Call for Papers
Example Topics
- Addressing the challenge of practical causal inference in the context of real applications;
- Developing measures and methods for evaluating the quality of causal predictions;
- Feasible prediction of post-interventional distributions by reconstructing latent confounders;
- Considering the relative robustness of assumptions and algorithms to model misspecification;
- Methods for causal inference from high-dimensional data;
- Methods for combining different datasets;
- Experimental design for causal inference;
- Real-world validation of causal inference methods;
- Discussions on the possibility of making causal predictions in a highly confounded and cyclic world;
- Occam’s Razor in causal inference (methodological justifications for oversimplified models).
There are two possible submission formats. The authors can either submit:
- a one-page abstract (including references) describing recently published work, or
- a full-length paper, limited to 9 pages (including figures and text, excluding references).
If a contribution consists of material that has been published elsewhere earlier on (except possibly at UAI 2014), the authors must choose the one-page abstract format and cite the original work.
Our submission deadline comes a few days after the UAI author notification deadline. We encourage co-submission of (full) papers that have been submitted to the main UAI 2014 conference. Please indicate if your paper was also submitted to UAI. If accepted for UAI, the paper would be published in UAI proceedings, but we may also invite the authors to give a (oral or poster) presentation at the workshop.
Style files for full papers can be found on the UAI website.
Abstracts and papers must be submitted via e-mail before the deadline (June 6) to
Contributions will be peer reviewed by at least two reviewers. Accepted papers will be presented either as oral presentation or in a poster session.
After the workshop we will publish proceedings via this web-page and on CEUR-WS.
Authors of accepted papers can choose to contribute the submitted manuscript (i.e., the full paper or the abstract). They can also choose not to contribute to the proceedings.
Oral presentation slides will also be disseminated via this web-page.
Important Dates
(following the UAI 2014 main conference, July 24-26) |