Local Space Structure by Geometric Algebra of the Hurwitz Unit Quaternions Jens Andresen -- Independent Scientist, Denmark The aims to of this brief letter are to give a short introduction to the study of spatial locality structure using the even part of the Geometric Algebra 𝒢 3 ℝ which is called 2-spinor quaternions ℍ 𝒢 0 2 ℝ 𝒢 3 ℝ )). This is supplemented by the work of Adolf Hurwitz’s (1859-1919) on Number Theory of Quaternions6 to find a normal invariant subgroup of sixteen unit-½-quaternions by superposition of the orthonormal bivector basis which is commutator relations interconnected. This performs a regular tetrahedron space structure of four non-orthogonal bivec-tor directions in local physical space which enables rotation invariant fluctuations.