Universiteit van Amsterdam

String Theory
- 1993-1996 Postdoctoral Research
State University of New York at Stony Brook
- 1996-1999 Postdoctoral Research
University of California at Berkeley
- 1999-2000 Senior Researcher
Lorentz Institute, Leiden and Spinoza Institute, Utrecht
- 2000-
Full Professor
Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam
- 1984-1989
Undergraduate Studies, University of Groningen
- 1989
MSc in Physics (cum laude, GPA 9.3)
- 1989
MSc in Mathematics (cum laude, GPA 9.4)
- 1989-1993
PhD studies, University of Utrecht
- June 9, 1993 PhD degree
- 1984
First place and gold medal, 15th International
Physics Olympiad,
Sigtuna, Sweden
- 1984
Silver medal, 28th International Mathematics Olympiad,
Prague, Czechoslovakia
- 1995-1996
James Simons Fellowship, Stony Brook
- 1996-1998
Miller Fellowship, Berkeley
- Robert Duivenvoorden (2004,
- Jeroen Wijnhout (2005,
- Rutger Boels (2005,
- Ilies Messamah (2009,
- Sheer El-Showk (2009,
- Marco Baggio (exp 2013)
- Kristian Holsheimer (exp 2014)
- Daniel Mayerson (exp 2015)
- Natalia Pinzani Fokeeva (exp 2015)
- Teaching assistant in various
courses (1989-1993)
- A graduate course on conformal field
theory (with P. van Nieuwenhuizen, 1994)
- A graduate reading course on string
theory (Berkeley, 1998)
- A course on string theory (with N.
Obers and R. Dijkgraaf, 1999 and 2001)
- An intensive two-month project on
Cosmology and Inflation (kleine werkgroep, 2002)
- various other projects and courses
(see education links on the left)
- See publication link on the left
- Workshop ``Non-Commutative Gauge
Theory'', Leiden, November 22-26, 1999
- Amsterdam Summer Workshop,
String Theory and Quantum Gravity, July 2001
- Amsterdam Summer Workshop, String
Theory and Quantum Gravity, July 2002
- Workshop, Branes and Cosmology,
Lorentz Center, Leiden, November 18-22, 2002
- Amsterdam Summer Workshop, String
Theory and Quantum Gravity, June 2003
- Workshop, Time and String Theory,
August 11-September 7, Aspen Center for Theoretical Physics
- Summer School, String Theory, from
gauge interactions to cosmology, June 7-19, 2004, Cargese, France
- Amsterdam Summer Workshop, String
Theory and Quantum Gravity, June 2005
- Amsterdam Summer Workshop, String
Theory and Quantum Gravity, July 2006
- Summer School, Strings and Branes:
The present paradigm for gauge interactions and cosmology, May 22-
June 3, 2006, Cargese, France
- Amsterdam part of
Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam PhD school, November 2006
- Director of the 2007 "Spring School
on Superstring Theory and Related Topics",
Trieste, March 22-30, 2007
- Amsterdam part of
Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam PhD school, November 2007
- Director of the 2008 "Spring School
on Superstring Theory and Related Topics",
Trieste, March 27-April 4, 2008
- Summer School, String Theory, Theory
and Particle Physics: the LHC perspective and beyond, June 16- June
28, 2008, Cargese, France
- Conference "Eurostrings 2008", June
30-July 4, Amsterdam
- Amsterdam Summer Workshop, String
Theory and Quantum Gravity, July 2008
- Amsterdam part of
Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam PhD school, November 2008
- Director of the 2009 "Spring School
on Superstring Theory and Related Topics",
Trieste, March 23-March 31, 2009
- Amsterdam part of
Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam PhD school, November-December 2009
- Director of the 2010 "Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics",
Trieste, March 22-March 30, 2010
- BaisFest, June 15/16 2010
- Summer School, String Theory:
Formal Developments and Applications, June 21- July 3, 2010, Cargese, France
- Amsterdam Summer Workshop on String Theory and Quantum Gravity, June 2010
- Amsterdam part of
Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam PhD school, November-December 2010
- DRSTP School on Theoretical High Energy Physics, Campo Jordao, Brazil, February 2011
- Conference on Cold Materials, Hot Nuclei and Black Holes: Applied Gauge/Gravity Duality, Trieste, Italy, August 2011
- Amsterdam part of
Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam PhD school, November-December 2011
- Conference on Branes and Black Holes, King's College, London, May 2012
- Summer School, Gauge Theory and String Theory, June 4- 16, 2012, Cargese, France
- Amsterdam Summer Workshop on String Theory and Quantum Gravity, July 2012
- Lorentz Center Workshop "Holographic Thermalization", Leiden, 8-12 October 2012
- Amsterdam part of
Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam PhD school, December 2012
- 1986-1987 Vice-President of
the Physics and Mathematics Student Association FMF,
Groningen University
- 1987-1988 President Dutch
Physics Students Foundation
- 1987-1990 Student Member of
the Executive Committee of the Dutch Physical Association
- 1988-1990 Member Organizing
Committee EPS-8, Amsterdam
- 1988-1990 President of
Organizing Committee of ICPS'90, Amsterdam (International
Conference of Physics Students)
- 1999-2000 Interim-coordinator,
Spinoza Institute, Utrecht
- 2003-2008 Coordinator Master
Program Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam
- 2006-2008 Member Educational
Committee DRSTP
- 2006-2007 Member BKO (Basis
Kwalificatie Onderwijs) implementation commitee, FNWI,
University of Amsterdam
- 2006-2011 Organizer National Seminar High-Energy Physics
- 2007-2010 Director "Spring
School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics", Trieste
- 2009-
Coordinator/Organizer GRAPPA, center for GRavity and AstroParticle
Physics Amsterdam
- 2009-2010 Member ITFA moving
- 2010-
Member NORDITA program committee
- 2010- Member CAN (Committee Astroparticle hysics Netherlands)
- 2010-
Substitute member "Universitaire Onderzoekscommissie"
- 2010- Director, Graduate School of Sciences, University of Amsterdam
- 2012- FOM Group Leader FOM-A-20
- 2012- Chair, Graduate Studies Committee
- 2012- Member Editorial Board of The Scientific World Journal
- FOM project Holographic Aspects of
String Theory, 1999
- FOM project Strings, Black Holes and
Holography, 2000 (with R. Dijkgraaf).
- FOM Programme String Theory and
Quantum Gravity, 2001 (with R. Dijkgraaf, B. de Wit, G. 't Hooft, E.
Bergshoeff , B. Schellekens).
- FOM project Holography and
Topological Invariants, 2001 (with R. Dijkgraaf).
- FOM project String Theory and
Cosmology, 2002 (with R. Dijkgraaf).
- Marie Curie Fellowship, L. Cornalba,
- FOM project String Theory Beyond
Supergravity, 2003 (with K. Skenderis).
- FOM project Supersymmetric Gauge
Theories and Matrix Models, 2004 (with R. Dijkgraaf).
- FOM project Topological Computations
for Supersymmetric Gauge Theories, 2008 (with R. Dijkgraaf)
- Marie Curie Fellowship, T. Quella,
- FOM Programme A String Theoretic
Approach to Cosmology and Quantum Matter, 2009 (with E. Verlinde,
J.-P. van der Schaar, K. Skenderis, M. Taylor, E. Bergshoeff, S.
Vandoren, K. Schalm, A. Achúcarro, J. Zaanen)
- FOM project An Entropic View on Gravity and the Cosmos, 2010 (with E. Verlinde)
- Structural UvA support for GRAPPA (with R. Wijers and S. Bentvelsen), 2010
- Snaartheorie, talk at Praedinius
Gymnasium Groningen, February 13, 2004.
- Strings and Matrices, March 23,
overview talk, Fourth Eurogrid Meeting Random Geometry: theory
and applications Les Houches, march 22-26, 2004
- Wrapped Branes and Non-Perturbative
Gauge Theory, March 25, Strings, Gauge Fields and Duality, University
of Wales, Swansea, 24th -27th March 2004
- Wrapped Branes and Non-Perturbative
Gauge Theory, Berkeley,
April 22, 2004
- Non-Perturbative Gauge Theories,
lecture series on May 13,14,
18th Nordic Network Meeting on Fields, Strings and Branes,
Groningen, the Netherlands, May 13-15, 2004
- The Topological G_2 String, June 14,
2004, lecture at
String Theory, from gauge interactions to cosmology, Cargese
summer school, June 7-19, Cargese, France
- String Theory and Non-Perturbative
Gauge Theory, lecture
series on June 22 and June 25, Modern Trends in String Theory, Oporto,
Portugal, June 21-26, 2004
- Aspects of Nonperturbative SYM and
String Theory, overview
lecture, August 26, 37th International Symposium Ahrenshoop on the
Theory of
Elementary Particles: Recent Developments in String/M-Theory and
Field Theory, 23-27 August, 2004
- The Topological G_2 Strings,
Berkeley, October 13, 2004
- The Topological G_2 Strings, CERN,
November 9, 2004
- The Topological G_2 String, IU
Bremen, November 18, 2004
- Non-perturbative Quantum Field
Theory and String Theory, November 26, 2004,
review talk at 1st Vienna Central European Seminar on Particle Physics
Quantum Field Theory, Vienna, Austria, November 26-28, 2004
- Supersymmetric Gauge Theories I,
Utrecht, December 8, 2004
- Supersymmetric Gauge Theories II,
Utrecht, December 10, 2004
- Supersnaren, talk at Viva Fysica,
meeting for high
school students and teachers, January 14, 2005
- The topological G2 string, talk at
Department, University of Munich, February 10, 2005
- String Theory: an update, talk at
Santiago de
Compostela, March 29, 2005
- The topological G2 string, talk at
Santiago de
Compostela, March 30, 2005
- The topological G2 string, talk at
College, Dublin, April 4, 2005
- Issues in supersymmetric gauge
theories, invited
plenary talk at conference "Beyond the Standard Model," Bad
Honnef, 14-17 April.
- Supersnaren, talk for first year
students, April 22, 2005
- The topological G2 string, talk at
String-Cosmology workshop, Uppsala, April 25-28, 2005
- J. de Boer, The topological G2
string, talk at the
Bernardfest, Driebergen, May 27-28, 2005
- Black holes and random partitions,
talk at workshop on
random partitions and Calabi-Yau crystals, Institute for
Theoretical Physics, University of Amsterdam, June 2, 2005
- Tweegesprek: 100 jaar Einstein -
revisited? together with Ralph Wijers, at annual UvA alumnidag 2005.
- Quantum gravity as an emergent
talk at the university of Berkeley, Sept 27, 2005
- Quantum gravity as an emergent
talk at university of Barcelona, Barcelona, October 20, 2005
- Quantum gravity as an emergent
talk at DESY, Hamburg, November 9, 2005
- The topological G2 string, talk at
Queen Mary,
London, November 17, 2005
- Quantum gravity as an emergent
talk at University Tor Vergata, Rome, November 18, 2005
- Voorbij het standaard model, talk at
the VvTP
symposium 2005 Elementary Particle Physics - ever heard of Higgs?,
University of Delft, November 22, 2005
- What is the dual of a dipole,
invited talk at the
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, December 15, 2005
- String Theory", talk for first year
students, March 17, 2006
- "On the origin of gravitational
thermodynamics", talk at the international conference
Munich, 31 Mar – 4 Apr 2006 (talk given on April 3)
- On the origin of gravitational
thermodynamics, talk at the international conference
"Cosmology, Strings, and Black Holes", Kopenhagen, April 18-21 2006
(talk given on April 18)
- Supersnaren, de theorie omtrent
materie, ruimte en tijd, 8 September 2006,
lezing voor stichting JC van der Meulen, sterrenkundige organisatie,
te Hoorn
- Gauge-Gravity Duality, series of
lectures at:
Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar, Advanced String Theory School, from
17th - 23rd Sept, 2006
- Topological G2 Strings, talk at the
international conference
"M-Theory in the City", November 9-11, 2006 (talk given on November 9)
- Kaluza-Klein Compactification,
series of lectures for PhD students for the
Brussels-Paris-Amsterdam PhD school, November 13-24 (lectures on
November 13,14,15)
- Ruimte, Tijd en de Quantumwereld van
Snaren, op 13 December 2006, voordracht voor de
stichting Sociaal en Cultureel Werk, Holten.
- "Black holes and modular
invariance", talk at ENS, Paris, January 11, 2007.
- "Black holes and modular
invariance", talk at Durham, January 19, 2007.
- "Black holes and modular
invariance", talk at the Swiss Geneziss
meeting, Zurich, February 2nd, 2007.
- "Black holes and modular
invariance", talk at Swansea, February 23rd, 2007
- "Snaartheorie", voordracht voor de
Wolters-Noordhoff sciencedag, Ede,
14 maart, 2007
- "Strings, black holes and AdS3",
talk the conference
"String and M theory approaches to particle physics and cosmology",
Florence, March 21-23, 2007 (talk given on March 22nd)
- "Black holes in string theory",
series of lectures at
the "Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics",
Trieste, March 22-30, 2007 (4 talks given on March 27-30).
- "Black holes in string theory",
series of lectures at
the IPM String school and workshop, April 9-18, 2007. (3 talks given
on April 10 and 11).
- "Snaartheorie", voordracht voor 1e
jaars studenten, highlights, Amsterdam,
20 april 2007.
- Emergence of spacetime and
gravitational entropy II, talk
at the international Sowers Theoretical Physics Workshop 2007
“What is String Theory?”, May 14 - 18, 2007, Virginia Tech,
(talk given on May 15).
- Voordracht over olympiades, SLO
forum, Eschede, 24 mei, 2007.
- "Resolving black holes using AdS/CFT",
talk at Strings 2007, Madrid, June 25-29, talk given on June 27.
- "Multi-center AdS black holes", talk
given at the
International Conference on Symmetries of String Theory
Ascona, Switzerland, August 26-31, 2007; talk given on August 29.
- "Multi-center AdS3 black holes",
talk at the international conference
"Progress of String Theory and Quantum Field Theory", Osaka, December
7-10, 2007. Talk given on Dec 9.
- "Gravity as an emergent
thermodynamic phenomenon", talk at the
7a Trobada de Nadal de Física Teòrica a la Universitat de Barcelona,
December 19+20, 2007, Barcelona, talk given on December 20.
- "Black Hole Microstates", series of
four one-hour
lectures, RTN Winter School on Strings, Supergravity and Gauge
Theories Search, January 21-25, 2008, CERN, Geneva.
- "Introduction to the AdS/CFT
Correspondence," talk at the
workshop "Integrability in the AdS/CFT correspondence", Utrecht,
January 29-31, 2008.
- "Snaartheorie", voordracht voor 1e
jaars studenten, highlights,
Amsterdam, 29 Februari 2008.
- "Black Hole Microstates", series of
three one-hour
lectures, Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics,
Trieste, Italy, March 27-April 4, 2008.
- "Black hole boundstates in AdS3",
talk at the conference:
String Theory, From Theory to Experiment, April 6-11, 2008
Jerusalem, Israel.
- "Black hole boundstates in AdS3",
talk at DAMTP,
Cambridge, UK, April 23, 2008.
- "De toekomst van de theoretische
fysica", voordracht bij de
studenten conferentie "Fysica Voorspeld", 4 Juni 2008, Nijmegen.
- Quantization of gravitational
solution", talk at the
conference: Gravitational Thermodynamics and the Quantum Nature of
Space Time, Jun 16, 2008 - Jun 20, 2008, Edinburgh, UK.
- Black Hole Microstates, talk at the
Cargese Summer
School "Theory and Particle Physics: the LHC perspective and
beyond", June 16 to June 28, 2008, Cargese, France.
- Black Hole Quantization, talk at the
workshop "Emerging
Directions in String Theory", June 23-27, 2008, Banff, Canada.
- "Macroscopic quantum effects in
supersymmetric black holes",
talk given at the CERN THEORY INSTITUTE Black Holes: A
Landscape of Theoretical Physics Problems, 25 August - 5 October
2008, Geneva, Switzerland. Lecture given on Sept 30.
- "Black Hole Berry phase", talk given
INSTITUTE Black Holes: A Landscape of Theoretical Physics
Problems, 25 August - 5 October 2008, Geneva, Switzerland. Lecture
given on Oct 1.
- "Black Holes as Effective
Geometries", series of lectures
at: The 22nd Nordic Network Meeting on "Strings, Fields and
Branes" 27-29 November 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
- "Brownian Motion in AdS/CFT",
lecture at the London
Triangle seminar on String Theory, December 10, 2008, Queen Mary,
London, UK.
- Brownian motion in AdS/CFT, talk at
5th (1st Iberian) Workshop on Gravitational Aspects of Strings and
Branes, Gijón (Asturias), 3-5 February 2009.
- Brownian motion and AdS/CFT, talk at
Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen, February 17, 2009.
- Black Holes as Effective Geometries,
series of four one-hour
lectures, Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics,
Trieste, Italy, March 23-31, 2009.
- Macroscopic quantum effects near
black holes, talk at Institute for Theoretical Physics, Heidelberg,
April 23, 2009.
- Macroscopic quantum effects near
black holes, talk at
Workshop on "Cosmological Frontiers in Fundamental Physics",
Brussels, 13-16 May 2009
- Macroscopic quantum effects near
black holes, talk at the 4th International Sakharov Conference on
Physics, Lebedev Institute, Moscow, May 18-23, 2009.
- A bound on the entropy of
supergravity?, talk at Spinoza Institute, Utrecht, June 12, 2009.
- Quantum Aspects of Black Holes, talk
at 14th Itzykson Meeting on String Theory, Saclay, June 17-19, 2009.
- Brownian motion and AdS/CFT, talk
given at 39th Summer Institute, Ecole Normale
Superieure, Paris, August 17-28, 2009
- Brownian motion and AdS/CFT, talk
given at the workshop on the Fluid-Gravity
Correspondence, Munich, September 2-7, 2009
- Assorted comments about black
holes, talk given at the conference "A New Year
of String theory," Tel Aviv, September 21-25, 2009
- Quantum Aspects of Black Holes,
talk at the international workshop "Branes,
Strings and Black Holes" September 28-November 1, 2009
- Voorbij Tijd en Ruimte, Cosmologie
volgens de Snaartheorie, Science Cafe Nijmegen, 6 November 2009
- Quantum Aspects of Black Holes,
talk at the workshop "Holography and Universality of
Black Holes", McGill, Montreal, November 6-8
- Quantum Aspects of Black Holes,
talk given at the second SUPERFIELDS meeting in Padova,
Italy, on December 16, 2009
- Holography, quantum gravity and
black holes, general physics colloquium, AlbaNova/Nordita,
Stockholm, February 18, 2010
- (Non) geometric Aspects of Black
Hole Microstates, talk at Strings 2010, College Station, Texas, USA,
March 15-19, 2010
- (Non)Geometric aspects of black
holes and their microstates, series of four one-hour
lectures, Spring School on Superstring Theory and Related Topics,
Trieste, Italy, March 22-30, 2010.
- Why
Black Holes are Difficult, talk at Inaugural Workshop on Black Holes in
Supergravity and M/Superstring Theory, Penn State, USA, September 2010
- Black
Holes and Exotic States, talk at Crete Conference on Gauge Theories and
the Structure of Spacetime, Kolymvari, Crete, September 2010
- Black Holes and Exotic States, talk at London Triangle Seminar, King's College, London, October 2010
- Holography, Quantum Gravity and Black Holes, general physics colloquium, Trondheim, November 2010
- Black Holes and Exotic States, talk at Desy, Hamburg, November 2010
- Tijd, talk at Antropologisch Congres van de Tijdsbeleving, Student organization Kwakiutl, Amterdam, December 2010
- Holography, neutron stars and quantum effects near black holes, talk at Liverpool High-Energy Physics group, December 2010
- Introduction
to AdS/CFT, series of lectures at the 16th summer school Jorge Andre
Swieca of Particles and Fields, Campos do Jordao, Brazil, February 2011
- Holography, Entanglement and Thermalization, talk at conference "Great Lakes Strings 2011", Chicago, USA, April 2011
- Holography, Entanglement and Thermalization, talk at workshop "Gauge Theories, Strings and Geometry," Brussels, May 2011
- Some recent results on microstate geometries, talk at IPMU, Tokyo, May 2011
- Holography, Entanglement and Thermalization, talk at NBI, Copenhagen, June 2011
- Time, Space and Gravity, evening talk at the annual SRON meeting, Dalfsen, June 2011
- Introduction
to AdS/CFT, series of lectures at Les Houches Summer School
"Theoretical physics to face the challenge of LHC," August 2011
- Some
lessons from AdS/CFT, talk at ESF Exploratory Workshop "Gravity as
Thermodynamics: towards the microscopic origin of geometry",
Trieste, Italy, September 2011
- String theory and black holes, review talk at 17th European Workshop on String Theory, Padova, Italy, September 2011
- Comments on extremal black holes, talk at workshop "String Theory, Holography and Beyond", Seoul, Korea, September 2011
- Antimatter, introduction, antimatter theme evening Biosfeer Student Organization, Amsterdam, September 2011
- Black holes in string theory, talk at Nikhef theory group, Amsterdam, October 2011
- Holography and black holes, Colloquium at TSU Andronikahvili Institute of Physics, Tbilisi, Georgia, October 2011
- Supersymmetric
solutions and their entropy, talk at Workshop "The supersymmetric, the
extremal and the ugly - solutions in string theory", Saclay, November
- Lifshitz vs Lifshitz, talk at workshop "Paris meeting on holography at finite density", APC, Paris, November 2011
- Extremal black holes in string theory, talk at ICTP, Trieste, December 2011
- Holographic Renormalisation, talk at KITP conference "Gravity, Black Holes and Condensed Matter," Chicheley Hall, April 2012
- Holographic Nuclear Matter, talk at Spinoza Institute, Utrecht, May 2012
- Some Thoughts on Black Hole Microstates, talk at KITP conference "Black Holes and Information," KITP Santa Barbara, May 2012
- Some
Thoughts on Black Hole Microstates, talk at "Branes and Black Holes (A
London Satellite Meeting)," King's College, London, May 2012
- Chiral
Symmetry Restoration in Holographic QCD?, talk at the workshop
"Applications of Gauge-Gravity Duality," Technion, Haifa, Israel, June