List of PhD theses supervised by L.G. Suttorp
- M.A.J. Michels, The long-range interaction of relativistic hydrogen atoms,
February 18, 1976
- J.S. Cohen, On the kinetic theory of the one-component plasma, December 19, 1984
- A.J. Schoolderman, On the dynamic properties of plasma in a magnetic field,
October 4, 1989
- A.J. van Wonderen, Instabilities in optical bistability, August 30, 1990
- P. John, On quantum plasmas, January 13, 1995
- R.W.F. van der Plank, Dissipation in quantum optics and the generalized
master equation, October 28, 1997
- M.M. Kettenis, On the inhomogeneous magnetised electron gas, December 6, 2001
- C.M. Wubs, Quantum optics and multiple scattering in dielectrics, June 11,
2003 (with A. Lagendijk)