Hoe kan men een netwerkverbinding maken met de UVA


Acad 14

PPP Setup for Windows98

In een paar makkelijke stappen

Hans Ellermeijer 

Software to download

The http/www.ic.uva.nl/uvainbel.

Check for dialup software

First you need to make sure that you have installed the dialup software.

You can check this by: 

  • Open  My Computer
  • Open  Control panel
  • Open  Add/Remove Programs
  • Open  Windows Setup
  • Open  Communication

If dialup networking is not selected, do that now. 


First you need to check if the TCP/IP protocol stack and the dialup adapter software is installed. 

Open  My Computer

Open  Control Panel

Open  Network

If  you do not see  Dial-Up Adapter then install a new adapter by clicking the following buttons in successive windows: 
             Dial-Up Adapter 

If  you do not see TCP/IP then  install TCP/IP by clicking the following buttons in successive windows: 

Open Propperties van Client for Microsoft Networks 

en zet als Windows NT domein:  niets neer leeg laten


Create a new connection

Open  My Computer

Open  Dial-Up Networking
New Communication

Open  Make New Connection
If you do this for the first time a wizard will be started. 


Fill in EEN NAAM  in the first text box. volgende

Then click Configure to setup the modem. 

In the General tab, make sure that the maximum speed is at least 57600 bits per second.  Modern modems transmit data at 28800 bits per second. On the data stream between two modems data compression techniques are used which may yield data rates higher than the raw specified data rate for your modem. The rule of thumb here is to set the speed to twice your modems data rate. 

Select the Connection tab. 

And check that the preferences are set as shown. 

Select the Options tab. 

Make sure that Connection control settings are both blank (bringing up terminal windows slows down the automatic dialin process). 

Click OK

Now you'll see the following window. 

Fill in the phone number   5303200, area code and country code. 

Click Next.

Click Finish

Now you'll see a new connection icon. Select the new connection item using right mouse button, and select Properties

New Communication

In the new window click the Server Type button. 


New Communication

PPP: Windows 98, Windows NT 3.5, Internet is default, leave it at that. 

Make sure all Advanced Options are blank (not checked) 

Sellect Log on to network

Select TCP/IP in the Allowed network protocols, all other protocols should be deselected 

Click TCP/IP Settings
New Communication

Primary DNS:    (CEG nummer) nummer)

Primary WINS:  (CEG nummer) (WZI nummer)

Select  Server assigned IP address

Select Specify name server addresses, and fill in the numbers shown. 

Select  Use IP header compression and Use default gateway on remote network

Click OK to get back to the General section, now click OK again. 

New Communication

 select  NO Scripting

Encrypted passwoord veranderen

*****encrypted passwoord veranderen***** dit is nodig om goed te kunnen inloggen.

regedit.exe   (starten)
ga naar:


from the menu bar select Edit/New/DWORD value

Rename the entry from "New Value #1" to:

Press Enter, then double click on the new entry.
A dialog box will pop up and enable you to set a value.
You must set this value to 1.

Making a connection

Double-click on the WinSternet Icon in the Dial-Up Networking folder (inside My Computer). 
    New Communication
Fill in your user name, make sure it looks like: 
Then fill in your  password. 

If your working from the computer in your home, you may want to check the Save Password check box. 
Don't do this if your working from anywhere else but home as this enables anyone to log into your account.

Now select Connect

You'll see the following window: 

die veranderd naar: 

en gaat naar rechts onder. 

Finally, the window changes and shows the OK, Disconnect  and  Details button. 

You're now connected to the faculty networks. 

ga naar de verkenner, extra, netwerkverbinding maken


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last modified 
14 Juni 1999
178 hits in 
January 1998