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- 1
R. L. A. Cottrel, C. A. Logg, and D. E. Martin, ``What is the Internet doing?
Performance and reliability monitoring for the HEP Community,'' Computer Physics Communications, vol. 110, pp. 142-148, May 1998.
- 2
S. Bradner, ``Benchmarking terminology for network interconnection devices,''
RFC 1242, Internet Engineering Task Force, July 1991.
URL: rfc/rfc1224.txt.
- 3
G. Kessler and S. Shepard, ``A primer on Internet and TCP/IP tools and
utilities,'' RFC 2151, Internet Engineering Task Force, June 1997.
URL: rfc/rfc2151.txt.
- 4
J. Postel, ``Internet Control Message Protocol,'' RFC 792, Internet
Engineering Task Force, September 1981.
URL: rfc/rfc0792.txt.
Hans Blom