General Force10 Loop-Back Conclusions
From the combined traffic type dependent tests at the Force10 Loop-Back, the
following conclusions can be drawn:
In nearly all TCP tests that were executed as a function of the TCP window
size, the # source / destinations and the # parallel flows
between two node pairs the provided bandwidth of the line (bottleneck:
1 Gbits/s at the loop-back) could be achieved.
Also the UDP flows could well utilize the bandwidth capacity. However,
especially with multiple parallel flows, some 10% - 20% of the
connections got broken. The cause for that connection loss is not yet clear.
In the combined UDT and TCP tests the
UDT flow is adjusting itself almost
complete to the multiple TCP flows.
When combined with TCP flows, the
RBUDP flow is only partly adjusting
itself to the TCP flows, but there never has been claimed that
RBUDP should be TCP friendly.
In the case that an UDT or
RBUDP flow has been combined with
multiple TCP flows there is already adjustment of the special protocol flow
to the Iperf flows before the provided bandwidth limit has been reached.