Jan van Mill

Korteweg-de Vries Institute for Mathematics
Faculty of Science 
University of Amsterdam
Science Park 105-107, Amsterdam
1098 XG Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Phone: (+31 20 525) 6540
Office: Science Park 107, room F3.26
Email: j dot vanMill at uva dot nl
Secretary: (+31 20 525) 5217


Research interests: Infinite-dimensional topology, geometric topology, set theoretic topology, set theory, measure theory, functional analysis, geometry of Banach spaces

The well-known Russian topologist A. V. Arhangel'skii once described topology as `the science of infinite closeness without distance'. This seemingly unclear formulation describes exactly what the essence of topology really is. Topology studies general properties of closeness, without wanting to measure distances. The internationally renowned Dutch mathematician and intuitionist L.E.J. Brouwer (1881-1966) was one of the trail-blazers of the new subject of topology both nationally and internationally. He solved one of the most fundamental problems of his days: the plane and three-space are topologically really different (as are all finite powers of the real line). This he proved with the aid of his famous Fixed-Point Theorem which one can interpret that after stirring a cup of coffee not too wildly at least one molecule will be at it original position. Another striking example from Brouwer's work are the Lakes of Wada: three lakes on an island that share one and only one border.
Topology is being studied all over the world. Present-day topology covers a wide range of sub-disciplines: from set-theoretic and general topology via topological dynamics, continuum theory and dimension theory to geometric and algebraic topology.  



Professional Activities


Papers 1976 -- ???
Citations Google Scholar
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paper to this journal,
click here.)
Questions and Answers in General Topology
Institut Universitari de Matemàtiques i Aplicacions de Castelló
International Advisory Committee Spanish Topology Network
Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Ryll-Nardzewski Center
Kon. Wisk. Genootschap
Topology Atlas
Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde
Vierkant voor Wiskunde
Geometry and Quantum Theory

Remarks to j dot vanMill at uva dot nl