> module FridaySession1 where
> import Test.QuickCheck
Play, play, play
The quickest way to get fluent in Haskell is by using the interpreter as a tutoring tool.
Try out things all the time.
E.g. you are investigating map
and takeWhile
*FridaySession1> map (*2) [0..10]
*FridaySession1> takeWhile (\n -> even n || n < 10) [0..]
*FridaySession1> takeWhile (\n -> even n && n < 10) [0..]
*FridaySession1> takeWhile (\n -> even n && n < 10) (map (*2) [0..]
parse error (possibly incorrect indentation or mismatched brackets)
*FridaySession1> takeWhile (\n -> even n && n < 10) (map (*2) [0..])
And so on
Using github and git
You can use the github interface and paste your homework directly into your repository.
But it is much more convenient to use git
The most important git commands are:
git clone <repository>
git pull
git add <file>
git commit -m "first homework"
git push
man gittutorial
Here is a guide to the tutorials
About stack
The simplest way to use stack is this:
stack exec ghci FridaySession1.lhs
For linux users it is convenient to add an alias to .bashrc
alias sghci="stack exec ghci"
Useful commands in GHCi
:m Data.List
loads library module Data.List.
reloads the input file.
gives you the type of something.
:set +s
turns on timing and memory measurements.
With let x = 5
you can store something in memory.
This also works for functions:
Prelude> let x = 10
Prelude> x + 5
Prelude> let f = (\n -> n + 7)
Prelude> f 10
Prelude> f x
Using QuickCheck for system investigation
See this introduction to QuickCheck testing.
Example: find out the difference between mod
and rem
quickCheckResult (\ m n -> rem m n == mod m n)
This gives exceptions, because of a division by 0 error. Change this to:
quickCheckResult (\ m n -> n /= 0 ==> rem m n == mod m n)
This gives:
*** Failed! Falsifiable (after 9 tests and 5 shrinks):
Now we see the difference:
*FridaySession1> rem (-1) 2
*FridaySession1> mod (-1) 2
We looked at the difference between the following two functions:
> f1, f2 :: Int -> Int
> f1 n = sum [1..n]
> f2 n = n*(n+1) `div` 2
> qTest1 = quickCheckResult (\ n -> f1 n == f2 n)
This fails with a negative number counterexample. Now revise the test:
> qTest2 = quickCheckResult (\ n -> n >= 0 ==> f1 n == f2 n)
This succeeds.
We also looked at functions for converting lists to properties and vice versa. The Eq a
constraint on the type is crucial.
> list2prop :: Eq a => [a] -> a -> Bool
> list2prop = flip elem
To convert in the other direction we need a domain:
> prop2list :: [a] -> (a -> Bool) -> [a]
> prop2list domain p = filter p domain
But now that we see this definition, we realize that there is a simpler way:
> prop2list' = flip filter
Prefix vs. Infix
The + function is infix, i.e. we write 5 + 7
and not + 5 7
. To make an infix function a prefix function, we bracket it:
Prelude> (+) 5 7
Prelude> (*) 5 7
To turn a prefix function to an infix function, use ` `:
Prelude> 4 `elem` [1..]
Infix operators have to be written with non-alphabet symbols. To define them we actually define their prefix equivalent:
> (<-->) :: Int -> Int -> Int
> (<-->) m n = m + n + 7
FridaySession1> 4 <--> 10
Types and Type Classes
The function map
is fully polymorphic, here a
and b
can really be anything:
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
Similarly, addition can work on many things: Integers, Reals, Fraction, ... But there are some things which it will not work on: Strings, Boys, ... To distinguish these, Haskell uses type classes. In this case, the class is called Num:
(+) :: Num a => a -> a -> a
Even 5
and 23984724
are not of a fixed type but can be instantiated in every type that is in the type class Num.
5 :: Num a => a
23984724 :: Num a => a
(+23984724) :: Num a => a -> a
Another type class is Eq
. It contains all types for which we have an equality test. We need this for example in the definition of elem
elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool
Redundant matching and brackets
Here are two tools to clean up your code:
hlint - complains about redundancy and ugly things It can be installed with "cabal install hlint"
the "-Wall" option for ghc and ghci This will complain about many things, for example missing type definitions and unused matches.
> bad_left_even :: (Int,Int) -> Bool
> bad_left_even (n,m) = (even n)
hlint says:
FridaySession1.lhs:144:3: Suggestion: Use camelCase
bad_left_even (n, m) = ...
Why not:
badLeftEven (n, m) = ...
FridaySession1.lhs:144:25: Suggestion: Redundant bracket
(even n)
Why not:
even n
2 hints
ghci -Wall says:
FridaySession1.lhs:143:20: Warning: Defined but not used: ‘m’
A better version is thus:
> leftEven :: (Int,Int) -> Bool
> leftEven (n,_) = even n
Shiny and new: Foldable
In recent versions of GHC many functions which used to work only on lists are now more generic. This includes map
and foldl
. If map in your GHCI has this type, then you have the new stuff:
map :: (Foldable t) => (a -> b) -> t a -> t b
Think of this t
as something like . For now and probably the rest of this course you can replace t a
with [a]
in your mind and in your own type definitions.
More information about this here on the Haskell wiki
Other Useful Links
Hoogle lookup of the type (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
GHC is full of lies - here is the blog post I mentioned.