chair
ICT.Open 2015
4th ICT.Open Conference, the interface of ICT research in the Netherlands
March 24-25, 2015
Track leader Computing and Imaging
HiPEAC 2015
10th HiPEAC International Conference on High-Performance and
Embedded Architectures and Compilers
Amsterdam, Netherlands, January 19-21, 2015
Member of Local Arrangements Committee
HLPP 2014
7th International Symposium on High-level Parallel Programming and Applications
Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 3-4, 2014
General Chair, Programme Chair
NL-FP 2014
22nd Netherlands Functional Programming Day
Amsterdam, Netherlands, January 10, 2014
General Chair
FHPC 2013
2nd ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Functional High-Performance Computing
Boston, USA, September 23, 2013
General Chair
Fritz Henglein)
FD-COMA 2013
2nd HiPEAC International Workshop on Feedback-Directed Compiler Optimization
for Multicore Architectures (FD-COMA'13)
Berlin, Germany, January 22, 2013
(in collaboration with
Kevin Hammond and
Sven-Bodo Scholz)
FHPC 2012
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Functional High-Performance Computing
Copenhagen, Denmark, September 15, 2012
Programme Chair
Andrzej Filinski)
FD-COMA 2012
HiPEAC International Workshop on Feedback-Directed Compiler Optimization
for Multicore Architectures (FD-COMA'12)
Paris, France, January 25, 2012
(in collaboration with
Kevin Hammond and
Sven-Bodo Scholz)
7th International SAC Developers' Conference
Amsterdam, Netherlands, May 26-27, 2010
KPS 2007
14. Kolloquium Programmiersprachen und Grundlagen der Programmierung
(14th Workshop on Programming Languages and Foundations of Programming)
Timmendorfer Strand, Germany, October 10-12, 2007
(in collaboration with
Annette Stümpel
5th International SAC Developers' Conference
Hatfield, England, UK, June 5-7, 2006
(in collaboration with
Sven-Bodo Scholz
SaCFW 2006
SAC Futures Workshop
Marielyst, Denmark, November 20-27, 2004
4th International SAC Developers' Conference
Lübeck, Germany, September 13-14, 2004
IFL 2004
16th International Workshop on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages
Lübeck, Germany, September 8-10, 2004
(in collaboration with
Frank Huch
SaC 2004
3rd Workshop on SAC
Lübeck, Germany, February 19, 2004
SNPD 2003
4th International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence,
Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing
Lübeck, Germany, October 16-18, 2003
Workshop Chair
Workshop on High-Level Approaches to Parallel and Distributed Computing
(part of SNPD 2003)
Lübeck, Germany, October 17, 2003
SaC 2003
2nd Workshop on SAC
Lübeck, Germany, January 17, 2003
Dr Clemens Grelck