Prof.dr. E. M. Opdam
Chair of Algebraic Group Theory
- visiting address:
Room C4 161 Floor 4C
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam
The Netherlands
- postal address:
P.O. Box 94248
1090 GE Amsterdam
The Netherlands - Phone: +31 20-5255205
Phone secretary:: +31 20-525 5217
Fax:+31 20-525 7820- Email: e.m.opdam''at''
Onderzoek en publicaties:
of Publications
Editorial boards:
I am member of the editorial board of IMRN. Submissions are made directly to IMRN but
you can send a copy to me. Please read the instructions
for authors.
Jointly with Jochen Heinloth, Ben Moonen and Burt Totaro I am managing editor of
Compositio Mathematica.
Meetings and conferences:
With Bernhard Kroetz, Henrik Schlichtkrull and Peter Trapa I organize a workshop in Oberwolfach
from 19 January - 25 January 2014 with title "Representation Theory and Analysis of Reductive
Groups: Spherical Spaces and Hecke Algebras".
With Maarten Solleveld and Eduard Looijenga I organize a workshop at the Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
on the 30th and 31st of January of 2014, with title: "The geometry of special functions". More information will
follow soon.
Together with Bernhard Kroetz I organize a Spring-School and Conference in Representation Theory and Geometry of Reductive Groups. The venue is Kloster Heiligkreuztal, and the events will take place in March 14-28, 2014. For more information and registration see: Spring-School and Conference in Representation Theory and Geometry of Reductive Groups.
Teaching in Autumn 2013:
Bachelor course (derde jaar, eerste semester): Algebra 3 (Representatietheorie),
met werkcolleges door Philip van Reeuwijk en Arie Peterson.
Met Jasper Stokman geef ik het mastercollege
Knot theory and Quantum groups.