
Who I am:

I'm Associate Professor for Compiler Design in the Systems and Networking Lab within the Informatics Institute of the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands.


- I'm organising the NL-FP Day 2020.
28th Netherlands Functional Programming Day
Amsterdam, Netherlands, January 10, 2020
- I have a position for a PhD candidate or post-doctoral researcher in the EU-funded H2020 project ADMORPH to work on programming language technology for resilience against hardware failure and cyber-attacks in adaptive embedded systems.
- Simon Baars started in my team as junior lecturer/researcher.
- Benjamin Rouxel started as post-doctoral researcher in my team.
- Julius Roeder started as PhD student in my team.
- I received a research grant of 509,000 EUR in the context of the EU Horizon-2020 collaborative research project TeamPlay (Time, Energy and Security Analysis for Multi-/Many-core Heterogeneous Platforms).
- I received a grant of 41,000 EUR in the context of the EU Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership for Higher Education 3COWS (Focusing Education on Composability, Comprehensibility and Correctness of Working Software).
- I have been elected scientific coordinator of the ICT COST Action cHiPSet.
- I have been appointed programme director (opleidingsdirecteur) MSc Software Engineering.
- I have been appointed track coordinator of the new track Parallel Computing Systems of the UvA/VU joint degree programme MSc Computer Science.
- I'm co-chair of ARRAY 2016.
3rd ACM SIGPLAN International Workshop on Libraries, Languages and Compilers for Array Programming
part of the
37th ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2016)
Santa Barbara, USA, June 13-17, 2016
- I'm running a half-day workshop on OpenMP and MPI programming as part of HPC 2016.
High-Performance Computing and Big Data Course organised jointly by the University of Amsterdam and SurfSara, the national supercomputing center of the Netherlands, January 2016
- I'm co-chair of CoPro 2015.
Mini-Symposium on Coordination Programming
part of the
20th International Conference on Parallel Computing (ParCo 2015)
Edinburgh, UK, September 1-4, 2015
- I lecture on SAC at CEFP 2015.
6th Central European Functional Programming Summer School
Budapest, Hungary, July 6-10, 2015
- I have been appointed member of the management committee of the EU ICT COST Action Timing Analysis on Code Level (TACLe).
- I'm the track chair Computing and Imaging at ICT.Open 2015,
the interface of ICT research in the Netherlands
Amersfoort, Netherlands, March 24-25, 2015
- I'm the chair of ASCI.Open 2015,
the 20th Annual Conference of the Advanced School for Computing and Imaging
Amersfoort, Netherlands, March 23, 2015
- I'm organising co-chair of ATPS 2015.
8. Arbeitstagung Programmiersprachen, a German-speaking workshop on programming languages held annually by the special interest group on programming languages and computing concepts of the Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI), the German Informatics Society, co-located with the Software Engineering Conference (SE 2015)
Dresden, Germany, March 18, 2015
- I'm a member of the local arrangements committee of HiPEAC 2015.
10th International Conference on High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilers
Amsterdam, Netherlands, January 19-21, 2015
- As of September 2014, I have been appointed chairman of the examination board (voorzitter van de examencommissie) of the MSc programme Software Engineering.
- I'm organising General Chair of HLPP 2014.
7th International Symposium on High-Level Parallel Programming and Applications
Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 3-4, 2014
- I'm running a half-day workshop on OpenMP and MPI programming as part of HPC 2014.
High-Performance Computing and Big Data Course organised jointly by the University of Amsterdam and SurfSara, the national supercomputing center of the Netherlands, July 2014
- I'm organising the NL-FP Day 2014.
22nd Netherlands Functional Programming Day
Amsterdam, Netherlands, January 10, 2014
- I'm organising FD-COMA 2013.
2nd HiPEAC Workshop on Feedback-Directed Compiler Optimization for Multi-Core Architectures
Berlin, Germany, January 22, 2013
- I'm organising FHPC 2012.
ACM SIGPLAN Workshop on Functional High Performance Computing
Copenhagen, Denmark, September 15, 2012
- I'm organising the 2nd Amsterdam Computer Science Summer School on Parallel Programming 2012.
Amsterdam, Netherlands, July 9-13, 2012
- I'm organising FD-COMA 2012.
HiPEAC Workshop on Feedback-Directed Compiler Optimization for Multi-Core Architectures
Paris, France, January 25, 2012
- I received my BKO (basiskwalificatie onderwijs)
teaching qualification for higher education in the Netherlands
- I lecture on SAC at CEFP 2011.
4th Central European Functional Programming Summer School
Budapest, Hungary, June 14-24, 2011

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