Jook Walraven - Curriculum Vitea
Jook Walraven

Given Names: | Joannes Theodorus Maria | |
Birthday: | August 20th, 1947 | |
Birthplace: | Amsterdam, The Netherlands | |
Marital status: | Married | |
Parental status: | Father of one child |
Emeritus Professor of physics at the University of Amsterdam
Mail address:
Prof.dr. J.T.M. Walraven
Van der Waals-Zeeman Instituut
Science Park 904
1098 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Institute phone: +31 20 525 5663
Office phone: +31 20 525 5619
Employment history
2012- | Emeritus Professor of Physics |
at the Institute of Physics of the University of Amsterdam | |
2004-2012 | Professor of Physics |
at the Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute of the University of Amsterdam | |
2002-2003 | Group Leader Quantum Gases |
at the FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF) | |
1996-2002 | Director |
of the FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF) | |
1988-1996 | Professor of Physics |
at the Van der Waals-Zeeman Institute of the University of Amsterdam | |
1979-1988 | Universitair (hoofd) docent |
at the Natuurkundig Laboratorium of the University of Amsterdam | |
1973-1979 | PhD-student |
of the Stichting FOM | |
1967-1973 | Undergraduate Student |
at the University of Amsterdam |
University of Amsterdam, Thesis 1982 (cum laude), Stabilization of Atomic Hydrogen and Deuterium (promotor: prof. dr. I.F. Silvera)
2016 | Visiting professor University of Nice |
2015 | Fellow IQOQI-Innsbruck/ Austrian Academy of Sciences |
2014 | Visiting professor National University Singapore |
2013 | Visiting professor University of Innsbruck/ Austrian Academy of Sciences |
2013 | Visiting professor University of Vienna |
2005 | Fellow of the American Physical Society |
2000 | NWO-Huygens lecture (chaperon-lecturer of Carl Wieman) |
1998 | Appointed in the Hollandse Maatschappij de Wetenschappen, Haarlem |
1995 | Visiting professor at the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Paris |
1990 | Visiting professor Kyoto University |
1990 | NWO - PIONIER |
1984 | Visiting professor Université de Grenoble |
1977 | Shell travel award |
Administrative positions
2012: member AERES Visiting Committee Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel (ENS-Paris)
2011: member Physics review panel of the Academy of Finland
2010: member DFG Review panel of the Research Unit FOR801 "Strong Correlations in Multiflavor Quantum Gases"
2009: member AERES Visiting Committee Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats Reactivité (LCAR-Toulouse)
2009: chairman AERES Visiting Committee Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel (ENS-Paris)
2008: member Visiting Committee of the Physics Department of the Ecole Normale Superieure (ENS-Paris)
2006 - 2010: Member Editorial Board Advances in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
2006 - 2011: Member advisory board Inst. Franc. de Recherche Atomes Froids (IFRAF)
2006 - 2010: Member Advisory committee ESF program on Cold atoms (Euroquam)
2003 - 2005: Member Advisory committee DFG Schwerpunkt Program on Cold atoms
2001 - 2011: Member Fachberat Max Planck Institute for Quantum Optics (Garching)
2001 - 2004: FOM WGM-committee Atomic Physics, Chairman
2000 - 2004: Member Visiting Committee Laboratoire Kastler-Brossel (ENS-Paris)
1996 - 2003: member Editorial Board Journal of Low Temperature Physics
1996 - 2002: FOM-Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics, Director
1995 - 1996: Van der Waals - Zeeman Institute - Chairman
1995 - 1996: Member IUPAP C3 committee (statistical physics)
1990 - 1996: Member IUPAP C5 committee (low temperature)
1991 - 1996: Vakgroep Experimentele Fysica - Chairman
1991 - 1996: Member board of the Foundation for Fundamental Research of Matter (FOM)
1991 - 1995: FOM WGM Statistical physics, Chairman
1989 - 1991: FOM WGM Statistical Physics, Secretary
Theses supervised or co-supervised
2009 | T.G. Tiecke
Feshbach resonances in ultracold mixtures of the fermionic quantum gases 6Li and 40K |
2008 | A. van Amerongen (co-promotor: Dr. N.J. van Druten)
One-dimensional Bose gas on an atom chip |
2005 | Ch. Buggle
Collective and Collisional Properties of the Rubidium Quantum Gas |
2003 | I. Shvarchuck
Bose-Einstein Condensation into Non-Equilibrium States |
2003 | D.S. Petrov (co-promotor: prof.dr. G.V. Shlyapnikov)
Bose-Einstein Condensation in Low-Dimensional Trapped Gases |
2001 | K. Dieckmann
Bose-Einstein Condensation with High Atom Number in a Deep Magnetic Trap |
1999 | A.P. Mosk (co-promotor: dr. M. Reynolds)
Optical Study of Two-Dimensional Atomic Hydrogen Gas |
1999 | P. Fedichev (co-promotor: prof.dr. G.V. Shlyapnikov)
Kinetics and Dynamics Of Trapped Bose-condensed Gases |
1999 | R. de Bruin (co-promotor: dr. A. Michels)
Heat Transfer in a Critical Fluid under Microgravity Conditions - a Spacelab Experiment |
1998 | M. de Langen (co-promotor: dr. K.O. Prins)
Chain Dynamics in the Orthorhombic and Hexagonal Phases of Polyethylene |
1997 | P. Pinkse (co-promotor: dr. T.W. Hijmans)
Evaporatively-Cooled Atomic Hydrogen Investigated by One- and Two-Photon Optical Methods |
1995 | I.D. Setija (co-promotor: dr. T.W. Hijmans)
Optical cooling of magnetically trapped atomic hydrogen |
1994 | J.J. Berkhout
Atomic hydrogen and the surface of liquid helium |
1993 | O.J. Luiten (co-promotor: dr. T.W. Hijmans)
Lyman-alpha spectroscopy of magnetically trapped atomic hydrogen |
1993 | K. Visscher (co-promotor: dr. G.J. Brakenhoff)
Optical micromanipulation and confocal microscopy |
1992 | A.S. Kulik (co-promotor: dr. K.O. Prins)
High pressure NMR on Polymers |
1991 | W.L. Vos (co-promotor: dr. J.A. Schouten)
Phase equilibria in simple systems at high pressure |
1989 | R. van Roijen
Atomic hydrogen in a magnetic trap |
1988 | J.M.V.A. Koelman (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 1e promotor: prof.dr. B.J. Verhaar)
New directions in the theory of spin-polarized atomic hydrogen and deuterium |
1988 | L.P.H. de Goey (Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, 1e promotor: prof.dr. B.J. Verhaar)
Collision phenomena in a quantum gas |
1987 | A.P.M. Mattheij (promotor: prof. dr. I.F. Silvera)
Spin-polarized atomic hydrogen |
1986 | R. Sprik (promotor: prof. dr. I.F. Silvera)
Experiments on Spin-Polarized Atomic Hydrogen at High Density |
Author of 86 papers
Scientific meetings
Organizer of 7 international scientific meetings